13 |Let me be there for you|

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November 6th, 2018
Y/n's POV

"I don't think you understand what I'm saying Brandon, these fans that are coming after me for no apparent reason are costing me money and booking opportunities."

"I know Y/n, look I'm working my ass of to try and sway the public opinion on you cause I'm losing money as well. You just gotta try to breath and calm down some, I'll handle the rest." I shook my head at my manager's words and began to pace.

"I'm trying B, I'm honestly trying but the shit is not working."

I started hyperventilating cause honestly, with all the craziness swirling around me involving social media, the whole Ariana mistrust thing it was giving me some anxiety I've never really felt before.

Trust me, I know I signed up for this life but...at some point enough is enough and sometimes people are more prone to snapping like I am in this moment.

A hand on my shoulder stopped my pacing and I looked over to see Brandon standing at my side.

"I know I said it before, but you really have to calm down Y/n. You don't want to have another breakdown like you did two years ago." I nodded in agreement.

He was right, I really didn't need a repeat of what happened two years ago because I didn't want to spiral out of control like I did.

I honestly don't even know what happened, all I can remember is me being checked in and out of rehab centers, taking medication that would never work, and really just all the sleepless nights I suffered from because of the stress this industry brought on me and my entire mental.

I sat down and took a deep breath like he instructed me to do.

"I'm sorry Brandon, you know I don't really like when people are constantly coming for me and attacking me for no reason." He shakes his head at me seeming to understand.

"It's okay Y/n, at the end of the day you're always gonna have the people out there who don't like you and that's okay because you'll always have the people who do. You just gotta keep those people in mind when shit like this happens."

I nodded in agreement.

"I think I'm okay now, can you just try and figure out why I'm getting all this hate all of a sudden?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it Y/n." He sits down at the kitchen table behind the couch while I opted to watch some tv to try and clear my head.


Ariana's POV

Knew you were perfect after the first kiss
Took a deep breath like, "Ooh"
Feels like forever, baby, I never
Thought that it would be you
Tell me your secrets, all of the creep shit
That's how I know it's true
Baby, direct it, name in the credits
Like the movies do
Click, click, click and post
Drip-drip-dripped in gold
Quick, quick, quick, let's go
Kiss me and take off your clothes
Imagine a world like that
Imagine a world like that
We go like up 'til I'm 'sleep on your chest
Love how my face fits so good in your neck
Why can't you imagine a world like that?

"What was that you were just singing?" I looked up and I was instantly caught by surprise seeing Y/n walking up my driveway.

"Just some lyrics I've been stumbling over, I'm attempting to write a new song for release in a month or two." He nods and I get from where I was sitting to hug him. "What are you doing here?"

"You mind if we go inside first, I don't want any potential paparazzi seeing us? They've been looking for something to attach a story to so..." I nodded in answer and led him into my house and closed the door behind us.

Once we both got settled on the couch, I turned to him to ask what exactly he was doing here at the moment since he was so upset with me about a week ago.

"So, what brings you by Y/n. I mean I thought you were upset with me still?" He sighs looks at me.

"I thought I was too, but I realized that I couldn't stay mad at a girl who was just trying to look out for herself because in all honesty I know I would've done the exact same thing if I were you."

"You would?" He nodded. "Look, Im really sorry about that Y/n, I know doing that made me look insecure as hell."

"Like I said, if I were you I would've done the same so there was no insecurity coming from your end. I think of it more like you caring about the relationship you and I have and I respect that completely."

"Thank you, I just wanna be able to trust you that's all. I may have went a little overboard in trying to find that out but I know now that when you say something you mean it and I should've just trusted your word." He nodded.

"I also wanted to talk to you about something else as well."

"What is it?"

"Over the past week, my phone has been blowing up with notifications from every social media site possible with all types of people saying a bunch of crazy shit to me for seemingly no reason...but after talking with my manager Brandon. We actually found out that people were so mad at me because of what you posted and to be honest when I came over that post a sense of guilt came over me, I just wish you would of told me how you were feeling instead of running to social media so quickly."

"I would have told you Y/n, but I honestly thought you were still upset so I didn't want to bother you." He shook his head at that. "I had Justin to talk to before I posted that and he told me to let my fans know how I was feeling, but it was never anything to do with you. You're not the reason why I was feeling the way I was, you're making me happier than I've been in a while."

"That's all I want to do Ariana, I only want to make you happy." He moves closer to me and wraps an arm around my shoulders. "Just let me be there for you, I don't want you to have to go through stuff like this alone Ari."


"I promise to be your rock when you need me, you don't have to worry about anything as long as I'm here."

I just hope that he can keep his promise to me...

Im sorry for how long it took me to to update this, if I'm being honest...writers block caught ahold of me and would not let go😂

I'm gonna attempt to get more out of the course of this week but I'm in the process of moving so I can't make any promises😁

I'm gonna attempt to get more out of the course of this week but I'm in the process of moving so I can't make any promises😁

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