70 |Never again|

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Kinda sorta long, but not too much

It's been awhile since I updated so why not✌🏼😌

Y/n's POV

"I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to step out for a second if you don't mind." I looked up from my vibrating phone and at my team sitting across the table from me.

"You sure it can't wait a little longer Y/n, I mean we're kinda in the middle of an important meeting?" I looked back down at my phone after Dez had said that seeing that it was Tommy.

I didn't want to ignore him, but knowing Tommy it was probably nothing too serious.

I just sent him a quick message telling him I'd get back to him after I was finished with the meeting that I was in so that my phone would stop ringing.

It was on silent, but the vibration it gives off is still pretty audible in the conference room we were in since no one was really speaking louder than they have to.

They seemed pretty pleased with my quick actions to get back on the topic that we were discussing.

It was only a good three to five minutes before my phone vibrated once again ultimately pulling everyone's focus away from the meeting once again and onto me embarrassingly so.

I could understand why they were annoyed cause it was a pretty important meeting discussing financials, and money is nothing to joke about in this business.

Regrettably, I pulled my phone from my pocket once more.

Only this time it was a string of texts from Tommy telling me that it couldn't wait and that I needed to call him back ASAP.

He even added some select emojis and exclamation marks to add extra emphasis onto the texts that he sent letting me know just how serious he was.

"Seems pretty urgent if they keep trying to get your attention. We'll wait for you." I looked over at Brandon and he nodded urging me to go out and make the call to Tommy.

I offered up my apologies to everyone in the room, I did feel bad about the disturbances cause I know everyone in the room is just trying to do their job at the end of the day.

Once I was able to step out into the hallway and I was out of earshot of everyone else, I called up Tommy bringing the phone up to my ear once he picked up.

"Finally man, I thought you'd never pick up." He sounded like he was in a rush but I just shrugged it off.

"Yeah sorry I'm in a meeting right now, I didn't know this was such an emergency otherwise I would have answered the first time around. What's going, is Ariana okay?"

I only asked that cause I know that she's at his house getting some recording and writing done over there.

"Um, yes and no."

I did not like the sound of his voice when he said that, he sounded worried and I'm not sure how I feel about that.

"What do you mean yes and no Tommy. What happened?"

He didn't immediately respond to what I had asked him and that kinda ticked me off just a bit cause he forced me out of my meeting, tells me that something is wrong but doesn't specify what the problem actually is.

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