40 |Days off|

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August 12th, 2019
Y/n's POV

Waking up in the morning is actually not painful for the first time in a long time.

My mom and I are actually kinda on the same page with things for once, I'm on a break from touring for a little bit, I might not actually be a father to a baby of an insane woman who for some reason can't seem to get over me even though she cheated, but most importantly I get to wake up next to the most beautiful and insanely talented woman I think I've ever met.

So I guess you can say things in my life are going well right now.

I don't even mind being woken up at the crack of dawn by Ariana's inability to be quiet at early hours of the morning today.

I woke up fully and looked to my left seeing that Ariana's side of the bed was empty but the bathroom light was on so I assumed she was in there.

Toulouse was lying on the edge of the bed sleeping so I didn't disturb him.

I stretched my limbs a bit before getting up and making my way into the bathroom almost tripping over Myron in the process.

What I saw next was no shock to me, she was already caking her face with makeup that I myself know she doesn't need because she's beautiful without it.

That's not something she wants to hear though as confusing as that sounds so I never say anything.

I brushed my teeth cause I don't fuck with morning breath, then I made sure to wash my face thoroughly before making my move to kiss her.

I rolled my eyes though when she turned her face so I'd kiss her cheek instead. "Nope not right now, I need my makeup to be perfect and I can't have you fucking it up like you always do."

I just smiled at that since I couldn't deny what she said cause it was true, that's why her makeup crew has such a love hate relationship with me.

On one hand they love me because I make Ariana happy and well cause I'm me, but on the other hand they don't like me to be within 10 feet of Ariana after they've just finished up her makeup.

I can't really help myself sometimes, she just be looking so damn good all the time.

"I guess you have a point, but what's the occasion?" She stopped what she was doing for a second before looking back into the mirror.

"I thought I told you this last night?"

"Yeah see I was focusing on more important things at the time so I can't exactly say I remember anything you said last night that wasn't my name." I winked at her and she shakes her head.

"Whatever. We're having a watch party tonight for the Boyfriend music video I shot with Mikey and Scootie?"

"Oh yeah I remember now, the video where you kiss somebody who's clearly not me."

"You said you were okay with it. Besides you know Mikey and I are just friends anyways."

"It doesn't help that I still have to see it though, I mean I could've done without the multiple takes for that one scene alone." She shrugs. "Mikey is cool and everything, but I don't like the idea of him tonguing my girlfriend down."

"There was no tongue in that kiss scene and you know that." I gave her a look that clearly showed that I wasn't sure about it. "Babe I'm serious, and it was barely a kiss anyways."

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