38 |Boyfriend|

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August 8th, 2019
Ariana's POV

"Okay girl, you gotta tell us everything that happened." Victoria says to me and everyone in the room nods.

"Y'all wanna hear everything?" They nodded. "We gotta shoot this video though?"

"You can gossip some, we got a whole hour till the shoot actually starts so you have time."

"Alright I guess I can talk some, but you can't tell Y/n I told you about any of this. Okay?" They nodded. "Alright well let's just say my baby is an idiot, like I love him but he is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. He's smart about somethings but I don't know, lately he just has not been thinking with the right head."

"Can you just tell us what happened, like we know Y/n is messed up in the head but I need to know the tea." I playfully rolled my eyes at what Courtney said.

"Fine. Y'all remember what happened at his parent's place right?" They nodded in agreement. "Okay well he still hasn't talked to his mom which is crazy to me because last time that I checked it's been a full month since the incident and he's still made no moves to talk to her and tell her what she did was wrong."

"That's expected." I furrowed my eyebrows at what Doug said.

"Why do you think that?"

"Well that's his mom so you know, I can imagine he doesn't want to like completely go off on the woman who literally gave birth to him." Everyone else nodded but I wasn't set on that answer.

"Okay but I'm his girlfriend and obviously without a doubt his future wife so he should defend me no matter who or what it is that he's defending me against. I get it's his mom but at the end of the day she doesn't have to be with me, he does."

"Yeah but put yourself in his shoes, his mom was the first woman to love him regardless of his flaws at the end of the day." I nodded at Vic's words cause that was true. "She probably just feels threatened by your presence, and because of what happened with him and his ex she just doesn't want something like that to happen to him again."

"I get that but still I'm not his ex at the end of the day and I never will be, I love Y/n more than anything."

"But does she know that?" I had to think about that for a second.

"I mean I would hope so." They didn't seem convinced and they all just looked at me. "I don't know why that's not enough for her. She made a poor judgement on me because of the things that have happened in my past and the fact that Y/n didn't do anything makes it hurt much more."

"Not excusing his behavior, but maybe you should tell him how you feel Ari."

"Fredo I can't just tell him that, he already feels like he has enough shit to deal with so if I tell him then that'll just make him upset." He shrugs. "Besides I already told him once and he said that he'd handle it so I'm leaving it alone."

"And when was that?" The look Vic was shooting me was kinda scary if I'm being honest but it was whatever.

"I thought you guys wanted to hear what happened, this isn't supposed to be a conversation you turn against me?"

"Nobody is turning anything on you, go ahead and finish saying what you had to say." I nodded at Mikey's words.

"Well anyways, fast forwarding or backtracking to last week which was Lollapalooza." They nodded. "Y/n finally showed up after years it seems like and we got to talking about something I can't really remember, but then Mikey comes knocking talking about somebody was here to see Y/n and then next thing I know he's opening the door and his ex is standing on the other side."

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