Natsuki x Reader

115 5 17

Request by: weebtrash1103778

You were talking to Masato about different types of Japanese tea when you spotted something weird. It was Natsuki. He was wearing a detective hat and held a notebook. And, weirdest of all, looking at you through the window. You had no idea what he was doing. You decided to think of it as Natsuki doing Natsuki things and continued talking to Masato.

He stayed looking through the window your entire talk with Masato. You had enough. You walked over and opened the window. "What are you doing Natsuki?" You asked. He hid the notebook behind his back. "Nothing to see here! Nothing at all!" He said loudly and happily. You sighed. "Alright. Just don't get into trouble, okay?" You said. "Yes, no trouble here." He replied and walked off.

~a couple days later~

You were sitting on the couch when Natsuki came up to you. "Yes?" You asked. "I have something for you." Natsuki said with a smile. He handed you a wrapped box. "Hm, is there a special occasion?" You asked. "Nope, you're special enough." He said. You gently peeled away the wrapping paper. It was a box. You opened the box. Inside was a blanket, or a scarf, or perhaps some mittens, you couldn't really tell. "Thank you Natsuki." You said with a smile. "Try it on." Natsuki said.

You picked it up. Try it on? Where does it go? You quickly decided that it was a scarf. You wrapped it around your neck. It was awfully thick for a scarf. Natsuki looked down. "I'm sorry, I tried to make you a sweater." Your heart hurt. "No, it's okay. I'm sorry. Maybe I can help you make another?" You said. "You know how?" He asked. "Yep." You said with a smile. "It sounds fun to make it with you." Natsuki said. "Then let's get to work!"

You worked all night teaching Natsuki how to make a knitted sweater. You two ended up making two, one for you and one for him. "This looks great! You're so good at this Y/N." Natsuki said with a smile. "Hey, you made one to. You deserve some of the credit." You said. "Time to try them on!" Natsuki said.

You put on the sweater. It was warm and fitted nicely. You saw that Natsuki's fit him well too. He then wrapped his arms around you. "You're so warm Y/N." You felt your face heat up. "It must be the sweater." "No, I don't think so."

Thank you so much for reading! Thank you weebtrash1103778 for your request and patience! I hope you enjoyed! If I'm not wrong then tomorrow is Van's birthday. I'll try and get his birthday Oneshot out tomorrow. I'll also try and write a Christmas Oneshot but it had not bee a good writing week for me. Anyway, bye-bye


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