9 |Zach Sang|

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October 19th, 2018
Ariana's POV

"Oh I am so happy to see that you are alive and well today." I smiled at Zach and nodded in agreement before taking a seat across from him.

"I guess we're on the same page then cause it's been a tough few months for me, I really don't know how I've managed to keep myself sane." We both laugh at that.

"It's probably the music, you always say how writing is a therapy in a way for you. Do you think that's what it's been over the past few months?"

I was a little stumped on the question because it was but it wasn't at the same time.

Don't get me wrong though, writing music will always be a healer for me but not necessarily in the case of these last few months.

"Yes and no, I've been writing and recording over the past few months Zach but it's been a mix of a lot things for me." He nods smiling at that.

"So are you going to tell us all what it's been for you or are you gonna leave us in the dark about it, we don't want to have to go digging for information?"

"I guess I'll tell you, it's not really that big of a deal though. He's just been there for me to keep my mind on the right track." He raises his eyebrow in surprise.

"So it's a he?" I nod at Zach's question. "Does this he happen to be Y/n Y/l/n?"

I shrugged and smiled at the question.

"I don't know who you're talking about." I was playing the clueless game but in all honesty that's what you gotta do sometimes when you don't want everyone to know your business.

"I see what you're doing here Ms. Grande, that's okay though cause we'll figure it out sooner or later. Let's get into the music aspect of things though."

"Now you're speaking my language Zach." We both laugh and he nods. "This is what I came here for, and if you ask good enough questions I'll spill some information."

"And now you're speaking my language." I smiled hearing that. "Okay for the first question, what has the process been like for you after the release of your sweetener album and why did you just decide to go ahead and start writing and recording for a potential next album?"

"The process for me has been pretty much the same." He nods and I continue. "You know you go through a lot of shit during the recording process, and you go through even more shit during the writing process because you feel like there's just so much that you want to get out but you don't really know how you can express it."

"I get that, and I hear that it's tough for a lot of artists so you're not alone." I nodded. "So what drove you to thinking that you were gonna write a whole other album after sweetener had come out just a couple short months ago?"

"With everything that happened over the past few months and even the past few years, I guess I just developed a dependability. What that dependability was for me was basically just making music that made me feel like there was nothing to worry about at the moment when in reality that wasn't the case for me." He nods.

"I love that, but I also love the fact that you're not afraid to tell the absolute truth to your fans about things happening around you...and really just how you're feeling on a daily basis."

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