Announcement + Loose Ends

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Hey guys :)

I have a new Game of Thrones fan fiction up called Winter's Fire and once again it's main character is from House Stark, but this storyline is to do with the Targaryen's (Viserys and Daenerys) and starts six months before the books/tv show. The main character's name is Alessia and her character only has a few things in common with Valyria so they're really different.

Also, there's a few loose ends that I can think of at the top of my head that I never tied up. Really, they're more like unanswered questions. If you have any more than please ask because I'd be happy to tell you what happened to a certain character, even if it's just at a certain time in their life that isn't seen in this book.

Valyria's sword:
Okay, so there's two mysteries about Valyria's sword and one of them is how old it is and where it came from. It's from the end of the Age of Valyria, and it ended up outside Winterfell because a soldier was travelling to the Wall to give the sword to Brynden Rivers but he died before he got there.

The second is what ended up happening to her sword. She kept it up until the day she died, and requested on that day for her servants to hide it, which they did. She believed that only someone worthy of the sword would be able to find it, as Hunter pointed out that it was spelled with magic he did not know. The next person to wield it was a man named Leonas Royce, and then Sansa Arryn.

Why Catelyn hated Valyria:
I think I might've partially explained this before, but I can't remember off the top of my head. Basically, while Catelyn was pregnant with Robb and Valyria, they burned a woman suspected of being a witch in Riverrun. The witch cursed Catelyn to have a child that was half-beast and because of the shape-shifter blood in the Starks, Valyria ended up being that beast.

Catelyn did not show any hatred until Valyria was about two, and she noticed that there was a connection between Valyria and most animals. She took this as a sign that Valyria was the half-beast child and assumed the worst, but also knew she could not harm her own child.

Why Hunter and Valyria died together:
This one is probably a bit more obvious than the rest, but Valyria and Hunter died together because they did not have anyone else they were willing to get close to and because they still loved each other. Their love was real and it never completely faded for either of them, it was just surpassed by their love for those they married. They never fell in love again because they both agreed it would be disrespectful to their families and spouse.

So, those are three questions answered but if you have any more feel free to ask.

- Izzy

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