74 |Someday soon|

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June 25th, 2020
Y/n's POV

"Come on Angelo, we are not doing this again. Just let daddy give you one stress free bath just this once."

"I don't understand what your issue is with this arrangement, you need to get cleaned up? It's not even gonna take that long, you'll be back in your crib sleeping in literally no time at all."

At this point, he was having a full blown fit.

Like I understand why, he's tired and honestly I don't blame him for acting like this due to his exhaustion but he has to get cleaned up first.

It's crazy cause he only acts like this when I have to give him his bath but he's a perfect angel for Ariana, if it wasn't clear enough that he's a mama's boy then now you can kinda see it.

I'm just trying to do what I have to do as a father to make sure that my kid is taken care of, but for whatever reason he simply will not allow me to do that.

So, he just kept crying.

I'm able to get him to stop thankfully after having to listen to him cry for a good minute it seems like, this is pretty much the norm for when it comes to bath time with dad.

He has his little mini fit, and I sit there and wait till he calms down before I can actually start to clean him up.

Sometimes he cries during his bath time, it's like his little ass is scared of the water or something.

I don't know honestly.

"Nope, no Toulouse this is not you're bath time. You'll get yours tomorrow."

I swear he comes around at the most inopportune times.

Let's not forget that he always brings the whole farm with him.

Like, I have no time for that.

Now I gotta try and get all of them out of the bathroom which Angelo seems to think is funny.

The one and only time he seems happy when I give him his baths.

Just cracks him up.

I won't lie though, hearing him laugh is something that truly makes me smile.

He's just so pure and innocent.

I guess the only good thing about this situation is that piggy and the dogs do seem to calm him down when he gets too riled up.

Trust me he can go on crying for hours if he wanted to.

Luckily that's not an issue.

It would be bad if it was, I don't think I could handle him crying literally all day everyday.

I might end up crying at that point.

It's whatever though, I gotta get him a bath so he can go to sleep cause otherwise he'll fall asleep while I'm actually giving him his bath.

Eventually I was able to round up the animals in the bathroom and got them out with little to no hassle before giving Angelo his bath in which he just laughed the whole time.

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