Eiichi x Idol Reader

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Request by: Hoshizorakari

You were an idol at the Raging Agency, so you often saw the members of HEAVENS in the practice rooms. One specifically caught your eye, Eiichi. You loved his passion for music and his caring side torwards the members of his band.

But you have only speculated. So you had no intention of telling Eiichi about your feelings.

"Hey, it's Y/N right?" Eiji called out to you. "Yes it is, is there something wrong?" "Yeah, Eiichi....uh" Eiji said looking down. "Eiichi is missing, will you help us find him Y/N-chan." Van said coming over. "Of course, any idea where he might be?" You asked. "I think he might be in one of the work rooms." Van answered.

So your search began. You checked all but one of the work rooms, disturbing a few people on accident. You came to the last one with little hope. All of a sudden you were pushed inside and heard a click on the other side of the door.

"Who are you?" A voice said. You looked over and Eiichi was sitting at the desk. "I'm Y/N." You said, your face turning red. "Oh yeah, I've heard of you. You are a pretty popular female idol in the agency." Eiichi said. Then he got back to work. You felt embarrassed and awkward. "You sure are passionate about music aren't you." You said, trying to start a conversation. "I am glad you can recognize my passion." Eiichi said. Word began to pour from you lips. "I want to know more about you. I want to see sides of you no one else has seen before. Because I have grown a passion for you." You felt you face grow extremely red. "This is an interesting development, I'd like to see where this will go." He replied. You smiled, feeling this was his way of saying you have a chance. And you were going to take it.

This is my first oneshot I wrote on request. I hope you liked it. I had such joy in writing this, knowing someone is awaiting it. If you didn't like it, please tell me ways I can improve. I am open to suggestions. Thank you so much for reading.

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