Syo Christmas Oneshot

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(I put Christmas eve instead of Christmas because I need it to make sense for stores to be open. Sorry about that)

You and Syo were spending Christmas eve together this year. But neither of you wanted to just sit around at home, so you two were walking around town. You two were currently both walking side by side looking away from each other in embarrassment. "It's awfully cold out here isn't it?" He said. "Yeah." You then spotted something. It was a booth with a small sign for an event they set up for today. 'Christmas scavenger hunt' it read. "We should enter that scavenger hunt." Syo said. "You think?" You said. "We don't have to if you don't want to." Your competitive side kicked in. "I think we should join, so I can win." You said. "No way! I'm going to win." Syo said. "How about this, whoever loses has to do one thing that the winner tells them to do." You proposed. "You're on!" Syo said.

You two walked over to the booth. The sign said that there was a fee to entering, the fee would go towards improving the town. "Are you two entering the scavenger hunt?" A nice lady in the booth said. "Yes, separately though." Syo said handing out the money for both of your entries. "Alright, I'll give you both these envelopes. Inside is the scavenger hunt list. A horn will blow when you can open the envelope. The things are all over town, you just have to take a picture with your face and the object in it. There is a prize for the winner. Here you go." She said handing you and Syo envelopes. "Thank you so much for participating!" She said. 

"Thanks for paying, I'll see you when you lose." You said to Syo. "More like the other way around." Syo said. You walked to a place you thought would be good to start in. You then heard the horn that signaled the beginning of the scavenger hunt. You tore open your envelope. You quickly read down the list and set off.

The first item was a small bakery. You used to go there as a child so you knew exactly where it was. You quickly arrived and took the picture. Some other things you had to find were, a Santa at the store, a hot cocoa, and a reindeer toy.

You checked off the last thing on your list. You rushed back to the booth. You were sweating and panting by the time you got back. "Am I the first?" You asked, all out of breath. You then heard someone crunching in the snow. You looked up. It was Syo. "Yes miss, you are the first and the winner." the lady said. Your eyes widened. You didn't expect to win. "Good job Y/N." Syo said, who was also out of breath. "Here is your prize." The lady said. It was a stuffed animal bear with a bow tie and a Christmas hat. 

You and Syo were once again walking side by side but now it was getting dark. "What do you want?" Syo said. "What?" "You won, didn't you say that the loser had to do one thing the winner said?" Syo said. "Oh, I did." You smiled at him. "I don't need anything. I had so much fun today, especially since I spent it with you." His face heated up. You two were walking down a flight of steps just then and he stopped. You were a step below him when you asked. "What's wrong?" He then kissed you. "I love you Y/N." You felt your own face heat up. "I-I love you two Syo." You two continued walking down the steps. "Just so you know, I'm going to win next time." Syo said. "I look forward to it, but I won't make it easy." "Merry Christmas eve Y/N." "Merry Christmas eve Syo." 

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Thank you to everyone who congratulated me on the previous part, it really means a lot to me. See you in the next part, bye-bye


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