The Battle of Castle Black

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Tonight was the full moon and there was tension in the air. My power felt stronger than usual, even for a full moon. I kept changing my fingernails into claws and then back to fingernails. Brandon, Allister and Hunter were going over their battle plan, which I had insisted having no part in. That is why I was in my chambers alone.

All of my weapons had been sharpened and clean. Steel and Ice were not allowed to join the fight, but I have fed well, just in case. Hobb, the main cook, agreed that it was a good idea. He said that this is war, Alliser Thorne is a fool and wolves are a good defense.

From my chambers, I could hear men in the courtyard trying to prepare everything. We should be ready by now. Alliser's foolishness was out of control. He told the men to hold most of the weapons down in the castle until the horn is blown, which is a terrible idea.

The sun had just set, so surely the Wildlings would attack soon. I was more excited than I was nervous, as it is not my first battle and I am prepared to ensure that it will not be my last. There is a part of me that enjoys the way it feels to kill a man or just to have a sword in hand and to be really fighting.

Just as I had been expecting, the horn blew. I sheathed my dagger, made my nails go back to normal and then rushed out of the room. Once I got to the courtyard of Castle Black, I slowed my pace to quite a quick walk.

The lift left the ground before I got there. Hunter, Allister and Brandon were at the back and there is no way in hell that I am waiting for it to come back down. It was too far to jump, so I focused on shifting into an eagle.

I felt all of my bones break and I heard people gasp. When I looked at myself, I had wings and feathers. I lifted up, off the ground by flapping my arms. Then I flew to the lift. As soon as I got close enough to land on the bars, I did.

When I shifted back, almost everyone panicked. I dropped through the bars and shook my hair, getting rid of the strand in front of my eyes. Everyone stared at me, but I waved them away and watched the lift rise.

Hunter, Allister and Brandon stood beside me. They were all nervous and silent, for which I was oddly thankful. It was the first battle that I feared losing everyone I loved. In my first battle, which was only a distraction, I thought I would be fine. Now I know better.

I still remember how I felt going into my first and last battles in the War of the Five Kings. That was how I felt now. I am worried, but so excited that it almost cancels it out. This battle was going to be something new because I would be shifting.

We reached the top of the Wall and everyone exited the lift as quickly as possible. Jon had been doing a patrol atop the Wall, so he was helping men out. I walked past him and over to the edge that allowed whoever was commanding the archers to see everything.

Hunter, Allister and Brandon all had a box of arrows and a bow each. When Jon joined us, he seemed to be worried. Alliser Thorne marched over and stood beside me, looking out at the Wildling army. I had to look at them too, so I did.

The Wildling army was like something out of Old Nan's stories. There were giants and mammoths and so many men that I began to doubt whether or not we could do this. From what I had been told, there is 100 000 thousand men and I have no trouble believing it.

Fires were raging as the Wildlings got themselves into formation. There were giants in the front line and some of them were riding mammoths. It was a truly frightening sight. Wildlings have to fight to survive, so they will be good, and most of these men can barely swing a sword.

"I fear for our lives," I confessed, suddenly. "Allister, I assume you can contact me. Brandon, prepare all of those who are going to fight in Castle Black, but are helping up here. Hunter, use your magic to help guide the arrows away from me, but still hit the wildlings. Jon, you do your thing."

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