A Wedding Laced With Poison

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Unfortunately, it was the day of Joffrey's wedding. Two days ago, when Hunter Baratheon had moved to comfort me, Cersei had decided to drop a dress off for this wedding. I was meant to look my best and not wear any armour at all. We all knew that it was stupid, but I made no fuss.

Ever since the entire court heard about me breaking down, into tears, there had been cruel whispers. I was given a chance to stop them by Tywin, and I had. In front of Joffrey, I explained that the death of my twin brother had crushed me and the memory of him and all of those who had died that I loved was too much to bear. That had stopped everyone from talking and had made them all feel bad.

Now I was on my way to Joffrey's wedding breakfast, where he would be presented with his gifts. After that, I would have an hour to myself before having to go to what I think is called the Great Sept. It is that or the Great Sept of Baelor. It's not my religion, but I was trying to learn about it without converting. Most of the Septons and Septas made that difficult for me, but I ignored them and kept learning.

Finding Joffrey a present was difficult, seeing how I hate the evil prick, so I decided on giving him a new dagger. Maybe that way he could practice until he could actually hold a sword and swing it without a lower born person disarming him. Of course, I had something more formal to say, but that was the real reason.

As I took my seat next to Loras, he smiled at me and took my hand. Olenna had snapped at him when he had not been the one to comfort me. She really wanted everyone to believe that Loras and I were in love and I did not blame her. House Tyrell's reputation was on the line. I did not have to worry, as the reputation of House Stark was already crushed, but I was trying to better our position.

Sansa and Tyrion were on the other end of the table, but I had greeted Sansa with a hug and a smile as soon as I had seen her. Tyrion nodded at me and I just looked at him. It was no secret that the marriage infuriated me, despite the fact that Tyrion was actually quite nice. I just thought it belittling, seeing how no one agreed to it and a young woman who was so pretty was married to an Imp. It just was not right.

After a lovely breakfast, it was time for everyone to give Joffrey his presents. Of course, I had thought that Margaery deserved something too, so I had brought an exquisite necklace with emeralds on it. It was nowhere near as expensive or beautiful as Joffrey's dagger, but it was still very nice.

I stood up and walked over to the future queen and her horrid king. I smiled at them both as I reached them and a squire brought over their gifts. He held them as I picked up the small box with Margaery's necklace in it.

"Your Grace, I hope you do not mind that I got your soon-to-be queen a gift too," I said, politely. "It is not as nice as your present, but it is still something. They are from House Stark and the people I was sworn to protect."

I handed Margaery the box and Joffrey his dagger, which was in it's sheath that showed a lion killing all of it's enemy deer. They both looked at their gift and the glint of the steel matched the evil glint that was in Joffrey's eyes. Margaery looked up and smiled at me, clearly liking her gift.

"Thank you, my lady," Joffrey said. "These are both very lovely gifts and I like the fact that you thought of your queen too."

I curtseyed and returned to my seat, not wanting to hear what everyone else had to say. Quite frankly, I could not care less, but I wanted to keep House Stark in a high place, despite the fact that four of us had openly committed treason.

Mace Tyrell got up and took a large cup over to Joffrey and Margaery. I am surprised the old man could lift it, but I bit my tongue and said nothing. Loras would be offended and angry, as would everyone that was sitting near me.

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