34 |Its bad|

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July 12th, 2019
Y/n's POV

"Okay Y/n why aren't you dressed, I told you to start getting ready an hour ago?"

I swear Brandon was starting to get on my nerves.

Like I get he's my manager and everything but he needs to get off my back sometimes cause I have no time for it right now.

"I'm getting dressed, I'm just busy doing something right now." I looked back down at my phone in my hand and he shakes his head.

"This is like the fourth time just this morning that you've tried to call her, why can't you just give her the space she obviously needs and wants?"

"How do you know what she wants?"

"Y/n come on man, she hasn't even answered the phone for you or answered a single text message since what happened at your parent's house. It's obvious that she's upset right now."

"Yeah but still, we should be trying to have a mature conversation about maybe fixing things instead of acting like the other simply doesn't exist."

"What is there to talk about Y/n? Your mom degraded her openly in front of your family and you didn't say anything while it happened." I nodded. "It took your brothers to physically do something in order to get her to stop, and yet Ariana's boyfriend couldn't do shit but watch for some reason."

He didn't have to say all that, I know I messed up but that's my mom.

"For some reason I just can't stand up to my mom like that, I love Ariana and it hurt me to see her cry like that but I don't know I just-I don't know okay."

"Well right now there are other things that need your attention, like this radio show that you have to be on in 45 minutes that you for some strange reason are not ready for yet." I rolled my eyes at his incessant behavior but I obliged anyway.

"Alright I'm getting ready, I'll be down in like 20-30 minutes." He just walked out of the room leaving me to myself and my thoughts.


"Sorry I'm late, I was taking care of some things." The host stood up to shake my hand before we both sat down. "It's Tyler right?"

He nods. "You're good, no worries I'm just happy that you're here." I nodded. "Alright you guys I'm here with Y/n, I'm sure you all have heard that name literally everywhere but I was lucky enough to be having him here today so let's jump right into it."

"You sure?" I was a bit surprised but he just nodded at the question. "Alright then go ahead."

"Alright well before you had got here I basically asked the people of Twitter what they think I should ask you and they had a couple of questions so answer as honestly as you can."

"Sounds good."

"So the first question was basically asking like what's your day in the life like, what is a normal day for you on tour look like?"

"On tour." I thought about it for a second. "Well I would say basically you know I wake up around six in the morning which I didn't actually used to do, but I've gotten so used to being woken up around that time because that's when my girl wakes up for some reason."

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