Ren x Jinguji (Sad Series)

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You were walking down the school hall when you heard the saxophone. You looked at where the sound was coming from. It was Ren, he was playing for some of his fangirls. You felt sadness well up in you. He normally spent time with them, but this time it hurt. Since your in different classes, you don't see each other that often. You walked away.

You wern't really watching where you were going. Your foot slipped, you fell into the lake. You couldn't swim, you felt yourself sink. Your breath was running out, everything was spinning. Then the world went dark.

Ren went to your dorm looking for you. "Where is she?" He asked your roommate. "She went to look for you a couple of hours ago. I haven't seen her since." He started to get worried.

The next day you still haven't shown up. He talked to shinning, shinning ended up calling the police.

After hours of looking, they found you at the bottom of the lake. Ren's heart sank, they told him you were gone.

You went looking for him, he realized it was you he saw when he was playing. He ignored you deciding he would see you later. And now your gone. Another important women in his life is gone. First his mom, then you.

Was this his fault? Did he even deserve you in the first place? He would never see your smile again. He would never hear your voice again. You're never coming back.

My mind was somewhere else during writing this. But I hope you enjoyed! Thank you for reading! Requests are open! Bye-bye (Picture not mine)


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