Masato x Reader (Sad Series)

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He left her to follow his dreams. But she wasn't there when he came back.

"So you're going to that music school." You said as you looked at Masato. "Yes, I don't want to pass up this opportunity that my grandfather has given me." "I'm going to miss you." You said with a smile. He looked down. You wrapped your arms around him. "Goodbye Masa. Make sure to work hard okay!" You smiled at him once more. "Goodbye Y/N."

That was three years ago. He rarely goes home so he hasn't seen you since that day. The thought of you cheering him on pushes him to work harder. He couldn't wait to see you again one day.

He was at work when he got a call. "Hello, is this Masato Hijirikawa?" The person asked. He recognized the voice. "Hey Y/N." He said. "It's been so long. You have to visit me soon." You said. It had been a long time since he saw you. Maybe he should visit. "We'll set something up soon. I'm at work right now." And he hung up.

You walked down the street. He didn't seem as excited as you thought he would be. Maybe he doesn't care about you anymore. Terrible thoughts ran through your head. You tried to shut them off as you walked home.

~time skip~

"Hey Y/N. It's great to see you." Masato said. "You too Masa." You said happily. The two of you just started to walk. You had the whole day planned out. You heard a phone ring. It was Masa's. He picked it up. "Sorry Y/N. Hello. Yes. Really? I'll be awhile. Thank you." He hung up the phone. "What is it?" You asked. "I'm so sorry. I have important business to attend to. I have to go." You looked down. "I understand. Go." He walked off.

You walked down the street alone. Maybe your just holding him back. Maybe he should forget about you. Maybe you shouldn't have asked him to come. Maybe...Your brain overflowed with these thoughts. Crunch. You felt your body being crushed. It all went black.

Masa POV

I felt bad about having to leave her. That was a couple of days ago. I decided to call her. She didn't pick up. I couldn't reach her after a few weeks. I decided to call her family. "Hello Mrs. L/N. I'm calling about Y/N." "I'm suprised you've heard. It was all so sudden." She sounded so sad. "What happened?" "My little girl. My poor girl is gone. Died in a bridge collapse." I heard sniffles from the phone. What? She's What? "I'm sorry for your loss Mrs. L/N." "Thank you. I would've invited you to the funeral but I thought you were busy." She sounded like she was about to cry. Then a terrifying thought hit me. "How long ago did she pass." "It was the day she said she was meeting you." I hung up. If I would have stayed she would still be here. Why? Why did this have to happen? She always supported me. She encouraged me to follow my dreams. She was my closest friend. The girl I loved. And now she's gone. This is my fault, isn't it?

Thank you so much for reading! I'm pretty sure I only have 12 to go. I'm sorry if any of my writing hurts people. Death is a touchy subject. I try to be mindful of that when I'm writing. I'm sorry for any losses you have had. I hope the sun is shining in your life. Bye-bye


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