It Will Not Burn

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Stannis had called to see me again, which annoyed me. It has been a week and Hunter has not gotten any better, so I want to be by his side and Stannis knows that. However, I cannot deny the man who is now in control of the Night's Watch.

Allister and Brandon arrived, so I went to find Stannis. I stopped by the stables and got Steel and Ice, both of whom were overjoyed to see me. I scratched the ears of both of the direwolves before leading them into the tower Stannis was staying in.

Princess Shireen saw the passing direwolves and looked at them, questioningly. She squealed when they approached her, but began to giggle as they licked her face and showed her kindness. I greeted the young princess and excused my wolves and I, before going to find her father.

As I had expected, Stannis was in his chambers with Melisandre, Ser Davos, and Queen Selyse. Both Melisandre and Selyse glared at me as I walked in, but I smiled at them and ignored their anger. They did not intimidate me in the slightest.

If I were to tell the truth, the only reason Melisandre could do any damage is because of the fact that she has Stannis in the palm of her hand. If she says dance, he will do it. If she says burn your child's uncle, well, he's already done that.

King Stannis Baratheon turned to look at me, and was startled to see my direwolves. Both wolves were up to my ribs and he knew they were trained to not only work with me, but to obey my every command. Maybe bringing them was not the best idea, but I have missed my wolves.

"Lady Stark, take a seat," Stannis commanded.

I did as he said and could feel Melisandre and Selyse glaring holes into my back. Steel sat on my left and Ice sat on my right, as they always did. Ser Davos also sat down, but he was between Stannis and I. I just assumed it was so I did not try anything.

Stannis was in a terrible mood and I did not need a sixth sense to know it. Both Steel and Ice stayed where they were, but they were on edge. Melisandre and Selyse were angry, and Ser Davos looked as if he disagreed with what was going to happen.

"You drive a hard bargain, Lady Stark," Stannis stated. "In return for the loyalty of you, your friends, and your shape-shifter allies, you get your titles, I repair Winterfell, and the men of the houses that are to be under you will not be harassed. You also want Ramsay and Roose Bolton taken captive. It is a lot to ask."

"Those Northern men have seen more war in the past twenty years than anyone should have to," I told Stannis, coldly. "To be entirely fair, lending my strength and my men, who I personally do not want at risk, is quite a lot. I will not have the money or the men to fix my home, so it is only right that you help. As for my titles and the death of Ramsay and Roose Bolton, they are my rite."

"My Lady, that is not how you address your king," Ser Davos reminded me. "I understand that you are upset with what has happened these past few years, but it is partially your fault. You must understand-"

"You think I do not know that I am the reason that the Riverlands are in a state of constant destruction?" I asked, bitterly. "Do you think that I meant to do this? I followed my brother into war so my sisters would be freed and my brothers would be safe too. We went to war for my father, who's head was cut off because he said Stannis was king. Forgive me if I am hesitant to follow the same man. I rather like my head where it is."

Silence fell upon the room as I glared at both Ser Davos and Stannis. They had no argument. There was no argument for the truth. If they even tried, they knew I could continue. I could go through all of the consequences of what happened when I first went to war.

There was a goblet and a jug of wine, so I poured myself a drink. No one stopped me as I sipped it, but then spat it back out when it tasted odd. Poison had been in that or something that I am not meant to digest, so I set it back down and sighed loudly.

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