21 |Coachella|

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April 14, 2019
Ariana's POV

"Coachella is finally here, you know what that means right?" I looked over at Victoria.

"Ridiculous outfits and drunk people pretending to like music they don't listen to?" She shakes her head and laughs.

"Yes and no. You get to see your boyfriend again."

"Oh right."

"Are you not happy to see him or something?"

"It's not that, it's just that we haven't really been clicking the way I thought we would. I mean I get it's long distance so it's gonna be difficult to manage but I didn't think it'd be this hard."

She seemed sympathetic towards me and the situation I had presented to her.

"Aw, I'm sorry about that Ari. You know, I feel like Y/n has felt the exact same way or almost the exact same way you're feeling right now about the situation you two are in."

I shrugged I honestly have no idea what he thinks sometimes.

"Maybe Vic, but I'm nervous for today and really the rest of Coachella. Like I don't want to see him and then just say the complete wrong thing to him due to my nerves."

"You are THE Ariana Grande, so you shouldn't have to worry about being nervous about speaking to anyone. It should be the other way around at all times." We both laughed at that and I nodded.

"It should, but in this case with him it's not. He just has an effect of me that I don't understand."

"I get it. Are you gonna talk to him today or are you gonna wait till the end of the weekend?"

I honestly didn't know right now, like I had a clear cut time when I wanted to but I wasn't sure if I should maybe wait it out so that he comes to me first.

That honestly sounds ridiculous though, I shouldn't be waiting for him to come to me. If I really wanted to talk to him I would.

"I don't know Vic, it's a matter of situation right now. If I see him and he just so happens to see me then I'll probably go talk to him just so we could get that awkwardness that I know is gonna be there out of the way." She nods.

"Well, I support your decision whole heartedly so whatever you choose to do just know I'm with you." I nodded at that. "So are you excited about performing."

"Yeah, I mean I prefer when my fans are actually aware that I'm there and not like drunk off their ass but I'm fine either way." She laughs. "I'm only kidding, but no after seeing Beyoncé perform at Coachella last year I think I'm more than happy to try and emulate some of what she did because she was amazing and she really gave everyone a once in a lifetime experience."

"You're right about that, you know it's gonna be a minute until Beyoncé comes out of hiding for anything else regarding music."

Sadly she was right, Queen B has a tendency nowadays to make appearances every other year it seems like, the woman is just so closed off now.

I get it though, she has kids and she wants to watch them grow up and I'm sure with her doing music and going on the road for long periods of time would more than likely complicate that for her.

The good thing about her doing that though, is that it gives other artists in this industry a chance to be heard and really just a chance for them to develop themselves for a growing fan base.

"Ari we're here." I looked out the window of the jet and sure enough I could see Coachella Valley getting closer the more the jet made its forward motions.

I wasn't nervous a second ago, but just the simple fact that Y/n and I would be in the same location for more than a day was unnerving me cause I didn't think we'd be in a place where we find it so difficult to talk to one another so soon since we started touring.

It's partly my fault though because I was the one who suggested that maybe we don't talk as much while on tour because of how stressful things had become.

I didn't realize that by doing that that it would put such a strain on our relationship and really just how we communicate with each other.

Then again, I do tend to make decisions without thinking about the consequences of them a lot.

Of course though, this situation I'm in is much different than the others I'd been in previously.

I feel like I'm rambling completely, but that's normal.

I know making the decision that I did was right, it's just gonna take some time for me to realize it even when I'm the one who came up with the idea.

Hopefully he doesn't completely despise me.

I know that sounds crazy because Y/n is completely enamored with me, but I know he had to be feeling some type of way when I suggested that we limit how much we talk to each other.

We're already in a long distance situation due to our touring, and now it's like I'm throwing him for an even bigger loop by choosing to do this.

Who knows though, he could be the complete opposite and I could just be overthinking things at the moment because I tend to do that sometimes when I'm unsure.

If I'm gonna find this out, I need to actually take those steps to leave the confines of the jet.

I just can't fight the nerves right now, and I don't know why.

I pray they go away so I can actually enjoy this weekend.

Or atleast that's what I hope to do...

Sorry for taking so long you guys, I've just been dealing with college and I've recently started a new book called temptations so I've been pretty occupied.

Also I know I say this every time but, writers block is so serious like I have an idea and then I don't or I'm writing and then I just get completely uninspired in a span of a few paragraphs.

But it's whatever😂

Anyways though, like, comment, and enjoy✌🏼😁

Anyways though, like, comment, and enjoy✌🏼😁

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