62 |Baby Shopping|

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Ariana's POV

"So, what's up with you and your baby daddy? The tension between you two at Jayden's house was quite obvious earlier."

I stopped what I was doing to answer her question. "I don't know Vic, I mean I thought we were good. I thought that he was okay with the way I'd gone about announcing my pregnancy on Grammy night, he told me that he wasn't mad then and now I guess he changed his mind and now he's actually really upset about it."

"You know I love you and I support whatever decisions you make in your life because you're my best friend, but I have to think logically and side with Y/n here. No he shouldn't let it get him this upset, but you really could've told him when the doctor told you that you were pregnant instead of how you chose to tell him along with literally everybody else."

"I know, and I feel horrible that he had to find out that he was gonna be a father along with literally everyone else in the world. I guess I just didn't want him to constantly worry about me on tour when he had his own shit to worry about at the time."

"He only worries because he cares about you Ari, and honestly if I were you I'd take him worrying rather than waiting for months to pass and having told people already before I actually told him." I nodded at what she said.

"Yeah I guess you're right." She nods in response. "What am I supposed to do now though, this is supposed to be a nice weekend in Miami and now he barely wants to talk to me because of this?"

Nikki, Talia, Kehlani, Courtney, Tayla, and Alyssa all walked into the baby store that Vic and I were in.

They had all got distracted on the way here so we all just agreed to meet back up in here once they were finished.

"What are you two talking about?" Nikki stops the stroller JJ and Adeya were sitting in beside us while everyone else gathered around to listen in.

"Just about how she can try and salvage this weekend so it's not a complete mess."

They all had confusion clear on their faces.

"What do you mean so it's not a mess, it's literally Super Bowl weekend in Miami girl? What could possibly ruin this weekend for you?" Nikki asked and everyone else nodded.

"You're brother-in-law is such a difficult person to handle sometimes."

Talia, Lani, Alyssa, and Nikki laughed at my confession.

"Which one are you talking about? Literally all four of those boys are a handful, I don't even know how we put up with them on a day to day basis without pulling our hair out." We all agreed with what Talia had said cause it was true.

"Y/n, I just don't get him sometimes. He had this whole ass fit over the fact that I announced my pregnancy at the Grammys which I now understand completely was wrong and I should have told him from the beginning, but now he's using that as an excuse to ignore me like that makes no sense at all."

Lani rests her hand on my shoulder and looks me in the eye.

"Let me just keep it simple okay Ari, guys are stupid plain and simple. Yes Y/n has a right to be upset about not being the first person you told that you were pregnant, but at the same time he can't just let that be the thing that divides you two cause at the end of the day you two have to get along to raise this baby right."

"That's all I want to do Lani, but he's making things more complex than they need to be."

"Maybe you guys just need to talk it out and see where that gets you, he can't go around ignoring you cause I know you're not gonna allow that." I shook my head at what Courtney said cause there was no way I was gonna allow him to do something like that. "Just get it all out into the open and say what you need to say to eachother, who knows maybe there are extra stressors that are making him seem easily agitated right now and that's why he's acting like this."

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