Lunar Eclips Part 2

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Stiles and I went back to his house to get something that will help Scott and I to follow his dad's scent. Scott went back with Allison and Isaac to the Argents place. I called Scott as I was walking up the stairs in Stiles' house. 'Yo, you're on speaker, got anything in mind we should bring?' I asked. 'Some boxer's maybe?' Stiles yelled from the other room. Scott sighed. 'Stiles, I'm not smelling your dad's boxers.' He said. 'Socks than?' Stiles yelled. 'Socks? Okay I'll smell the socks.' My brother replied. 'Okido, I'll get you some Papa Stilinski socks, talk to ya laters.' I said and I was just about to hang up when Scott cut me off. 'Whoa, wait, Sammy, stay on the phone.' He whispered and I frowned. I walked into Stiles room, he was looking at a picture of him and his dad. 'That's quite the arsenal your father's got here young lady.' I heard my father say. Oh god no, not him again. I heard Scott walk into the room and two hears started beating faster. 'What are you doing here?' Scott asked him. 'Following one of the only leads I have. Now since I don't know where you've been why don't you have a seat? We can talk.' My father replied. 'No thank, I'm good standing.' I sighed not expecting Scott to have put me on loudspeaker as well. 'Is that your sister?' He asked. 'No I'm the Pope of Rome, Hallelujah!' I said sarcastically, I heard a sigh. 'Why don't you join us as well, Isaac.' Dad said. 'How do you know my name?' Isaac asked once he entered the room. 'Your name is one of the few things I know, to be honest, the rest of what's going on in here has me stumbling in the dark, even the smallest clue.' He replied. I scoffed. 'So you're an FBI agent without a clue, that's actually something we learned a long time ago.' I said rolling my eyes. 'You know Samantha, why don't you leave us be for the moment, I'll have a word with you later. Where are you anyway? Are you with that Stilinski?' He asked me and I let out a sigh. 'Yes, I'm at my boyfriend's house, dad. And I'd rather you don't have a word with me later.' I said before abruptly hanging up the phone. 'Stiles!' I yelled running into the room he was in. 'We gotta go, now!' I said grabbing his arm and pulling him with me. In the car we noticed the weather acting strange, the wind was picking up, and the fact that we had to drive through a pretty narrow road in the woods didn't really help. We could barely see the road ahead of us. But now and then I could catch a glimpse of the rising full moon in the sky. 'Are you alright? You don't feel like ripping my head off or anything, right?' Stiles asked, only taking his eyes off the road for a split second. I frowned. 'Of course not, why do you ask?' I asked him. 'Your eyes are bright yellow, Sammy.' He replied with a slight sigh. I blinked my eyes a few times, when I opened them again and looked out onto the road I screamed. 'Stiles! Watch out!' But it was too late. We'd already crashed into a tree. I coughed and had to take a moment to pull up the barrier again to fight the full moon creeping up on me. I still wasn't in control like Scott was. I looked around to see how bad it was, his jeep wasn't getting us nowhere that's for sure. But Stiles wasn't either. He was knocked out with his head leaning against the window and a cut on his forehead. I tried to move over to him but my leg was stuck, when I tried to move it, it hurt like a bitch. I felt like there was a piece of his jeep stuck in my leg. 'Shit.' I cursed and slammed my head against my seat. I heard a groan coming from Stiles' seat and his eyes flickered open. 'Hey babe, no you are not dreaming, we hit a car and a piece of your car might be stuck in my leg, might helping me out?' I smiled. His eyes widened and he leaned over. He gulped. 'Uh, yep, there is a piece of my jeep in your thigh, the doors shattered, can you move?' He asked me. I shook my head. 'It hurts like a bitch. And it won't heal until it's out.' I replied. 'Okay, okay, erm, we're gonna have to pull. Okay? Use you werewolfy strength or something.' Stiles said and I shook my head again. 'Can't. The eclipse has started. We have no powers, it's just us.' I sighed. Stiles nodded, but it was the kind of nod that meant he was trying to think of an option but there really wasn't one, although, there was one. He looked at me with a questioning look. I swallowed loudly and nodded. He reached over again and tilted my seat back, the sudden movement shifted the object in my thigh in I groaned. 'Sorry.' He muttered. 'Okay, I'm gonna place my hand here... We're gonna pull on three, okay?' He asked and I nodded biting my lip firmly. 'One... two... three!' I started moving my leg away from the door, I screamed so loud that I wouldn't be surprised if they heard it all the way back at the Nemeton. 'I'm so sorry, baby. Just a little more.' Stiles whispered as he kissed my temple. 'God if this is what giving birth feels like I'm never having kids!' I exclaimed and Stiles raised an eyebrow. He moved his hand fully removing my leg from the metal object. 'Yes you are, three actually.' He said and climbed out of the car, we walked over to my side and opened what was left of the door. 'Can you walk?' He asked. I shrugged saying I didn't know. I slid out of the car but whimpered as soon as my foot met the ground. Stiles turned around. 'Get on my back.' He said crouching down a bit. I sighed. 'Stiles I'm not gonna make you carry me around, your back...' I began but he quickly cut me off. 'Don't you dare say what you're about to say. Jump.' He said sternly. I rolled my eyes and jumped on his back. 'Where to first my lady?' He asked. 'I think we should check out this Nemeton place, see if they've made it out yet.' I suggested. Stiles nodded and started walking, but not before grabbing the bat from the car saying it might come in handy now that we don't have werewolf powers. The wind was still going mad. I wonder if this storm was caused by Jennifer. Could she cause a storm? I wouldn't be surprised. Stiles knew where the Nemeton was and luckily it wasn't the far from where we were. The only bad news, the root cellar where they were holding everyone, was kinda falling apart. And I could hear people inside. Stiles put my down. 