Ren x Reader

130 5 2

Request by: KiyaraIchinose112
(Picture not mine)

You sighed as you walked out of the principal's office. Oh wait, it's the president's office now. You thought that everything would be smooth sailing once you went pro, sadly you were very mistaken. Your talk with the president had just confirmed that sad truth. 

You walked into the president's office. "What's wrong, Mr. President?" You asked. The president, Shining Saotome, spun his chair around to face you. "Mmmmsss. (L/N). Wwwe appear to hhave a prrroblem." He said. "A problem?" You knew what he was talking about, but you asked anyway. "Yyyyyyou seem tttto be lackkking sommmething."  He said. It was true. Your knew you were lacking something."Wwwwwe can't havvve that in the buisnesss." He continued. "I'm sorry, Mr. President. I'll try and do better." You said. But it was only talk. You didn't even know where to begin to gain your original sound back. You didn't know the source of the problem either. "We'rrrrrre counting onnn you Mssss. (L/N)." Then he turned his chair back around. You took this as a sign to leave and did just that.

And that's how you got here, outside the president's office with a heavy heart. But you couldn't sulk for long because you had a show appearance soon. So, you headed back to the master course building to grab your stuff. 

"What was the meeting with Shining about, Kitten?" Your senpai, Ren, asked. "Take a guess." You said in a sad, slightly annoyed tone. "You know, you are still my Kouhai. If you need help just ask for some." He said. "There's no need. I'll probably be out of here soon enough." You said with a smile as you walked off. The truth was that you didn't want that at all. You wanted to stay an idol. But this was your problem. And you were the one who needed to solve it.

You shortly arrived at the place they were streaming the TV show. This was it. This was your chance to show everyone that you can do it. This was your chance to prove to yourself that you can overcome this problem. "You're on in 5....4....3....2....Go." You took a deep breath and stepped on stage.

~After the program~

You hung your head in shame as you rid in a taxi back to the Master course. The program was horrendous. And it was all your fault. No matter how hard you tried to fix into your singing, it didn't work. It was like the words you were singing were meaningless. That's it. Your idol career was over. You can't overcome this problem. 

"How did it go, Kitten?" Ren asked. You didn't answer. "So, not very well." He gently grabbed your chin and lifted your head up. Your eyes met his. "Let me help you, Kitten." He said. "But this is my problem." You said, adverting your eyes. "Is that why you don't want my help? Even if that was the case, I'm your senpai. Your problems are my problems." He said. "It's too late." You said, you felt tears well up in your eyes. "No, it's not." Those simple words made the tears fall. You covered your face with your hands. "I-I still want to be an idol." You said through the tears. You felt a hand stroke your head. "Then let's make that happen, Kitten." 

He had stayed with you the whole time you cried and stroked your head. And now that you've stopped, you started your lesson with Ren. "Do you have any idea what the problem is?" He asked. "There's one thing, I can't seem to find the same love I had for singing. Like I lost something I had before, but I don't know what that is." You said sadly. "Is passion the word you're looking for, Kitten?" He asked. "That's it!" You said happily. "I've lost my passion for music." 

Your tone slowly got sadder as you realized what this meant. "D-Does that mean that I can't be an idol anymore?" You asked. "Not at all, Kitten. You just have to find some more passion." "How do I go about that?" You asked. "Have you ever been in love, Kitten?" Ren asked. You felt your face heat up at the strange sudden question. "N-No, not yet." You said. Ren sat beside you and put a paper on the table in front of you. "How about this then, write about how this experience has felt for you. Write about how you still want to be an idol." Ren said, uncharacteristically teacher-like. You did what he said and began to write. 

You slowly felt your lines become more passionate, more desperate, more emotional. "I'm done." You said. You handed your paper to Ren. You watched nervously as he read over the paper. "Great, now go work with your composer and put that emotion into lyrics, Kitten." He handed the paper back to you and stood up. "Now?" You asked. "Yes, My Lady." "Is that all?" You asked. "You don't have time to waster. Now go. Go and find your passion, My lady. I believe in you." Those words lit a fire within you and gave you hope. You stood up and walked to the door. "Thank you, Ren-Senpai." 

