Chaos Rising Part 4

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'I can't take waiting around like this you know, its nerve wrecking.' Stiles sighed as he looked out of the window. Scott and Derek had left for the bank so now it was just me, Stiles and Peter. I was sitting next to a standing Stiles with my back faced to the window, I could feel the rising full moon shining on my back. 'My nerves are wrecked! They're severely wrecked!' Stiles whined. 'I could beat you unconscious and wake you when it's over.' Peter said quietly. He was laying on the couch with his feet on a small table. 'You think Erica is really dead?' Stiles asked as he turned away from the window? 'You think he really cares?' I sighed. 'I don't.' Peter agreed with me. Stiles sighed. 'It's just, I don't understand the bank.' He said as he started pacing around. I raised an eyebrow. 'You don't? Babe, they teach you this in primary school. A bank is where you can get money and stuff like that. In dutch it's also something you can sit on.' I told him. 'I know what a bank is Samantha, I just don't understand why they used it. Why wouldn't they chain them up in some underground lair or something? They're an alpha pack, right? So shouldn't they have a lair?' He asked in return. 'They're werewolves, not bond villains.' Peter sighed. 'Maybe they're living there.' I shrugged. Stiles looked at me with wide eyes before he walked to the middle of the room. 'Yes, yes! What if they are? I mean, where do you live?' My boyfriend asked Peter. I rested my head on my hand and smiled a little. 'In an underground network of caves deep in the woods.' Peter replied calmly and I chuckled. 'Wow, really?' Stiles asked with wide eyes. 'No you idiot.' Peter chuckled. 'Hey! That's my idiot you're calling an idiot.' I exclaimed. Peter raised his eyebrow at me. 'That didn't make any sense.' I shrugged. 'I know. I got it from him.' I replied nodding at Stiles. 'I have an apartment down town.' Peter then told my boyfriend. 'Okay but still, that proves that there's something up with the bank.' Stiles shot back. 'And, why wait around for the full moon, ha?' He continued. I stood up. Not because the words full moon reminded of the nearly full moon right outside meaning I could rip my own boyfriends head off if I don't keep my head in the game or anything. 'He's right, why not just kill them whenever they want?' I asked confused. 'Maybe they think it's poetic.' Peter replied. 'They would've had three full moons to be poetic.' Stiles noticed. True. 'And here you've had only one full hour to be so anno...' Peter began but he never finished his sentence. His head then shot up as if he suddenly realized something. 'No go on, finish what you were saying, I'm annoyi...' Stiles said. 'What are the walls made of?' Peter asked us. Stiles and I shot each other a confused look. We both looked up at the ceiling. 'I don't know, wood I guess.' I said. 'And brick...' Stiles muttered. 'No you idiots, the vault, what are they made out of?' Peter said catching our full attention. We all stood around the table where the floor plans were. 'It doesn't say it, where does it say it? The materials the types of stone?' He asked. Stiles dug into my bag and pulled a bundle with at least 100 pieces of paper. 'It's gotta be in there.' He said. 'No wonder why my bag was so heavy...' I muttered with a sigh. 'There, that's it!' Stiles said after about 10 minutes of searching. Peter looked closer 'Hecatolite.' He said sighed. 'Is that awful? That sounds awful.' Stiles rambled. 'Sam get your brother on the phone, now!' Peter said. 'Why?' Stiles asked as I was already looking for my phone. 'Because Boyd and that girl are gonna kill each other, they're gonna kill Derek and Scott.' Peter replied. 'Oh god...' I quickly dialled Scott's number. Luckily he answered right away. 'Sammy now's not really a good time...' He told me. 'No, no, no Scotty! Listen, you have to get out of there! The walls of the vault are made of a mineral called hecatolite. It scatters the moon light!' I rambled. 'What does that mean?' My brother asked me. 'It keeps the moonlight out they haven't felt the full moon in months!' I said. 'Think of it like the gladiators in Rome.' Peter cut in. 'They used to starve the lions for three days so they'd be more vicious. More out of control. Deucalion has kept them from shifting, for three full moons. Diminishing their tolerance to it.' He said. 'Scotty, they're gonna be stronger, more bloodthirsty, you have to get out of there!' I said. 'Scott, they're the lions. And you and Derek just stepped into the colosseum.' Peter said. It stayed quiet on the other side. 'Derek, we've got a problem. A really big problem.' I then heard my brother say, followed by growls coming from probably Boyd and whoever was with him. 'Cora?' Derek said, with a tone that made it sound like he knew her. 'Who?' Scott asked. 'Cora.' Derek repeated. Not giving us any information as of who she was. 'Scotty?' I asked quietly. 'No! No wait!' My brother yelled but then all we could hear was the sound of fighting and roaring before the line was broken.

[Stiles POV]

Everything seemed to be going in slow motion but it all went so fast. The phone falling out of Sammy's hand onto the floor, her running for the door. It took me a while to realize what she was doing. Peter and I both grabbed her arms to stop her. I could feel the full moon's effect, meaning me and my simple human strength weren't actually doing anything and it was all Peter holding her back. But I at least had to try, I mean, she's my girlfriend. And I know she wants to help Scott but with the full moon, who knows who she might kill on her way there. 'Stiles let her go!' Peter yelled and my eyes grew wide. 'No freaking way!' I yelled back. 'Stiles she'll hurt you, I know you think she won't but she will and you don't want her to live with that guilt now let. Her. Go!' He grunted as he pulled her arms behind her back. He did have a point. If she'd hurt me now, it would be because of the full moon, she'd have no control. Even though I know she'd never hurt me, she can't control it. I slowly removed my hands giving Peter space to wrap both his arms around her to hold her back. She was fighting really hard, not only was there the full moon, but the fear of her brother getting hurt. Sam tried to throw Peter off but it only ended up with both of 'em on the floor. I could see that even Peter was struggling to keep her down. The sight of my girlfriend with fangs and yellow eyes made me gulp and take a few steps back. But what if Peter can't hold her? What is she breaks free and goes on a killing spree? She'd had to live with the guilt of killing innocent people for the rest of her life. I took a deep breath and walked over to them. 'No Stiles!' Peter yelled but I ignored him. 'Samantha!' I yelled trying to get her attention. 'Peter hold her arms so she can't scratch my face open.' I said calmly. Peter groaned clearly not in the mood for this but still tried to hold both her arms behind her back. 'Samantha! Baby, look at me.' I said again. I cupped her face with both my hands forcing her to look at me. 'Samantha is Scott in pain?' I asked her. 'Sammy remember what Deaton said! Is Scott in pain?! Can you feel anything?' I said shaking her a little bit. I could slowly see her eyes turn into their beautiful dark brown self's again. She took a deep few breaths. 'N-No... No he's not. Not anymore.' She said quietly and I noticed a single tear running down her cheek. I wiped it off with my thumb. 'Then he's alright, and so are you. You're alright.' I whispered. Peter slowly let her go and she laid down on her back panting. 'Looks like you found yourself an anchor.' Peter told her.

I suck at regular uploading well oops

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