81 |Can it get worse?|

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November 15th, 2020
Ariana's POV

"I don't know Vic, I've looked literally everywhere in this big ass house and I haven't found it. Y/n is going to really kill me when he finds out I was the one who lost it."

I was currently FaceTiming her while also tearing the house apart again in my search for this engagement ring.

"Ari I'm sure the ring is somewhere in the house, there's no way it just up and left so you should be able to find it. I mean we never left your bedroom with the ring so it should be in there somewhere."

This was honestly stressing me out, I had already looked everywhere in the room and still no ring.

Plus I can't really spend all day looking cause I have to go shoot a music video in an hour.

"Maybe, I'll try looking when I get home later tonight. I have to go shoot the video for 34+35 with director X soon."

She nods in an okay, and at the same time the door to the bedroom opens.

Y/n holding onto Angelo stops at the doorway with a confused look on his face.

The reason being, I was knelt over on the floor looking under our bed at the moment.

"I'll talk to you later Vic, I have to go."

She said her goodbye to me and I said the same to her before the phone was hung up.

Standing up and straightening my clothes out, Y/n finally takes a couple steps into the room.

"Um what is going on in here? Why is the room such a mess?"

Shaking my head I didn't really want to tell him the whole truth about my intentions when it came to literally destroying our room for a bit.

"I was looking for something, but I couldn't find it so yeah. Don't worry about it though, I'll clean it up when we get home later."

He seemed concerned with the answer I'd given him oddly enough.

"Ari are you sure everything is fine with you, ever since we had that dinner with our friends you've just been off lately?"

I nodded taking Angelo from him cuddling him close to me.

"I swear to you I'm okay, I just haven't been feeling good lately is all. I'll get over it though, so don't worry about it alright?"

"Okay I trust you, but you'll let me know if something is up with you right?" I nodded solemnly. "Alright, well we better head out now so you can shoot this video before it gets too late."


"Alright you do your thing, Angelo and I are gonna watch from behind the camera with Director X."

I simply nodded at what Y/n said and he makes his move to go sit alongside some of the people working the cameras, but not before leaning in to kiss me.

Angelo didn't really seem to be a huge fan of seeing his mom and dad kiss cause he made quick work of trying to separate the two of us which made everyone in the immediate vicinity who had seen the interaction laugh.

Forever Boy {Ariana/Male}Where stories live. Discover now