You stared at the page of music your composer had given you. It was amazing. Now you needed to do your part. You felt nerves begin to consume you. Ren's face came to your mind. That's right. Ren believed in you. If you let your nerves win, then you would let him down. You would let yourself down. You can do this. You know you can. And then you put your pencil to the paper.

~Many hours later~

You had finally finished it. The song that would renew your passion. It had taken all night, but it was finished. You took a deep breath and pressed send. You sent the song to a debut radio station that plays all the new and recent songs. You turned on the radio. Now all you had to do was wait. 

Ren walked into the room you were waiting in. "What are you doing, Kitten?" He asked. "Wait, Listen." You said. "We now have a brand new song from an idol who seems to have been a bit off recently, (F/N) (L/N)!" The song began to play. You felt the emotion in the words you had written, the ones you were listening to. The longing, the determination, the passion. Then the song ended. "What did you think, Ren-senpai?" You asked nervously. "It was amazing, Kitten." He replied. "You're being so strange." You said. "What do you mean, my lady?" He asked. "You're-" You were cut off by your phone ringing. You answered it. "Yes?" "I neeeeeed you tttttto commmmme to my offffffice immmmmmmmediately. Msssssss. (L/N)." It was the president. "Of course, Mr. President." You hung up the phone and looked back at Ren. "I have to go." And then you walked off.

~Short time skip~

"Mssssssss. (L/N), I havvvve sommmething to tellll you." Shining said. "Yes?" You asked. "The song yyyyou crrreated was ssso. ssso." "So?" "AMMMMMAZING!!!" He shouted. "T-Thank you." You said, a bit startled. "You finnnnally showwwed me that you deserrrrve to bbbe herrrre." Shining said. "Msssss. (L/N), I'ddddd prrrrepare yourself. Yyyyyou will be mucccch morrrrre busy nowwwww." He said. You've done it! But now, you need to work hard to keep your passion for music. "Thank you." You said, barely containing your excitement. "You'rrrrre dismisssssed." Shining said. You rushed out of the office. 

You ran the whole way back to the master course building. You couldn't contain your excitement. As soon as you got into the building, you rushed to find Ren. You soon found him in the sitting room by himself. "How did it go, Kitten?" He asked. You ran over glomped(Passionate, pouncing hug) him. "I did it. And it's all thanks to you." You said. "You've gotten awfully bold, haven't you, Kitten?"

You felt your face heat up, and you tried to pull away. He wrapped his arms around you before you could pull away. "I'm proud of you." You felt your face get even redder. He let you pull back just enough so he could look you in the eyes. "T-Thank you." You said, adverting your eyes. He was being weird again. "You're such a bad girl." He said. "How?" You asked with a slightly offended tone. "For making me feel this way about you." He said. You felt your eyes widen. Does that mean what you think it means? Could he? 

"B-But-" You said, trying to think of something to say. He let go of you and put a hand on top of your head. "Don't worry. I know you're still my kouhai. And need time to grow up. So I won't do anything to you." That eased your fears a very tiny bit. His words don't change how he feels about you. You'd have to think of a way to give an answer to those feelings. He leaned down close to your ear. "Yet." He whispered. 

Bleh. This is. Bleh. Bleh. Um, I don't really have anything else to say about this one. Thanks for the request KiyaraIchinose112! Sorry, I didn't do a very good job. (╥﹏╥) I think part of the problem was that the beginning part feels a bit dragged out, and Ren's a bit out of character, and the ending is bad, and... Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, even if it was just a bit! Thank you so much for reading! Requests are still open, but since I have something on the bigger side planned for this month, Requests will probably be slow... Well slower than usual. I hope you have a good day/night. Bye-bye 


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