Tokiya x Reader

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Request by: RishitaBiswas
Flirty Teacher Tokiya x Student Reader

You were just a normal girl attending a normal music school. That's what you wish you could say. This school is anything but normal. The main thing that's not normal is your teacher. His name is Ichinose Tokiya. And all the girls love him. And he soaks it all up! No matter if the girl is a student or a teacher, he flirts right back. People like that annoy you. And that is the very reason you're skipping class today.

Now you don't normally skip class for any reason, but today was special. It was valentines day. It would be an absolute battleground for Tokiya-sensei's attention. You want no part in that, so you're skipping. "I can't believe you're skipping today of all days. I mean, don't you dream of owning that man one day." Your roommate said. She was the exact opposite of you. She loved Tokiya-sensei. She had skipped all the other classes of the day. "You can't own people. And the thought of being around that madness makes me sick." You replied. She turned towards. "So it's the girls that made you skip. I didn't know you were so jealous." "What?" She stuck her tongue out then left the room. You sighed. "How childish."

~2 hours later~

His class had been over for a bit now. You should give him your absence excuse. Things had to have died down by now, right?

Wrong. There was a line of girls all the way down the hall from the classroom trying to see Tokiya-sensei. You were not going to deal with that. So you turned around. The absence excuse could wait. "Oh, Y/N." Your heart sank with that voice. You slowly turned around. "Yes, Tokiya-sensei." He walked over to you. "You missed class today." He touched his forehead to yours. "You don't seem sick." You felt your face become red with rage. You tried to hide it as you spoke. "I guess it was just exhaustion then." "Oh, I'll walk you back to your room then." He said. "There's no need for that." He grabbed your hand. "Let's go." And with that, Tokiya-sensei just painted a big red target on your back for all those girls to see.

He lead you to the roof instead of your room. "What are we doing here?" You asked. "I'd like to talk more about your absence up here. Where no one can see." He said the last part quietly. Your rage grew immensely. "Did you have to put me on death's doorstep to do so?" You asked, unable to control your anger. "Huh? Oh, those girls. I'm sure you'll be fine. It's your punishment for not coming to see me in class." A string within snapped. "I don't need a punishment. Not for that." "So you'd like to do the punishing? That's fine with me." Another snapped. "I have no interest in playing your games." You said. "You're the only one I want to play them with." Any strings you had left snapped in that instance. "Can't you just leave me alone!" You yelled. "I've tried to put up with you. I've tried to see past it. But I can't take it anymore! I'm through with being your source of entertainment." You left as fast as you could. 

You ran all the way down to the front door and ran outside. You didn't know your location. You just kept running. You eventually stopped on a bench in a nearby park. Sweat was running down your face and something else. Tears. You laughed. Why did he make you so upset? Why did you lash out like that? Why are you crying about it now? You buried your face in your hands. You thought about his words again. You're the only one I want to play them with. Why did that make you happy? Why do you care if you're special to him? Why do you want to be special to him? This morning he was just a teacher you couldn't stand, now what was he? You were drowning in your thoughts. Why? Why? Why? What if you love him? Huh? Love? Like those stupid girls? Those stupid girls that'll never end up with him? The ones who take his meaningless flirting seriously? Maybe you're the stupidest of them all.

"Are you okay?" You looked up. It was Tokiya-sensei. You were still sweaty and crying. And you hated that you got embarrassed by it. He sat beside you. "Go away." You said quietly. "I'm sorry. I took it too far." He said. "That's all you have to say?" You said. "Yes. You're very special to me, Y/N. And I didn't mean to hurt you. I guess I'll leave now." Your heartbeat quickened. Special. He got up to leave. You reached out and grabbed his sleeve. "Are you going to give up?" You asked. "What?" "You said I'm special to you. Are you going to give up on me since I got mad?" You asked.  "Are you actually sick?" He asked, concerned. "Are you going to give up?" You repeated. "I know I should. You probably want me to." He said. You looked up at him. "Are you going to keep chasing me anyway?" You asked. He smiled. His smile made you realize just how stupid you are. "I don't think I could stop if I tried. I just can't let you get away." "Then shut up and hug me." 

So Tokiya is very out of character. The request was for Tokiya to be flirty like Ren, so I think it's okay. He really only is Tokiya in name alone. I hope that's okay/what the request wanted. Thank you, RishitaBiswas, for the request! I'm sorry it took me so long. This one's a bit all over the place, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway! Thank you so much for reading! Bye-bye


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