Anchors Part 3

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Once arrived we told Deaton about this new information. 'It sounds like your subconscious is trying to communicate with you.' Deaton said. 'Well how do I tell my subconscious to use a language that I actually know?' Stiles asked and he ran his hand through his hair. 'Do you remember what the sign-language looked like? The placement and the movement of the hands?' Deaton asked my boyfriend. Oh yeah, right. When he was zoned out during econ, he had some kind of hallucination where the whole class was suddenly using sign-language. The same words over and over. 'You know sign-language?' Scott asked surprised. 'I know a little.' Deaton replied with a shrug. 'Give it a shot.' He told Stiles. 'Okay well the first move was like this... That...' Stiles said demonstrating the first movement. 'That's "when."' Deaton said. 'And there's this... Twice.' Stiles said. 'Hey how wait hi!' I rambled whilst my hand shot up in the air. 'I know that! That's "door" right?' I asked. Deaton smiled and nodded. 'And then there's this in between that.' Stiles said showing the last movement. 'That's it?' Deaton asked frowning a little. He looked at me and nodded saying I should give it a go. 'Uh... When is a door, not a door?' I said. 'Is that right?' I asked noticing some confused looks. Doctor D nodded. 'When is a door not a door?' Stiles repeated. 'When it's ajar...' My brother muttered. Hey, he's good at riddles. Not that that's gonna get you anywhere in life but hey, he has a talent! 'You're kidding me, right? A riddle? Seriously? My subconscious wants to tell me riddle?' Stiles sighed. 'Not necessarily.' Deaton said with a shake of his head. 'When the three of you went under the water, when you crossed from a consciousness to a kinda super consciousness, you essentially opened a door in your minds.' He said. 'Okay so what does that mean?' I asked jumping on the table and pulling my knees up to my chest. 'Like, the door is still open?' I asked. 'Ajar.' Deaton replied. 'A door... Into our minds.' Stiles said raising his eyebrows. 'Well, we knew it was risky.' I sighed. 'What do we do about it?' Scott asked. 'That's... Difficult to answer.' Deaton replied. 'No, no, no, wait a sec, I know that look.' Stiles said. 'That's the "We know exactly what's wrong with you but we have no idea how to fix it" look.' He said. 'One thing I do know.' Deaton began. 'Is that having an opening like that into your mind, is not good. You each need to close that door. And you need to do it as soon as possible.' He said. 'Close the door... That's easier said than done!' I sighed when we left the animal clinic. I climbed onto the bike when suddenly the sheriff's car parked in front of us. 'Dad? What are you doing here?' Stiles asked once his dad was out of the car. 'I'm here, because I could use some help.' He said. Should I grab my helmet? I mean, I actually should wear one but I never do so. Could he arrest me for not wearing my helmet? Nah, odds on he won't. 'Actually, your help.' He said looking at my brother and nodding at me over my brother's shoulder. 'Why us?' Scott asked. 'Because eight years ago almost an entire family died in a car accident, one of the bodies, a young girl named Malia was never found. There is enough evidence to have me thinking that a werewolf could've caused the accident and dragged her body away. If you could somehow get a lock on her scent, if you could somehow help me find her body, that would provide the missing clue.' He told us. 'And what if it was a werewolf?' Stiles asked his dad. 'Well then there's somebody out there who murdered almost an entire family, someone who still needs to be caught.'


I never thought the sheriff would agree with a plan like this. A plan of breaking into someone's house and you know, borrowing something, that's how Scott likes to say it. Whilst the sheriff was keeping the father busy we entered the room that used to be Malia's room. Of course it had to be a squeaky door. We went through her stuff but nothing seemed to be good enough. 'All I'm getting is some kind of animal smell.' Scott said and I nodded in agreement. 'What kind of animal?' Stiles asked. That's when I heard a growl behind me. I shut my eyes and sighed. 'I'm guessing it's the dog standing behind me.' I said and both boys looked up. Stiles quickly hid the stuffed animal he was holding under his jacket. 'Hi puppy.' Stiles said quietly. 'Get rid of it.' He then whispered to us. 'How?' I hissed. 'I don't know, glow your eyes at it, something, be the alpha.' Stiles said. 'I can't, I don't have enough control.' Scott replied. Stiles carefully poked my side. 'Na-ah, I love dogs.' I whisper shouted. 'But this one's evil!' Stiles whined. I groaned. 'Just think of something, I've got him. As long as I don't break eye contact he shouldn't attack or... Do something evil.' I said. 'Well we can't just stay here waiting for this dog to get bored of your eyes!' Stiles sighed. 'Which are totally gorgeous by the way.' He quickly added. I shrugged. 'Then we'll just have to take the risk.' I said and both boy's looked at me with wide eyes. 'What do you mean by risk?' Scott whispered. I looked down and the dog immediately started barking. 'Are you insane?' Stiles whisper shouted. 'Apollo!' Someone shouted from down stairs. 'Apollo shut the hell up!' The dog stopped barking and went downstairs. We sighed in relief. 'There's nothing here.' I said. Scott nodded in agreement. 'All I'm getting is that dog.' He said. Stiles sighed and lowered his head. When he looked back up he saw a picture on the desk of two young girls. He grabbed his phone and took a picture of it. We went back outside and waited for the sheriff to come back, which didn't take so long. 'I'm sorry.' Scott said. 'We tried but it's probably been too long.' He said. 'Maybe if they didn't own a dog...' I shrugged. 'It's okay.' The sheriff said. 'It was a terrible idea anyway, I just ripped a wound open with that poor man. I never should've brought you guys here. I don't know what I was thinking. Thanks for trying though.' He said giving us a smile and got in his car. 'Sam, you staying for dinner?' He asked and I nodded smiling. 'See ya at home.' He then told Stiles and I before driving off. 'Are there a lot of cases that go unsolved?' Scott asked once the sheriff was gone. 'Yeah, he just felt like this is one he could've figured out right now.' Stiles replied. 'Why is it so important now?' My brother asked with a frown. 'Well he wants to be able to solve one more while he's still sheriff.' Stiles said and Scott and I looked at each other with wide eyes. 'Wait, hold up, did you just say "while he's still sheriff?"' I asked my boyfriend. Stiles looked at us, but I already knew the answer. 'It's him isn't it?' I asked and Stiles nodded. 'God dammit. Scott, get us home, now!' I said already walking towards the bike. 'Stiles, I'll meet you at your place in like an hour or so, I gotta deal with this first.'

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