Breaking Hearts (Valyria)

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I had only just arrived back at the camp after a two and a half weeks of riding. The only times I stopped were when I needed to because my horse was exhausted, Steel and Ice were lagging behind, or because I was incredibly tired. It was difficult, but I was back.

After putting my horse with all the others, I walked through the camp to find Aegon. Steel and Ice followed me, and they seemed to be more awake then I am. I know I should have gotten some sleep, but I just wanted to get back here.

Brandon and Aegon already knew that Hunter was in Dorne, and now I am grateful that he is. He is, after all, the source of all of my problems. I should not have panicked like I did, but the guilt is still eating away at me. It was almost unbearable that day.

Lord Connington and Alysanne Mormont greeted me, and I smiled at them. I just wanted to sit in my tent, have some wine, and then tell Aegon the truth. He deserved the truth and I needed to tell him or I will feel bad for the rest of my incredibly long life.

When I entered the tent I usually shared with Aegon, after the direction of one of the guards, I saw that he was not even here. There was wine sitting on the table, however. I poured myself a goblet and then took a seat.

Not even a minute after, Aegon walked into the tent with a neutral expression on his face. He smiled when he saw me, but it quickly fell when he saw how guilty I looked. I felt bad for having to ruin the moment, but the sooner I tell him, the better.

"I know that you bedded Hunter," Aegon stated, suddenly. "I told him to. It is the only way you will move past your feelings for him. You got your final night together, and now you feel guilty. Sorry, but it had to be done."

"What the bloody hell?" I asked, annoyed. "I do not know whether to kiss you or kick your ass!" A scream of frustration escaped my lips, and I threw myself into a chair, so I was sitting down. "Aegon, how are you so calm about it? I was so upset and I clearly hurt Hunter. Oh my gods..."

"Your Grace, there are a few men carrying a Tyrell banner headed this way!" A guard exclaimed, bursting into the tent.

I got to my feet and walked outside, whistling for Steel and Ice to join me. Aegon followed close behind me, and we were both jogging. I kept my hand on the hilt of my sword, as I got closer to where the guard was leading us.

The Tyrell's were coming from the South-West, which was no surprise. I could see their banners from here, as well as my own men who had spotted them first. At my command, or Aegon's, the entire army would prepare themselves as quickly as possible.

As I got closer to the front of the camp, I could see that there were only a few Tyrell men, and amongst them was Willas Tyrell himself. I drew my sword and slowed to a quick walk. Steel and Ice slowed with me, and Aegon came to my side.

We stood about one hundred metres away from the Tyrell men, who had come to a stop. Willas had to be helped down from his horse, due to his crippled leg. I don't even know why he came here, as it is Lord Mace who is the head of the army.

Steel and Ice growled as Willas and his men got closer. The Tyrell men slowly walked forward, and were clearly nervous, but Willas confidently limped towards me. We were just out of the Riverlands, and had entered Tyrell territory, but we had not suffered any attacks, as their army is at King's Landing.

Willas finally reached us, and Aegon drew his sword. I do not know how he got it, but apparently one of his men gave Aegon their Valyrian steel sword, in return for his dragonbone-hilt dagger. It was a nice sword, but not as nice as mine.

"Your Grace, my Queen," Willas greeted, gesturing for his men to kneel, which they did. "Forgive me, but as you can see, I cannot kneel and bowing is difficult too. I am here to surrender my armies, but I need something in return."

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