20 |Homesick|

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March 28th, 2019
Y/n's POV

"No joke, I'm hungry as hell right now and we're in Philly. We have to hit up a phillycheesteak joint after the show."

"Brandon when are you not hungry?" He shrugged and I just shook my head at that. "Do you know if any changes were made to the set list at all?"

"No, I don't think they're going to change it until the second part of the tour. They might add a few songs but that's about it." I nodded.

We were on our way to the venue at the moment so we were just talking to pass the time by.

After the talk Ariana and I had a few days ago, we both decided to just give each other some space...atleast until our tours are over.

We're not breaking up or anything, we just came to an agreement that it would be better for us to just focus on our responsibilities instead of being stressed over something that isn't as important as we thought.

So instead of calling each other everyday, it's now down to just two days a week.

I can admit that this is gonna be a bit challenging for me, but if Ariana says that she's gonna be able to handle it then so am I.

Even though that like really sucks, I honestly more than anything miss being back home.

I haven't seen my parents or my other brothers in months because of this music thing, and it's really been taking a toll on me.

I get this is the life I signed up for but a phone call is nothing compared to seeing someone in person.

Every time I talk to them, my mom is always telling me that you know I should come see them and I always end up saying the same thing...soon, soon, soon even though I know for sure I won't be seeing them for another few months not counting Coachella in a few weeks.

I doubt my parents would go to Coachella, so I'll more than likely just be seeing my brothers and I'll just have to wait until my shows in Oakland and LA to see my parents.

Who knows though, my parents could always surprise me, they have a tendency to do so.

"Okay Y/n, let's go." I looked out the window of the tour bus and sure enough we were at the Wells Fargo Arena.

Once Brandon made his move to get off the bus with the rest of the people on our bus, I then decided to follow so I could help unload the equipment with the crew coming in on bus two while we waited for everyone else to get here.

"You ready for tonight?" I shrugged at what my bodyguard Will said.

"As ready as I'll ever be." He nodded and we continued walking towards the bus. "I'm not gonna lie though, I honestly can't wait to bring Chris out to perform with me tonight."

"Oh yeah, everyone is gonna go crazy over him. What exactly do you two plan on performing though?"

"It's a little surprise for the fans, it hasn't been released yet so I can't really say too much about it right now. You're just gonna have to wait and see like everyone else." He just shrugs hearing that.

"Well whatever you two do I Just know everyone is gonna enjoy it. For some reason people just love your music." We both laugh at that.

"Yeah I don't know what it is either." He smiled hearing that and we both gathered up some of the equipment before making our way into the back entrance of the venue.

It was a little later when everybody else got here to start getting ready for the show later on tonight.

Ella was currently rehearsing at the moment so I took that as my chance to call Kehlani since I haven't seen her much less talked to her since tour started and I know she's bout ready to have her baby soon.

It took a couple rings to get her but she eventually answered.

"What's wrong bestfriend, you miss me already?"

I shook my head knowing she couldn't see me while I laughed over the phone.

"Maybe a little. How've you been though I haven't talked to you in what seems like forever?"

"I've been good, I had my baby shower a little while ago. I wish you could've been there but you're on tour so..."

"Yeah unfortunately, but hopefully I'll be able to see you when I come back down to LA for Coachella. You going this year?"

"No probably not, this pregnancy isn't really gonna allow me to do that. If she decides to come in between now and Coachella then it's a most definite no."

"Damn. I guess I'm gonna have to pop up at your house then, I miss you Lani and I know you miss me."

"Maybe a little." We both laughed since she was just mocking what I had said a bit earlier. "I'm kidding, but yeah I'd love to see you when you come up. I'm not gonna lie I've missed you more than I think I should."

"You do love me." She laughs once again but she didn't deny it. "Don't worry, I've felt the exact same way since I left for tour. Your EP that you dropped is the only thing keeping me sane, just hearing your voice on those tracks makes me not hate being on tour a little less than I do at the moment."

"You actually listened to it? I didn't think you'd have time to."

"It came out a whole month ago, of course I found time to listen and I kept on listening. It gets better each time I listen to it."

"That's sweet Y/n. So what's been going on with you and miss Grande, did you talk to her before this?"

"Um not exactly, I actually haven't talked to her in three days. I'm supposed to be calling her tomorrow though."

"Wait what, why are you two not talking?You're not breaking up with her right?"

"No absolutely not, we just thought that instead of worrying about waiting up on each other to call everyday when we both know we're busy with our own individual tours that we'd just call twice a week."

"Oh okay. That doesn't exactly sound conventional but you two can do what you want."

"Yeah it hasn't been easy on me cause I miss her voice, I miss her in general but if that's what she thinks is gonna work then I have to suck it up."

"I'm sorry. Well at least when Coachella comes around, you two can at least see each other then."

"Hopefully." One of my sound guys was calling me over so I had to wrap this up unfortunately. "Look Lani, I have to go cause the sound guys are calling me for soundcheck so I'll call you later tonight, and if not then tomorrow."

"Okay. I'll be waiting." We both hung up after that so I could go.

Hopefully tonight is better than the last...

I'm sorry once again for the amount of time I took to update but I've been busy with other stuff in the real world so when I'd been coming on the app trying to write I always forget what I want to put in my writing and then I end up drifting off to read other peoples stuff so...🙃

Anyways though, I'm gonna try keyword try my hardest to not wait so long to update because I know some people can get impatient and honestly I get the same way sometimes so please just bear with me.

Also don't forget to like and comment because the comments be dry AF and feedback is something I love to see.

But hopefully you enjoyed and I'll see you all with another update soon😁✌🏼

But hopefully you enjoyed and I'll see you all with another update soon😁✌🏼

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