24 |Is she real?|

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April 21st, 2019
Ariana's POV

I swear I'm gonna make sure I have Yn's babies.

He's just everything I've ever wanted in a guy.

He's sweet, funny, caring, and most importantly he knows how to keep me in check.

I can attest to the fact that I can act a little crazy sometimes behind the scenes, but he helps to calm me down and I appreciate that especially when I know I'm in the wrong but won't admit it.

Now, today was definitely one of those days where I for sure thought Y/n was the one.

I mean I already thought that awhile ago, but he kinda confirmed it for me.

Everything at Coachella was great, our performances were great and Y/n and I even gave our shippers something to swoon over when we were onstage together.

But I never expected what happened afterwards to happen, especially not on a great night like this was.

"Ariana can you just calm down and tell me what's wrong? What happened that made you get like this?"

I was fuming and honestly my anger was slowly starting to get the best of me and my judgement.

"Why do you always have to be the reason why I get pissed off Y/n, I swear you are the most oblivious man on this planet."

"Baby what are you talking about? I didn't do anything."

"You're right, you didn't do anything. It's like you didn't even see her there the whole time."

"Because I didn't, I didn't even know she was gonna be here Ari. I'm sorry alright, are you really mad at me?"

I couldn't answer him honestly, cause I was mad but a little part of me felt a bit guilty.

"I don't know right now."

He sighed.

"Look, If I'd known my ex girlfriend was gonna be here and somehow spot me out of this huge crowd then I would've done my best to avoid her but guess what Ariana." I looked over at him still upset but listening otherwise. "I haven't had contact with her in years and I don't have contact now so there's no way for me to know that she was here."

"That doesn't change the fact that you were talking to her as if I wasn't here."

"What was I supposed to do Ariana? Just ignore her like she wasn't in my face talking to me?" I nodded and he shook his head. "You know I wouldn't even try anything like that so I don't even know why you're upset?"

"Then you're as oblivious as I thought you were."

"Are we really doing this shit again? I thought we were okay?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm taking about. You always get mad at me when it comes to something I can't directly control and I'm always the one who ends up apologizing at the end of it all and I'm not gonna do that when I know I'm not the one in the wrong Ariana."

"What are you trying to say?" He shrugged and took a seat on the edge of our bed.

"What I'm saying is that you need to hold yourself accountable for somethings when we have arguments like this cause I shouldn't always feel like it's my fault when it's not."

I understood what he was saying but this argument was something completely different than the ones we've had in the past.

I never had to worry about the possibility of another woman having his attention because I was always by his side, but the one time that I'm not, another girl specifically his ex has to make her presence felt by talking to him as if she doesn't know he's taken.

I know I shouldn't feel threatened by her presence because Y/n told me that she had cheated and only wanted him for his pockets, but I just can't feel comfortable knowing that she feels like she can just approach him with no problem like what she did to him in the past never happened.

"I'm sorry." He seemed taken aback By what I just said and honestly so was I to be completely honest.

"What?" I went and sat in his lap letting my legs rest next to him.

"I said I'm sorry Y/n. I just can't help but feel the way I do when I see other women around you."

"Why not just say that to me then, it doesn't have to be this big argument for no reason?"

"I know. It's just that when I saw you two talking it, it made me feel like maybe I wasn't good enough for you and maybe you have thoughts of moving on to someone else who deserves your time and energy much more than I do."

He sighed and rested a hand on my thigh.

"Look, I'm sorry you feel that way and you really shouldn't feel the way you do because she cheated on me and was only using me for what I could give her instead of actually loving me unlike you. You're a different woman than she is and you always will be unless you cheat on me or some shit."

I couldn't help but laugh at that even though he was being serious.

"I wouldn't dare do that."

"I know you wouldn't, and neither would I so you gotta learn to trust me in this baby. I'm not like those two timing guys that women unfortunately find themselves in relationships with, cause I just couldn't do that to someone especially not you."

"I know. I'm sorry, I feel like the worst girlfriend right now."

He smiled slightly hearing that.

"Trust me, that is the complete opposite of what you are. In fact I can tell you all the things you are right now."

I couldn't help the blush that rose on my cheeks as his hand moved higher on my thigh.

"Oh really?" He nodded. "Okay, tell me."

"Alright, well for starters you are probably one of most intelligent and foul mouthed women I've ever met." We both laughed at that cause he was right, I tend to use a lot of profanity but he doesn't care. "You're an amazing singer, you've got great style and you're funny."

"Is that all you think about me?"

He seemed to be in thought about it before he leant in close to me.

"I don't know, you tell me Ms. Grande."

He had an interesting look in his eyes that I only saw few times before but this look was a little different than the others.

This time the look in his eyes was a bit more on the flirty but also challenging side.

Challenge accepted...

I'm sorry I've been taking so long you guys but with the coronavirus and college I just haven't had as much time as I wanted to write really any of my stories.

Hopefully though that will change soon because I know you all are getting tired of waiting hella long for me to update cause I know y'all are gonna eventually get bored and stop reading😂

Anyways though, make sure you go check out Ms. Jane's new single "Lottery" which is our on all platforms now.

And I'll be back with more soon, so like and hopefully you all enjoyed and continue to enjoy and be as patient thankfully as you all have been✌🏼😁

And I'll be back with more soon, so like and hopefully you all enjoyed and continue to enjoy and be as patient thankfully as you all have been✌🏼😁

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