Tokiya Christmas Oneshot

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You had just finished making dinner and getting dressed. You had made dinner because Tokiya was coming over for Christmas. It's going to be the first Christmas that You and Tokiya spend together. You heard a knock on the door, it must be Tokiya. You went over and opened the door. "You look beautiful Y/N." You felt your face heat up. "Thank you, you look good too. Come on in." You said. He took off his jacket and placed it on the rack. "I made dinner." You said. "Thank you, since you made it I'm sure it'll taste amazing." Tokiya replied.

Tokiya helped you carry the food to the table, then you two sat down and began to eat. You both had finished eating and you thought this would be the best time to give him his gift. "Can you wait here for a second?" You asked. "Sure." You went into your room and grabbed the box with purple wrapping paper off your desk. You then went back to the table. "Merry Christmas Tokiya." You said as you held out the gift. He took it from your hands and gently pulled away the wrapping paper. It was a picture frame, inside the picture frame was the first picture you two took together as a couple. You remember when you asked him to take that picture. He didn't want to at first, he had said that he didn't see a point. But in the end, you had convinced him. 

He had a small smile as he looked at the picture. He put the picture down. "I have one for you too." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small long-ish box. He handed it to you. "Sorry I didn't wrap it." He said. You opened the box, it was a beautiful bracelet. It had a small microphone charm with a purple gem. "I was hoping that when you wore it, it would make you think of me." Tokiya practically whispered into your ear. You felt your face heat up. "Thank you Tokiya, I love it." "Here, let me help." He took the bracelet from your hand and put it around your wrist. You held your hand up slightly to look at the bracelet, a small smile came to your face. 

As you were looking at your hand, something moving in the window caught your eye. "Look Tokiya, it's snowing." He looked at the window. "Yeah, it is." He looked at your face and sighed. "You want to go outside don't you?" He asked. "Can we?" You asked excitedly. "Sure." You got up and rushed over to the door. "Hurry up." You said. "You're such a child, put on your coat." He replied. You grabbed your coat from the rack and quickly put it on. "Alright, let's go." Tokiya said. You opened the door. The cold air hit your face and you walked outside, Tokiya followed suit. You both just stood out there for a moment. 

Tokiya's POV

"Hey Y/N." She turned towards me. The light from a nearby streetlight reflected off her eyes. She had snowflakes in her hair and her nose was slightly red. I smiled as I thought about how lucky I was. I then hugged her. "I love you." 

Your POV

"I love you." Tokiya said as he hugged you. You felt your face heat up. "I love you too." "Merry Christmas Y/N." "Merry Christmas Tokiya." 

Thank you so much for reading! I think this is going to be all for today. I'm sorry about the requests, but I'll try and write them tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed spending Christmas with Tokiya! Bye-bye!


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