Incorrect Utapri Quotes pt.6

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Quotes not mine, I just put them with the character. 


Ranmaru: Did you just fall?

Reiji: No, I was just checking if gravity still worked.


Syo: That moment when you spell a word so wrong that auto-corrects like "I've got nothing man"


Ren: What I do when I see someone pretty is,

I stare,

I smile,

then when I get tired I put the mirror down.


Reiji: What if I get kidnapped?

Ai: Don't worry, they'll bring you back.


Ren: I want to run mt fingers through your hair

I wanna be with you.

I miss you.

Haruka: mt fingers

A mountain made entirely of fingers.

Ren: ok



Yamato: I wish people came with a thirty second trailer. So I can see what I'm getting myself into.


Reiji: If being awesome was a crime, I'd be serving a life sentence. 


Eiichi: A perfect metaphor for my life would be "Someone trying to stand up in a hammock" 


Tokiya: Reiji did you buy some cream cheese?

Reiji: Yeah.

Tokiya: And crackers?

Reiji: No I guess we're crackalacking

Tokiya: Kotobuki stop.


(Not that this would ever happen. It's just the only characters I could think of.)

Nagi: Your such a jerk.

Ai: You're*

Nagi: Your so annoying!

Ai: You're*

Nagi: Stop doing that. Your making me mad!

Ai: You're*

Nagi Fine! I'm gonna slap you're face!

Ai: Your*


Ittoki: Heard you got a phone! How do you like it?

Masato: Massachusetts


Reiji: I've not lost my mind. Half of it just walked over and the other half went looking for it.


Wow, this was short. I have never mentioned this before, but if I ever forget to write your request please tell me. I try to write request's within a one day span, but that doesn't always happen. But if it has been a long time and I haven't written it(unless I said I wouldn't write it, but that hasn't happened before) just let me know. Also, if you had ever commented a request and I didn't respond it was probably just I didn't get notified of the comment. If that happens, I apologize, but just try requesting again. I hope you enjoyed! Bye-bye


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