61 |Good advice|

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January 31st, 2020
Ariana's POV

"I still can't believe that you kept your pregnancy a secret from me, and then you went on and told basically the entire world at the Grammys that we're expecting a baby. That's such a shitty way to find out that I'm gonna be a father, like you couldn't have told me before you told literally everyone else?"

I turned my head from the window to look at Y/n who was already actively looking at me.

"Baby I'm sorry you had to find out that way instead of me personally telling you that okay, but knowing you and how you get I'm almost positive you wouldn't have liked the idea of me continuing to tour while being pregnant."

"Yeah no shit Ari, why would I want you to continue to put our baby at risk night after night just to satisfy the fans? At the end of the day I'm all about the fans and making them happy, but they take a back seat when it comes to my family." I chose not to say anything since he seemed like he wasn't finished talking. "Why would Scooter let you continue this tour knowing that you were pregnant?"

"He didn't want me to continue the tour, but I really wanted to finish. There wasn't even that many shows left to do Y/n."

"That's not the point, you and I both know you have a tendency of having slip ups in those tall ass heels you wear on stage. Anything could have happened, but sure finishing tour is more important than our unborn baby that I for some reason am just now finding out about."

I could sense the sarcasm in his voice and honestly I didn't understand it.

I didn't think he'd be this upset about it or really upset at all cause he had told me initially after my whole announcement at the Grammys that he wasn't upset, he was more surprised than anything but I guess he's had time to reconsider his feelings.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't want you to worry about me when I know you had your own tour to finish." He turned to look out the window not bothering to look my way any longer. "If it makes you feel any better, we had a physician on hand checking on me and the baby at all times before and after shows and he always had something good to say."


Well isn't this a great way to start this weekend...


"So are we just gonna act like that conversation in the car just did not happen or what?"

Usually I was the one who would completely shut down after arguments like this, but I was in the wrong this time so I can't exactly say nothing this time since it was my fault that we even had to discuss this.

Still though, I'd rather not go through periods where we don't talk to each other over things like this.

Especially since we go to sleep right next to each other every night.

Going to bed upset with the person that you love just doesn't sit right with me, like I get that telling everybody else before I even mentioned it to him was wrong considering the way I announced it but we all make mistakes.

Maybe not as large scale as I did, but still I don't think that qualifies as a reason to get so upset to the point that ignoring me is the only viable option for him.

"Yeah we are, I'm not going to argue with you infront of our family because that's embarrassing and I'm not trying to ruin this weekend for anybody else. Now if you want to argue with me about this even more when there is no possible way that you could win this argument, then that's fine by me cause there are many places in Florida we can go without our family to resolve this. That's all up to you though Ariana."

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