Echo House Part 3

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'Got everything?' Scott asked as he grabbed his helmet from the table. 'Arms, check. Legs, check. Head, check. Brain, check. Boobs, check. Bag, check. Yep I'm good to go.' I said and Scott rolled his eyes. 'I really don't get how we're related.' He said as he walked towards the door. He suddenly stopped walking and I walked into his back. 'What are you doing here?' He asked. 'I live here, what about you?' I asked rubbing my sore forehead. I peeked over his shoulder and saw it was Kira. 'I came to help.' She said and walked inside. 'Not sure that's such a good idea.' Scott said placing his helmet on the table again. 'Because of my mother?' Kira asked. 'No, I know that's not your fault.' Scott replied. 'Yeah, but it still feels like it is.' She sighed. I frowned. I was not following. 'What's wrong with her mom? Is she trying to kill you like Allison's dad back in the days?' I asked. 'My mom kinda controls the Oni.' Kira said. 'And if I can help, shouldn't I?' She continued. 'Hold up gurl.' I said stepping forward. 'Yo momma's controlling them ninja's tryna kill ma boyfriend? Hmm-hmm, dats wrong. But gurl, it ain't yo fault that's for sure.' I shrugged and Kira laughed a little. 'But, ma bro's also right. People who help us usually end up getting hurt.' I said. 'Badly.' Scott added. 'Okay, but I've been practicing.' Kira said slipping her bag of her shoulder. 'Practicing what?' Scott asked. 'I've been picking this up really fast, like crazy fast.' She said and wiped a sword out of her bag nearly cutting our heads off. 'You sure about that?' I asked. 'Sorry. Watch.' She said and did some crazy ninja moves making my jaw drop. 'Gurl, you are so coming with us!' I grinned.


I woke up inside a locker again. Well, waking up isn't what I'd like to call it. I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming. Although I'm never really sure. I tried to open the locker but it wouldn't open. 'Hey, hey! Let me out! Let me out!' I yelled. A shadow walked past the locker and I stepped back, well there wasn't much room to step back but still. It was him, the other guy. 'Let me in.' He said and I frowned. 'What do you mean?' I asked, my voice shaking badly. 'You know.' He replied. 'Okay screw you and your stupid riddles.' I sighed. He slammed his hand against the locker and I jumped back. 'No riddle this time, Stiles. You know what it means.' He said. 'Just let me out...' I whispered. 'Just let me out...' I slammed my hand against the locker. 'Let me out!' I yelled. He was suddenly standing right in front of the locker I was in. 'LET ME IN!' My eyes shut open and I jumped up gasping for breath. I looked around. I was awake. I was awake, this was real. 'Hey, hey, hey. Shht.' Malia said. 'How did you get in here?' I asked with frown. 'I broke the lock.' She replied. 'If I concentrate I can be pretty strong. Get up.' She said and she helped me get out. 'There's another way to the basement through the closed unit.' She said. 'Where they keep the real psychos.'


We were crouched down between some police cars waiting for the cost to be clear. 'You're up.' Allison told Kira who had the tracker in her hand, she nodded and started running towards the car placing the tracker on the back of it. She smiled but then a door opened. She hid behind the car. It was Deputy Parrish. 'Okay let's get out of here.' He said and opened the door, his eyes widened and he got out his gun. What the hell? 'We're gonna have to do something...' Scott muttered. Suddenly the back door of the van opened and a gun jumped up knocking Deputy Parrish out. 'Who the hell is that?' Scott asked. 'I'm willing to bet my whole movie collection that that's Kincaid.' I said and looked at Allison who nodded. 'It's him.' She said. 'Well, yolo I guess.' And stood up walking towards the van. 'Erm, excuse me, sir. Yeah we kinda need that finger.' I said pointing at the silver prosthetic Kinkaid was holding up. I smiled friendly and looked at Allison who was pointing her crossbow at his face. 'Why should I give it to you, little girl?' He asked with a smile. I shrugged. 'Cause I'm cute? And maybe that briefcase with a 150 000 inside that van.' I shrugged. 'The scroll inside this prosthetic finger is worth three million.' Kinkaid said. I sighed. 'Bro, its 150 grand or nothing, give us the finger. We have other things to do.' I said. Kira appeared on the top of the car and jumped into Kinkaid's neck. Who didn't budge and easily pulled her off. I looked back at Kinkaid who now had fangs and electric blue eyes. 'Um Alli, thanks for mentioning he's a werewolf.' I said. 'I guess negotiations are over.' Kinkaid said and growled.

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