Try to think about who would be the most useful. Because if you base it on your favorite, every answer would be the same.
1)You have a important exam in a few days. But you have absolutely no understanding of the material. Who would you ask to help you study?
I would probably ask Tokiya. Something about him says he would be good at academics. And I think he would be tough enough to tell you when you're wrong. Which would help me learn.
2)You and a friend are going to be in a singing competition. You two are going to sing a duet. But your friend is very busy. Who would you ask to practice with?
I would probably ask Ranmaru. Since if I am in a competition, I must be confident. And Ranmaru would probably point out my mistakes. Extra bonus to hear his voice.
3)You are going to be in a big ballroom dance competition. But there's one problem, You don't know how to ballroom dance! Assuming all the boys know how, who would you ask to teach and participate with you?
After some research, I believe height is important for the visual appeal and leading/following. Since he taught me it would make sense for him to lead. I think 4-6 inch difference might be ideal. From my conversions, Cecil is about 5'10 which for my height, is pretty ideal. And since he is a prince, he probably has a lot of experience. Although I worry about his muse spinning. (Oh how I would love to pick Reiji, but alas he is a bit short for this occasion.)
4)You were leaving for a few days and need someone to watch your pet. What animal is your(imaginary) pet, and who would you ask to watch it?
My pet would probably be a cat. Which means I would ask Ranmaru. I could feel reassured/safe if he is watching my cat.
5)You've been invited to a national spelling competition. Who would you ask to help you practice?
(I would definitely lose. This book is probably 20% autocorrect.) I would ask Ai. Since it's just memorization, I think Ai would be a good fit.
6)You are going to a very important, and fancy event. You are panicking because you have no idea what to wear. Who do you ask to help style you?
Definitely Ringo. I feel he would be a good stylist. And a fun person to talk to, to shake off the nerves.
7)You are going to run in a marathon. It will be long and difficult. Who do you ask to train you?
(Hahahahah.) I feel Ryuya would be a good teacher. That's all the explanation I can give.
8)You've been asked to be in a commercial. But the thing being advertised is completely different from your personality! What is being advertised, and who do you ask for advice to help play the part? (This question relies heavily upon your personality.)
Something more mature and charming. Since I am childish and not attractive. I would probably ask Ren on how to boost my charm.
9)You've been asked out for dinner (not in a date way.) by an important person. You were very worried about your manners, knowing you were representing the Shinning/Raging agency. Who do you ask to help with your manners?
I think I would ask Camus. Because as a Count, he must have good public manners.
This one has fewer questions, but I hope you enjoyed! I think I might have been avoiding picking Reiji, because he was my favorite. If I did pick him, it would probably be for the ballroom dance question. Feel free to put your answers and questions in the comments. I am always accepting requests as well. Bye-bye

Uta no prince sama x reader Oneshots
FanficOneshots for you to enjoy. Picture not mine. Anime not mine, the anime belongs to Broccoli. Characters not mine. I OWN NOTHING I write the oneshots but they have probably been inspired by other works I've read. Enjoy!