19 |Its just us|

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March 25th, 2019
Y/n's POV

"No, but I'm serious Y/n you don't even understand how difficult things can get for me on a day to day. My coach is literally trying to have us run plays that don't even exist." I just shook my head at what my brother Jayden says.

"Well you're getting paid to run those nonexistent plays so you really shouldn't be complaining about anything." He just shakes his head.

"Whatever, so what's been going on with you besides this whole world tour you're on?"

"Nothing much really, I'm not even gonna try to sugarcoat anything. This tour thing is so boring when I'm not doing shows."

"That's cause you don't have your brothers there with you." I shrugged. "Why didn't you ask Xavier to go with you?"

"Cause he's booked up to his neck with producing projects and I know that he wouldn't have any chance at abandoning stuff like that." He nods in an okay.

"Well at least you got out here to see me. Everybody in our family acts like Miami, Florida doesn't exist."

"It's better than staying in Kansas City, shit what's even there besides your team's football stadium?" He just shrugs in response.

"It's whatever though, I know somebody who's been wanting to see you more than I have."

"JJ's here?" He nodded and as soon as I said that he emerged from behind the couch."

~JJ(Jayden Jr

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~JJ(Jayden Jr.)

He ran into my arms happily and I picked him allowing him to sit on my lap.

"Apparently he likes you more than me, and I'm his dad." I laughed hearing that while JJ continued to play with my Jesus piece on my neck. "He don't ever say da'da, it's always Y/n this and Y/n that. Of course he can't really say your name as well as I can but I know what he's trying to say."

"He'll come around eventually, if he's anything like you then you won't ever be able to get him to stop talking." He just pushed my shoulder and I laughed at that. "I'm just stating facts, you know when we was younger you were always the main one talking and nobody could get you to stop talking."

"Whatever." He got up from where he was sitting. "Do you mind watching him for a few minutes, I gotta call his mom about something real quick."

"No, go ahead and do what you gotta do. We'll be just fine." He smiles and pats me on the shoulder before walking away.

I played with JJ for minute before I felt the vibration of my phone in my pocket, so I set him back down in my lap so I could answer it.

Unfortunately for me it was Ariana, and I only say it's unfortunate because I've kind of been neglecting her by not answering her phone calls.

I don't do it on purpose though, I'm on tour right now and I can only focus on so much at a time.

She was trying to FaceTime so I just decided why not because we haven't physically seen each other in almost two weeks.

I just tapped answer and hoped for the best.

"Oh so now you can answer the phone when I call, what happened to not picking up and why do you have a baby? Who's baby is that? It better not be yours."

I was shocked to be completely honest, cause I did not think she was gonna ask 20 questions as soon as I answered.

"No this is not my baby. This is my brother's son JJ and I have a perfectly good explanation as to why I haven't been answering my phone."

"I'm listening."

"Well, I mean it's not gonna sound that great now that I think about it because I really could have just called you back but I just never did."

"What are you talking about Y/n?"

I just shrugged cause I didn't even know.

"Look, with tour I've just been so busy trying to keep my fans happy that I neglected to keep you happy and I'm sorry about that. I know you've been feeling off by the texts you've sent me and our past conversations, so I really should've thought about you first."

"Just don't ignore me again Y/n, it's bad enough that we have to try to maintain a long distance relationship while on tour but when you're not answering your phone for me it makes me feel like you're not even trying in our relationship and I can't tolerate that."

I nodded in understanding cause she was honestly right, if I was in her shoes I'd genuinely feel the exact same way she was right now.

"I'll do my best to keep us going while we're on the road, but sometimes it just gets so hard to do so because I have so much on my plate at one time and it can all just feel so overwhelming."

"But that's what I'm here for Y/n, you don't have to be afraid to open up and talk to me about shit that's on your mind."

"I know, you gotta try and see it the way I see it though. It's not that easy for me Ariana."

"I can tell. All I'm saying though is that you need to try to talk to me sometimes because we need to be trying to help each other when we're having problems."

I nodded.

"I understand." I saw my brother coming back so I decided to wrap this call up with Ariana. "Look, I have to go but I promise to call you tonight."

She nods in an okay.

"You better." We both laughed a bit at that. "I love you."

"I love you too." She smiled and blew a kiss into the phone before hanging up.

"Okay big bro, I see you." I smiled shaking my head. "You know mom and dad are gonna want to meet her right?"

"I'm pretty sure they know who Ariana Grande is."

"Who doesn't?" I shrugged. "You know that doesn't matter to them." He takes JJ from me so he could change him.

"Well as of right now, we're both on tour so they're gonna have to wait awhile."

Patience is key right now...

I really need to start sleeping more, I'm surprised I'm not falling asleep while standing up because of it.

Anyways though, I'll be back with more soon❤️...

Anyways though, I'll be back with more soon❤️

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