May The Gods Have Mercy

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Someone shook me awake, which was not the best way to wake up. I blinked a few times, struggling to adjust to the sudden light. I did not even know where I was, which was no help. If it were not so damn bright, I might be able to see the person who woke me up.

I sat up, cracked my back, and then remembered that I had fallen asleep in the Godswood. There was no denying that it was warmer here than it would be in the Broken Tower. I also felt welcome here. I had been blessed with prophecy-like dreams showing me that Bran was doing fine.

When I look to see who it was that woke me up, I saw Lady Barbrey Dustin. She looked displeased with where I chose to sleep. My guess was that she was either sent to look for me by Roose Bolton, or he had dismissed my disappearance and she wanted to find me to spite him.

Slowly and carefully, I got to my feet. I brushed leaves off of my clothes and armour. It had been quite an uncomfortable sleep, with my armour still on, but I was not sore. My body healed too fast for me to be sore.

Lady Dustin waved at me to sort myself out, so I did. I took my hair out of it's braid, and then had to use my fingers as a brush. When I got a majority of the knots out, I braided it again and hoped that it was done correctly.

Then I removed my armour to sort out my actual clothes. Once they were dirt-free, I put my chainmail back on, and then my boiled leather. I placed my grey cloak on over that and welcomed it's warmth. I used the water from the pond to wash my face and hands.

"Roose said you probably left in the middle of the night, but we all doubted that," Barbrey explained. "I was not going to come and find you at first, but then I figured out why Roose Bolton openly showed his hatred of you. The man feels nothing, but he finds a way to hate you. Surely you find it odd."

"I figured it was because he wants power, as this is all a game to him," I told her, calmly. "People like Wyman Manderly and I are in his way, and he is waiting for a good way to take us out. I know I would be dead if Tywin Lannister had not wanted me alive. You seem like you could get in his way too, but it is clear that you choose not to."

Barbrey fell silent as we walked out of the Godswood together. Her anger and bitterness towards me was still clear, but there was something else there. She openly hated my father for not bringing back the bones of her husband, but she was kind to me. I am not sure if it is fear or something else.

"If you can make observations like that and think nothing of them, you must be a fool," Barbrey decided, showing her animosity again. "Seeing how deeply you love some people, it cannot be that you are as emotionless as Roose Bolton."

"Maybe I am just good at what I do," I suggested. "Or maybe a few months in King's Landing with a mind that was already cunning and sharp has led to me to be able to manipulate people and observe them better. Just a few suggestions for you to ponder."

My words led to silence and I realized that I had said the wrong thing. However, the silence allowed me to really think. Lady Dustin is not truly loyal to House Stark or House Bolton, but I know how that can be swayed. With the loyalty of House Dustin, we will also gain the loyalty of House Ryswell and it is two unloyal birds with one stone.

I grinned to myself, and this clearly unsettled Barbrey. I had not meant to actually show my emotions, so I suppressed the grin and kept walking. She was clearly thinking also, and probably about how all of this is a game to Roose Bolton.

We exited the Godswood and I noticed a drop in the temperature. A white frost gripped onto the castle, and it was rather noticeable. It was just one warning of the colder, harsher times to come. Soon there will be snow storms, and people will begin to die.

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