29 |Nerves|

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June 28th, 2019
Ariana's POV

"Wait where are you right now? And what are you doing?" I studied what I could see of Y/n's background so I could try to figure it out.

He only smiled at that.

"I'm at the gym working out, I gotta stay in shape somehow." I nodded. "What about you, you bored or something cause this is like the second time you called me today?"

"Not really, I just missed you that's all." He didn't say anything in response to that. "I miss you all the time to be honest."

"You tell me that every time we get on the phone, are you sure you just miss me and nothing else?" He smirked and I couldn't help but to smile.

"There is something, but I wouldn't want to make your ego any bigger than it already is."

"I see. That's smart of you to do though, I'd probably remind you of this conversation every time you call me."

"Yeah I don't think I want or need that reminder every time I see your face when I know I'm miles away from you and can't even do anything about it." He laughs.

"Don't worry, I was only kidding." I shifted my position so that I could get more comfortable. "So, do you know when you get a break from all of this?"

I was confused as to why he'd ask me that cause I thought I had sent him a list of all of my tour dates like he had sent me his.

"Not for a little while, why what's going on?"

"My parents want to meet you." My eyes widened slightly for a moment before going back to normal. "They already know who you are because who doesn't, but they wanna actually see you in person and get to know the girl who as they say it is making their son all smiley."

"That's cute."

"Yeah I guess you could say that. I told them that it would be kinda hard because of our touring, but I promised them I'd tell you the next time you and I talked to each other."

"Oh okay, I think I have a few days between July first and the fifth. Do you think that'll work cause otherwise they'd probably have to wait a few months?"

I wasn't gonna tell him how nervous I was to meet his parents.

I don't know why I'm nervous in the first place, but I don't know I think just the thought of seeing the people who raised him specifically his mom who he says has tough judgment on the women her sons' date is what gets me the most worked up about this.

There were so many possibilities floating around in my head, like what if they don't like me and Y/n breaks up with me because of it or I completely embarrass myself in front of them.

I would never be able to live that down and honestly I don't like thinking like that but I can't help it right now.

"Ari did you hear what I said?" I blinked a little confused with the words my boyfriend was saying to me.

"No, I'm sorry I was just thinking about some crazy shit."

I could tell he was thinking about what I just said but he left it alone.

"Okay, well I was saying that you know since that's around 4th of July that maybe you wanted to bring your mom, Nonna, and Frankie?"

That actually didn't sound like a bad idea when I think about it.

I mean they did need to meet him too, well Frankie already met him a few times before so it's just my mom and my Nonna but they did need to meet him.

It should've happened sooner because they typically like to meet the guy before we start sleeping together, but I guess it just slipped my mind and now here we are.

"Do you need some fresh air or something cause you keep zoning out on me?"

"I'm fine, sorry I was thinking again. That actually sounds like a really good idea though because my mom and my Nonna have been dying to meet you."

"Oh really?" I nodded. "Well I'm looking forward to meeting them as well."

"Do you think your mom is gonna like me?"

I couldn't help but to ask, it was honestly bothering me more than anything at the moment.

"Why would you ask me a question like that? Of course she's gonna like you, I mean who wouldn't you're like the sweetest person ever and plus you're not my ex so that's a plus."

I smiled.

"Your mom didn't like your ex?" He shook his head immediately.

"She hated her and she still does to this day, I guess I didn't catch onto that mother's intuition when she had it cause I went on to date the girl for a few years and then she cheats so my mom had a valid reason to dislike her even if I didn't know why at the time."

That didn't really bring me any comfort still.

I just want his mom to like me.

"What if she doesn't like me babe? What are you gonna do cause I don't want to come in between you two, that's your mom and I don't want to mess that relationship up for you?"

"At the end of the day, my mom is not the one who has to date you I do. If I haven't seen anything from you that makes me consider breaking up then we won't, and I don't plan on ending things between us anytime soon so if she doesn't like you then that's her problem not mine cause I'm still gonna love you regardless of what she has to say."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive. Besides when she realizes just how happy you make me, the thought of her not liking you is going to be nonexistent in her mind." He got up from where he was sitting. "Trust me, just be yourself and I promise she'll like you."

"I trust you."

"Good. Now tell me about your day."

That's exactly what I did.

I love this man more than anything...

Sorry I'm late you guys, I had a shit ton of online work to do yesterday and I had to go to work today.

I might hit you with a double update but if not then tomorrow I'll have another out.

Anyways though I hope you all enjoyed and like, and comment✌🏼😁

Anyways though I hope you all enjoyed and like, and comment✌🏼😁

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Forever Boy {Ariana/Male}Where stories live. Discover now