Letharia Vulpina

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Scott and I walked down the stairs where we found mom sitting at a table with a cup in her hand. 'Any news?' I asked her, referring to my boyfriend who took off again last night. She shook her head. 'They're still looking for him. But I guess if anybody can go missing for two days and turn up fine, It's Stiles.' She said with a small smile. 'What about Isaac?' Scott asked. She sighed and stood up from her chair. 'Maybe we could go by the hospital before school?' She suggested and we both nodded.


We stepped out of the elevator and found Allison asleep on a chair. Scott shook her shoulder slightly and her head shot up. 'You been here all night?' He asked her. She nodded. 'Yeah, they won't let me see him because I'm not family. I told them he hasn't got any.' She replied. 'Well he's got us.' Mom said and I nodded. 'Yeah, the kid lives with us for Christ's sake.' I sighed. 'And you have a key card.' I added turning to my mom with a cheeky smile. She rolled her eyes and got out the key card. She opened the door for us and told us to be quick. We walked into the room. 'I thought he'd be healing by now?' Allison asked referring to the wounds on the right side of his cheek and part of his neck. 'So did I.' Scott said. Scott grabbed Isaac's arm, which was also covered in burn wounds. 'Is he in pain?' I asked and Scott nodded. He took a firmer grip on his arm and took some of his pain away. Isaac moved a little and let out a quiet sigh of relief. I noticed the painful look on Scott's face and pulled his hand away. 'That's enough.' I whispered. 'It won't heal him but it's gonna help with the pain.' Scott told Allison. 'Did Stiles really do this?' She asked. I gritted my teeth. 'Whatever's controlling him is.' I said. 'Whatever's inside of him.' I whispered. 'Then how do we get what's inside of him the hell out of him?' She asked. 'We're working on it.' Scott said. He nodded at the door. 'Come on, let's get to school.'


At the school we met up with Kira who'd done some more research. 'The thing is in all of the stories, Kitsune's are tricksters. They are mischievous. They don't get caught up in right or wrong or even understand it.' She told us. 'So you're saying this thing is just doing it for the hell of it?' I asked with raised eyebrows. 'No, there was something else that I found.' She said shaking her head. 'If you somehow offend a Nogitsune, it can react pretty badly.' She said. 'How do you offend a Nogitsune?' Scott asked. 'I don't know but if it's doing something this bad, then someone really, really offended it.' Kira sighed. The bell rang which meant it was time for French. 'I gotta go, I'll see you guys later.' I said and quickly made my way to the class room. I was the last one to enter the room. The teacher had just began teaching. As soon as I entered the room the whole room became silent. Everyone knew I was dating Stiles, and everyone knew he was missing. 'Miss McCall, I'm glad to see you today, I mean thinking of the circumstances...' I raised an eyebrow and the teacher awkwardly cleared his throat. 'Uh, take a seat...' He told me and I walked over to my seat trying to avoid all the staring eyes. I plopped down in my seat and opened my book. The teacher continued his lesson and I think he left me alone on purpose. Normally he always makes me answer as he knows I hate French, but today I didn't have to say a word. Halfway through class I started hearing this weird noise. I thought I recognized it but I wasn't sure. It sounded like one of Argent's emitters. I raised my hand. 'Uh, yes, Samantha?' The teacher said in a surprised tone. 'May I be excused? I have to use the bathroom.' I asked. 'Uh, yes, of course, you're excused.' He said. I stood up and sighed as every pair of eyes in the class followed my every move. I sighed. 'He's missing, not dead.' I said before walking out of the room. I followed the sound and it let me to the basement. As I was running down the stairs I bumped into Scott and the twins. 'Did you hear it as well?' Aiden asked and I nodded. In front of me Scott's eyes widened a little, I turned around and gasped. 'Stiles?' I asked looking at the person standing across the hallway in the dark. He turned around and he was holding the emitter in his hand. 'Okay I know what you guys are thinking.' He said raising both his hands. 'But it's me, I swear to god it's me.' He said. I had the unbearable urge to run towards him and hug him until he couldn't breathe but something was stopping me. The twins growled behind me, ran past me and grabbed Stiles lifting him up in the air. I let out a roar, ran towards them and pulled them off Stiles. I couldn't see who but of 'em easily pushed me away against some lockers. 'She said stop!' Scott yelled and roared, they immediately let go of him. 'Scott, Sammy, it's me I swear. I don't know where I've been the last two days or what I've been doing but this is me I promise.' Stiles said. 'You know what happened at the hospital?' Ethan asked. 'I know more than that.' Stiles replied and he walked past us. He grabbed a blueprint and placed it on the floor. 'It's a blue print of the hospital's electrical wiring. You see all these markings in red? That's my hand writing.' He said. 'I know I did this, I caused the accident, and all of this stuff in this bag, it's all part of something bigger.' He said. 'What the hell have you been up to?' Ethan asked picking a quite dangerous looking device. 'I think something worse, a lot worse.' Stiles replied with a sigh. The twins placed the bag on a table and emptied it. 'What the hell were you doing? Building a terminator?' I asked as I looked through all of the stuff. 'There's a map here.' Scott said. 'Isn't that the cross country trail?' Aiden asked pointing out the red marked line. 'That's the Tate car. Where Malia Tate's family died.' Scott said pointing a finger at a certain spot. 'You mean where her father put the steel traps.' Stiles said. 'What are you saying?' I asked him. He shrugged. 'Maybe I put up some traps as well.'

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