Request by: KiyaraIchinose112
You sighed as you threw your test papers on your bed. Why? Why couldn't you get it? You have perfect scores in the performing part of class. But you fail every single written test. What hurts the most is that it doesn't only affect you. Because of you, people are starting to doubt Masato's teaching ability. Your Masato's Kouhai and all you're doing is making him look bad. You've studied so much you don't ever want to see another book again. But it never works. You heard a knock on your door.
You made your way to the door with dread. You knew exactly who it was. You opened the door. Masato. "I'm sorry." You said immediately. "I came to tell you we're taking a day trip," Masato said with his arms crossed. "A day trip? Now? With everyone?" You asked. It was pretty sudden, which isn't normally Masato's style. "Just the two of us. Will you go?" He asked. "Uh, yeah. I'll get packed quick." You replied. "Alright, meet me on the roof."
You quickly packed some things in a backpack and headed to the roof. Why were you two taking a trip instead of studying? Was he so tired of teaching you that he was going to kill you?! No no no Masato's not like that. You got up to the roof and were met with the loud sounds and wind of the helicopter. Masato was already inside. He was going to take you into the middle of nowhere and push you off! You hit yourself in the face. No, you must not let your thoughts run wild. You cleared your throat and walked to get into the helicopter.
"We're here." You stepped out of the helicopter. "What but this is-" You were cut off by the helicopter leaving. "-the middle of nowhere." All means of escape are gone. Whatever happens, you have to accept your fate. "It's not the middle of nowhere. Come on, I'll show you." He stepped into the trees. You followed behind. Your mouth dropped open as you saw the most beautiful waterfall you've ever seen in the distance. It was rather small so you couldn't hear it from here. "Looks like we have a short walk. We should get going if we want to get back before nightfall." Masato said. A waterfall? What are you two going to do there? You followed after Masato.
After a short walk, you heard the waterfall. And in an even shorter walk, the waterfall came back into view. This waterfall was nothing like the booming ones you know. It was so soft and peaceful. "Here, put this on over your clothes." He handed you a white kimono(overcoat? Sorry, I'm not aware of what it is exactly.) You began putting it on while Masato put one of his own on. You tried to watch how he did it. But it was so fast you barely saw anything. "M-Masato-senpai, could you help me?" You asked. Just another way you seemed pathetic. You couldn't even figure out something this simple. But Masato didn't say anything as he helped you. Although you did notice a light brush of pink on his cheeks.
After he helped you he stepped into the shallow water. "Masato-senpai, what are we doing?" You asked. "Follow me. You'll find out soon enough." You complied and followed into the water after setting your stuff down on a nearby rock. The water was so warm. You followed Masato as he got closer and closer to the waterfall. "Here, sit." He pointed to a rock directly beneath the waterfall. "I know it's small. But, wouldn't it still hurt?" You asked. "Not at all, trust me," Masato said with a small smile. Well, you couldn't deny him after that. You obeyed and sat on the rock. The water fell on your head and immediately drenched your hair. Yet somehow it was so soothing.
Masato sat beside you and closed his eyes. He didn't say anything so you followed and closed your eyes. It felt like you were asleep. Well no, that didn't do it justice. It felt like you were underwater. In complete and total peace. Like the world and all its troubles just melted away. Your tests. All the times you failed. All the whispers about you. All the times people tried to help you. You knew you had started crying, but you couldn't feel it. You couldn't hear it. Almost as if the waterfall wiped away your tears. Your sadness.
You felt yourself begin to shake. Being like made you feel as if you could let it all out. But you knew that wasn't the case. Masato was still here. You couldn't let him see you like this. You stood up. Removing yourself from the waterfall's peace. You blinked the tears and water out of your eyes. Masato was standing in front of you. You smiled the best you could. "Thank you for taking me here Masato." He sighed and opened his arms. "You don't need to hold it in. Let it out." Your eyes widened. You knew how hard this must be for the stoic Masato who took little displays like this very seriously. But you didn't have the energy to refuse. You accepted Masato's kindness and went into his arms. And then you cried. Harder than you ever had before.
~time skip~
Masato's face was still red. "Thank you for taking me here Masato. To be honest, I thought you took me here to kill me." You accidentally said that last part out loud. That broke him out of his embarrassed daze. "Kill you?" "Well I mean, I don't really think you're like that but it was pretty strange. And it's not like I'm doing you any good." He didn't say anything, just gave you a questioning look. "People doubt you because I'm stupid. You put so much effort into helping me and I don't give you anything in return." You looked down.
Masato's POV
This girl. Her eyes are red from crying, she thinks she deserves to be killed, she says she's stupid, and says I just give without getting anything from her. I sighed. She's a handful. She is. But I can't imagine life without her.
Your POV
"I need you," Masato said. Your heartbeat quickened and your face reddened. "What?" You asked. His face also got red. "That's not what I meant. Well, I did but." He sighed. "Idols aren't only meant to be performers. We're also meant to be role models. Inspiring future generations. Teaching you made me realize that. By teaching you to improve, you have also improved me." He was too kind to you. He was. But that only made your heart beat faster. Wait. Wait what. Why was your heart beating because he was comforting you? Only Masato made it feel like it would all be okay. Only Masato made you believe in yourself. Only him. Isn't this how people describe love? Wait. LOVE?! You love him? Earlier he said he needed you. The same was true for you. He was so kind to you, he inspired you to be better. But love? "I know your problem." "Huh?" You asked, broken from your thoughts. "You overthink too much. You're too scared of failing you get in over your head. You need to calm down when you take the test. I know you know the material." He had total belief in you. "Thank you Masato-senpai. For everything. I'll pass that next test for sure." You said with a smile. He smiled back. "I know you will."
And so that day trip ended with many words unspoken on both sides. But that wasn't the end of the story.
~Time skip~
"MASATO-SENPAI." You said bursting into his room. You were out of breath from running all the way to the master course. He looked up from his calligraphy table. You shut the door and sat beside him. "Look look!" You said, showing him your paper. 100%, full marks. "Good job." He said with a small smile. "Now that's you've got the written part down, you're sure to graduate soon." Graduate. Go to the master course. You may do well in school but there's no way you'd be put in the same building as Starish. This dorm is only for the idols in training with the most potential. You'd leave Masato. "Is there something wrong?" You made up your mind right there and then. "You told me not to overthink things so I'll just say it outright." You looked Masato in the eyes. "I'm in love with you Masato-senpai." He had a shocked expression on his face. "I know it's crazy and it's never going to happen. Especially when I haven't graduated yet. But I'm not going to give up." He opened his mouth to reply but you cut him off. "I don't want an answer now. I'm going to work hard. So that one day I can be someone worthy of hearing your answer. Whatever that may be." You smiled. His face was red but he seemed to be trying to regain his composure. "I'll look forward to that day," Masato said with a small smile. "You better be ready. I'm going to be a storm that even the master course can't weather!"
I apologize if I offended anyone with this. It was not my intention to harm or offend anyone's culture or beliefs or anything else. (You're not cooking in this one! My Masato oneshots have finally evolved to variation.) Thank you so much for 15k reads!!! I can't believe this book has made it this far. Thank you so much! Sorry for the lateness in your request KiyaraIchinose112! I hope you like this one! I hope you all have a wonderful day/night! Bye-bye, for now.

Uta no prince sama x reader Oneshots
FanfictionOneshots for you to enjoy. Picture not mine. Anime not mine, the anime belongs to Broccoli. Characters not mine. I OWN NOTHING I write the oneshots but they have probably been inspired by other works I've read. Enjoy!