Utapri opinion questions

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1)Who is your favorite idol?

I love Reiji! I like his personality. And I think he is pretty adorable.

2)Who is your favorite band?

I love quartet night. I like 3/4 of them. Sorry Camus, you are kind of a jerk.

3)Nanami or Tomochika?

I like Nanami better. I think her personality is adorable. And she knows how to politely reject someone. "I can only focus on music right now."

4)What is a duet you would like to hear?

I would like to hear Ai and Cecil make a song. It was the Bespoke dressmaker event in shinning live that brought this idea. I think it would be very interesting.

5)Have you ever played the otome game(s)?

No, I believe they are only in Japanese. But I hope one day I can play them. Probably when/if they get translated.

6)Do you play shinning live?

Yes, I love the game. But the birthday photo shoots are killing me.

7)Do you make fanart?

Yes, but it isn't very good. There are a lot of very talented artists in the Utapri community.

8)Whose voice do you like the most?

My favorites when it comes to songs are Ai, Natsuki, Tokyia, Ittoki. I love other voices. But if I had to pick some favorites those would be them. Ai's voice is so emotional, it can make me happy and cry. Natsuki's voice is very cool. He kinda rolls his words like Reiji. But his voice is deeper. Tokiya's voice is amazing. When he does those high notes they are so good. My favorite high note of his is the cry in mighty aura. Ittoki's voice in happy songs makes me smile so much. And in sad songs makes me feel the emotion.

9)Who do you ship the most with Nanami?

I have no idea why, but I ship Nanami with Ai so much. I think it's very adorable thinking about the journey they'd have to go through to teach Ai emotions.

10)If you watched the anime, what was your favorite season?

I loved Legend star. There wasn't much of quartet night. But I really loved getting a look at the members of Heavens personalities. And I loved the music, especially next door.

Did you like this? I'm a strange person, I like answering questions. Feel free to put your own answers in the comments. And ask your own questions. Bye-bye


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