Tokiya x Reader

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(Letter Oneshot. Sad. Short.) (So, I didn't count this as the request because I felt it didn't really fit. I did try to incorporate Tokiya as a big brother though.)

"Dear Toki,
How's life going? I miss you. It's been a long time. Are you still singing? Are you having fun? Have you visited the children?
Me? Well I've been having an awful hard time without you. You know, I always though of you like a big brother. Now that you're gone it feels like a piece of me is gone. I would love to say that I'm happy and healthy, but I'd hate to lie to you.
The world itself has looked a lot different. Those places we had so much fun don't seem so fun anymore. The flowers we planted aren't as colorful anymore. The world itself isn't as bright anymore.
Do you feel the same? Are you missing me? Are you waiting for me?
I'm sure you're happy. Wherever you are. You have to be.
I've tried to be happy. I've tried to forget. I've tried to live. But it's harder than you'd think.
Anyway, enough sappiness in this letter. I can't wait to see you again. I'm not in a hurry though. I know it'll come one day. And I'll be so happy to join you.
You were- are my best friend. You cared for me and kept me safe. Being happy was so easy with you." A tear dropped onto the paper. You stopped reading from the letter. "Look at me trying to be all professional and thought out. Not like me huh." You let out a sad laugh. "Well I'm not going to keep you here long. I'm sure you have millions of other things to do. If you're here. If you're listening. Oh who am I kidding, of course you are. Thank you. For everything. You were the best friend. The best brother that I never had. The best everything to me. Goodbye for now." You gently laid the letter on the tombstone. And then you left with tear filled eyes and a smile on your face.

So I know this so isn't like what I normally write. But I hope you all still like it. I'm sorry I haven't written recently and I'm so so so behind. I've been dealing with a lot lately, 70% of which are probably things I shouldn't even be worrying over. Thank all for being here for both this book and me. I hope your life is going well. Even if you're drowning in the world or even yourself, I hope you have some joy in your life. Thank you so much for reading. Have a wonderful day/night. Bye-bye, for now.

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