5 |Dates & Pizzas|

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Ariana's POV

I stepped out of the booth once I removed the headphones and saw Y/n in shock causing me to laugh.

"What's up?" He didn't say anything for second before breaking out of whatever trance he was currently caught up in.

"That was absolutely incredible, like I knew you could sing but not like that."

"Should I be offended?" I smiled looking over at Victoria.

"No I didn't mean it like that, but damn girl. You can really sing, I honestly had no idea you had pipes like that."

"Well I'll take that compliment and run with it, but thank you though. I've been working on this voice ever since I was a little girl." He nods and Vic and I sit down on the couch.

"So, do you wanna run through it again or..?"

"Not today, maybe we can meet back here tomorrow?" He nods in agreement.

"That's perfectly fine, I'm pretty sure you wanna go home and get your rest."

"Yeah I mean that would be nice, unless you had other plans in mind."

I don't think he caught onto what I said until he eventually did.

"Oh I get what you mean, but to answer your question no. I don't really have plans to do anything after this session besides maybe holing up in this studio to record some more music."

"Well how bout I make us some plans, we can go to Desano's and get some pizza. I don't have plans myself anyways?"

"That actually sounds great, we can go now if that's what you were thinking?" I smile and nod.

"Great, it's a date." I wink at him and he shrugs getting up and follows me out the door.

He opens the passenger side door for me to get in before closing it going over to his side and getting in as well.

"You ready?" I nod putting my seatbelt on and he starts the car.

He pulled out from behind the studio and made his way towards Desano's.

The ride there was generally quiet, but a good quiet so I didn't mind the overall ride their.

Once we reached the place, we picked a booth in the back in order to get some privacy but it was relatively quiet in there so it didn't matter too much.

"So...Y/n, tell me about yourself." He looked up and across from him at me and I was smiling right back in his direction.

"Well what do you want to know?"

"What's your family like, what were you like as a kid? I don't know anything you'd want me to know about you." He took in a breath before breathing out.

"Well like I said before, I have three brothers who are like the most annoying people you will ever meet. Two of them are younger than me and the third one is older than me by like two years but we're all pretty close." I nodded at that.

"Seems nice, I have my one brother but I love him at the end of the day. He's just always so happy which is why I love him as much as I do."

"That's good." I smile hearing that. "So, about this date...is it really a date or were you just pulling my leg?"

I laugh once again hearing that.

"I'm pretty sure I'm not pulling your leg Y/n."

He sat back a bit more interested now. Not that he didn't seem like it wasn't before but now he was definitely more interested in what I was going to say now.

"So, what are you getting at here then Ariana?"

"I honestly don't know Y/n." He cocked his head at my response. "Okay, I don't know. I guess this is a date but an unofficial date, I just wanted to get to know you for who you really are instead of just the guy who spilled his coffee on me."

"Oh, I see. I guess I was just nervous seeing how beautiful you were that day and really just every other day."

"I don't mind the nervousness, it's cute on you." He smiles at that. "Oh wow, what is that scar on the side of your face from?"

"Well, when one of my younger brothers and I were like 5 and 7 years old and stupid." I laughed at that. "He was running around with scissors and I was trying to get them from him, and somehow he ended up slashing me in the face with them so this scar just ended up finding a home on my face."

"Ouch. Well it's not that noticeable anymore but then again nobody's looking at you as closely as I am." He shook his head.

"They definitely aren't, I don't mind it though. I'd rather have your attention then some random girl who's just looking for a one night stand."

I hesitated with what I was going to ask him, I didn't really know how he'd react to the question on my mind.

"Can I ask you something Y/n?" Our pizza had finally arrived and he thanked the man bringing it before nodding his head.

"What's on your mind Grande?"

"Well, you were talking to Ebro about how you were looking for a girl who's real and not all about the money. So who made you change the way you thought about things or was that just how you've always thought of things?"

"Um well, there was this one girl I dated for like 2-3 years on an off, eventually I found out she was cheating and only wanted me for what I had in my pockets rather than for my personality or just me in general so I learned to look out for signs and the way women acted around me."

"I see." He nods once again. "Well you won't have to worry about me. I don't want you for your money, honestly there are times when I feel like money shouldn't mean a thing to people because it makes people crazy."

"I totally agree with you." We both smile at each other and I look down at my slice blushing a little.

In my mind this was definitely a date, he just didn't need to know that right now at the moment...

I took forever with this update, I'm terrible but it's here so😂

Anyways though, like, and comment for more✌🏼

Anyways though, like, and comment for more✌🏼

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