'Wait here.' He said and he walked towards the entrance of the root cellar, going down in it. A weird feeling hit me. And I immediate knew it was coming from Scott. The eclipse had passed so my wound was already starting to heal. I got up to my feet and walked away from the scene. I had no idea where he was, but at the same time I did. It's like we were connected by some kind of invisible wire and he was pulling me towards him. My feet moved without me controlling them. And before I knew it I was standing in a doorway seeing Deucalion and Derek on the floor, Jennifer inside some circle and Scott standing just outside it. He told me when he found Deaton at the bank he was inside a circle like this, a werewolf couldn't pass it. But Scott tried, and that's when Deaton saw his eyes turning red for the first time. I caught Scott's gaze over Jennifer's shoulder and I nodded. 'You can do it, Scotty.' I told him. He placed his hands against the invisible walls and started pushing. I walked over to him, walking past Derek in the process who was staring at this scene in shock. I placed my hand on Scott's shoulder. 'They got her, Scotty, they're out of the root cellar. Mom's out.' I said. It felt like I was passing some kind of energy onto him, but it didn't make me weaker, I wasn't giving it to him, it's like we were sharing it. Then his eyes turned from electric yellow, to red. Jennifer was looking really worried now. He took was last step and her barrier was broken. 'How did you do that?' Jennifer asked in total shock. I shrugged. 'Meh I think it's kinda obvious.' I grinned. 'I'm an alpha now.' Scott spoke. 'Whatever you're doing to cause the storm, make it stop. Or I'll kill you myself. I don't care what it does to the colour of my eyes.' He said. 'It won't change the colour of mine.' Deuc spoke from behind me. 'So allow me.' He said. I grinned and stepped aside. 'All yours.' He walked over to Jennifer and slashed her throat with one quick movement. I slid down against the wall next to Derek. 'I need a week off or something.' I sighed and he grinned. 'Ibiza? Hawaii? Name it. I don't care.' He said and I laughed. 'Me neither. Just as long as they don't have evil bitches trying to sacrifice my mother.' I sighed resting my head on his shoulder. 'Scott?' That was Stiles' voice. I looked over to my brother, he was on the phone. 'Are you alright?' He asked. 'We're all okay. What about you? Is Sammy there she kinda bailed on me...' Stiles replied. 'Woops.' I muttered and Derek chuckled. 'Yeah, yeah she's here. We're all okay, sort of.' Scott said. 'You think you can come get us?' Stiles asked. 'Yeah, sure.' My brother replied. 'Okay, eh... Bring a ladder.' He said and I heard some laughter on the background. Scott hung up the phone, now we had another problem to deal with. A problem called Deucalion, who can apparently see again because of Jennifer. At least she did one good thing before her throat got slashed. Derek stood up and reached out his hand to help me up. He walked over to my brother and Deuc. 'My mother told me you were a man of vision once.' Derek spoke as Deucalion stood in front of us. 'We're letting you go, because we hope you can be that man again.' He said. 'But if you're not.' Scott began. 'Then you'll have his squad against you.' I said jerking a thumb in Scott's direction, he glanced at me and I raised my hands innocently. 'But if you're not.' He said again. He waited to see if I was going to ruin his point again. 'Then having your eye sight back won't matter, because you'll never see us coming.' He said and with that we walked away leaving him behind. 'I hope to never see you again, Deuc!' I yelled over my shoulder. When we almost reached the others, Scott spoke again. 'So you're still going ahead with your plan?' He asked and Derek nodded. I frowned. 'What plan? What do I not know? Hellooww, talk to me? I'm important enough to know!' I rambled. Scott smiled a little. 'I'll go meet up with the others.' Scott said and walked off. 'What's going on?' I asked Derek. He sighed a little. 'I'm leaving, Sammy. With Cora. We... I- I need to get out of here. I think you can understand that.' He said. I frowned a little. 'But... You're our grumpy cat. I pouted and he laughed. 'I still am Sammy, don't worry. Trust me, leaving you here is probably the hardest thing I have to do.' He sighed and cupped my left cheek, carefully stroking it with his thumb. 'You remind me so much of her. From the first moment I met you three idiots in the forest. You know, when we got out of that pool and you were laying there, I knew there was nothing we could do. But Scott he... He wouldn't give up. When he asked me to save you I hesitated, because I didn't want history to repeat itself. But here you are. You and Scott you sure are something else. I saw it back there, for a moment I thought you might become an alpha as well.' He spoke with a smile. I shook my head. 'I wouldn't want that. Stiles wouldn't want that. That would definitely make me the dominant one.' I chuckled and Derek rolled his eyes. 'He's an idiot by the way. But I can see that he makes you happy. You deserve that. You're gonna do great things, Samantha. All of you.' He said. He grabbed my hand and turned it so he could see my wrist. 'Does he know?' He asked and I frowned. 'Does who know what?' I asked confused. He smiled a little. 'Does Stiles know the meaning of your tattoo?' He asked again. 'Oh.' I shook my head. 'No, he knows that the two stripes stand for Scott and I, but the heart... He just thinks it's because I'm a girl.' I shrugged and I laughed a little. 'Oh, Derek.' I muttered and pulled him in for a hug. 'I hope you'll come back. I really do. Now that my dad's in town I... I need to someone to annoy with my whining.' I sighed. 'I wish I could stay to listen to your whining, Sammy, I really wish I could.'




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