52 |Good to be back, Sorta|

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October 25th, 2019
Y/n's POV

"What's up Y/n?"

I did my usual handshake with my brother Xavier before taking a seat in one of the leather rolling chairs in the studio letting my crutch rest on the wall beside me.

"Nothing much, just got back from another annoying interview and I was in the area so I figured I'd stop by and see how you were doing."

He laughs but nods in response.

"Why was this interview annoying? Also I heard the rest of your tour got post poned cause of the accident, I'm sorry about that."

"It's all good, I mean the most important thing is that I'm still alive so I can't really complain too much."

"Yeah, I'm glad you're doing better now. Why was this interview so annoying though?"

"Cause it just was, like I feel like everyone is always asking the same questions and I get sick of it sometimes like there's no point in me being there if they're not gonna change up the questions a bit. Plus that was like my second or third interview since I got back to the states a few days ago."

"This is the life you signed up for though, every career comes with that one flaw that you can't exactly get over and the flaw for yours is apparently repetitive interviews." I nodded. "So what were the questions about?"

"They were about the accident I was in."

He seemed to understand immediately.

"I mean what did you expect? I feel like until you're back to how you were before that's gonna be like the only thing people talk about besides the music."

I guess I'd expected people to be a bit more understanding of the situation rather than use it for content, but then again this is America so people will pretty much do and say anything for likes and clicks at this point.

"I know, but I still don't want to constantly hear about how sorry people are that this happened to me." Shock was clear on his face at this point. "So hearing those questions were annoying, I mean sympathy to some extent is fine but when that's the main focus of everything I just have to get the focus somewhere else."

"I get what you're saying."

"I mean it's bad enough that I have to look at the damage that was done due to the accident, but having to relive that just isn't what I want."

He nods. "Wait wasn't it your anniversary with Ariana a few days ago."

"Yeah, and we had to spend that night in the hospital. His eyes widened. "I know, it sounds awful and that's cause it was. She made me make up for it when we got back here in LA a few days ago with a shopping trip on top of the stuff I had already got her for our anniversary, mind you I have a broken arm and leg."

"I think it's well deserved though Y/n, I mean she does have to put up with you and your needs at home until she goes back on tour."

"I know, but I wish she didn't have to. I really don't like the idea of being so immobile that someone else more namely my girlfriend has to take care of me and help me do some of the things I can't do because of my broken arm and leg."

"So you mean to tell me that you don't like someone waiting on you hand and foot?" I nodded. "Look I know this sounds messed up but if I were to get fucked up like you did and Talia had to take care of me I'd relish that shit."

"We are two different people Xavier. I start to feel bad for Ariana, it's only been a few days and I already feel like she's done so much for me and she still has her own shit to worry about."

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