Tattoo Part 2

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Scott's alarm clock went off meaning it 6:45 am. I threw a lacrosse ball at it to shut it up. I grabbed my books as I laid down on his bed, holding up the book above my head. Scott decided to a little multitasking. He grabbed to handle he hung above his bathroom entrance and did some pull-ups as he held a book in the other hand. Ugh, show off. We were working on our plan of getting our grades up, we decided to become good students. A beep sounded from his computer. He let go of the handle and landed on his feet. 'Ephemeral.' He read as a box with 'word of the day' appeared on his screen. Oh yes, we were taking this very serious. 'Well? What's it mean?' I asked hanging upside down from his bed. "Lasting a very short time, transient. Momentary.' He said and we both immediately looked at the spots where our tattoos should be. 'Ephemeral.' We muttered in an annoyed tone.


My twin and I arrived at school and we had all eyes fixed on us. Wanna know why? Scott bought himself an awesome cross bike. He parked it and I climbed off, a bad thing is that I won't be able to wear dresses whenever he's taking me. Scott took off his helmet and frowned when he noticed two fancy motorcycles parked next to ours. I scrunched my nose. 'Show offs.' I muttered grabbing my brother's arm and dragging him away. We met Stiles at the entrance of the school. He sighed as he greeted me with a kiss on the cheek as usual. 'What's wrong?' I asked wrapping my arm around his waist as we walked into the hallway. 'What happened to me driving you to school?' He asked grumpily. I giggled. 'Babe, have you seen that thing? It's awesome!' I said earning a chuckle from my brother. Stiles rolled his eyes. 'Yeah, yeah, whatever change the subject please?' He sighed. 'Okay.' I shrugged. 'We've been thinking about going to Derek, maybe he can help us out with the tattoos.' I said. Stiles stopped in his tracks. 'You wanna ask Derek for help? Why? Why?' He asked as he started walking again. 'He's got the triscalade tattooed on his back.' Scott said. 'So there has to be a way to do it without healing.' I added. 'Yeah but still, doesn't he have his hands a little full.' Stiles said as he stopped walking again and he pointed at the two missing person's papers hanging out. Boyd and Erica. We couldn't respond because suddenly I heard the familiar British accent of our old principal. We carefully looked around the corner. 'Look, these are the applications for the career advisors that I need sorted. And whatever happened to the library while I was gone, I want it cleared up. And what, the hell, is this?' He then asked raising the sword that I had seen Gerard carrying. We all looked at each other before quickly walking away. 'Hey, are you sure about the whole 'going to Derek for help' thing?' Stiles muttered as we made our way to our first class off the day. I looked up at him and nodded. 'Yes.' I said. My hand reached over my shoulder where the scar Peter gave me began. 'I have a permanent mark on my body that I didn't ask for, I just wanted something that I did want.' I shrugged. Stiles let out a small sigh and nodded. He threw his arm over my shoulder and pressed a cheek to my temple. 'Okay.' We entered the classroom to see our teacher wasn't there yet. I took a seat on the second row, Stiles behind me and Scott next to Stiles. I saw Lydia and Allison come in and I shot my brother a glance. They were both planning on sitting as far away from Scott as possible, but when Lydia sat down it turned out the only seat left for Allison for next to me, and in front of Scott. She hesitated but walked over to the empty seat. 'Is anyone...?' She began meaning if she could sit there. 'No, no, no, it's all you. All yours. It's totally vacant.' He rambled and Allison smiled as she sat down. Scott looked at Stiles and I and gave him a thumbs up. Suddenly his phone started buzzing, as he looked away Stiles and I shot each other a look saying my brother was gonna need some help on how not to act like a total idiot whenever his ex-girlfriend is around. Then our phones started buzzing as well, along with everyone's phone in this classroom. I opened the text I had received.

'The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds and the tranquil waterway leading to the uttermost ends of the earth flowed somber under an overcast sky, seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness.' I looked up to see a woman, a bit younger than my mother I think, walking into the classroom reading off the same text everyone had received, from her phone. 'This is the last line to the first book we're going to read.' She smiled as she leaned against her desk. 'It is also the last text, you will receive in this class. Phones off everyone.' She smiled. I decided to be a rebel and only put mine on silent before placing it in the corner of my table. Halfway through our class, the principal walked inside and whispered something to our apparently new teacher. She nodded and he left the room. 'Mr. and Misss. McCall.' She said and my head snapped up from the book I was staring at, not reading. She motioned for us to come. We gave each other a look before packing our stuff and walked outside the classroom with her. 'Listen, I'm sure it's an emergency if your mother needs you to leave school but... I'm gonna give you a warning. In the nicest possible way. I am well aware of your attendance record and I don't wanna see you slip back into old habits.' She told us. Meaning the many times we skipped classes because some kind of supernatural creature was trying to kill our asses. 'We won't.' I said shaking my head. 'It's gonna be different this year.' Scott added. 'Resolutions are only good if you stick with them, guys.' She said. 'We will.' I smiled. 'We promise it won't be ephemeral.' Scott said before we walked away. We laughed knowing we left her confused. When we walked outside towards Scott's bike I looked up at the sky to see it filled with crows. 'What the hell...' I muttered as I climbed onto the bike behind Scott. 'What?' He asked. I pointed a finger up. He looked up and frowned. 'Yeah, what the hell...' He muttered.


We arrived at the hospital and mom was already waiting for us inside. 'Why didn't you tell us before?' I asked as we walked through the hallway, mom just told us about Isaac being in the hospital. 'Honestly I was hoping I didn't have to.' She admitted. 'What do you mean?' Scott asked confused. 'Everything that you guys have been doing... the extra readings, the summer school, you saving for the bike even though it scares me half to death... I just didn't want to disturb a good rhythm.' Mom said, Scott stood in front of her to stop her from walking. 'It's not gonna stop.' He said. I nodded in agreement. 'We're gonna be better this year.' I promised her smiling. 'Better students.' Scott began. 'Better children.' I said. 'Better friends.' Scott said. 'Basically a better everything.' I shrugged 'We promise.' We finished in unison. Mom just stood there smiling at us. 'I love my twins...' She sighed happily. She then quickly shook her head getting back on the topic. 'He's in room 215 if he isn't already in surgery.' She told us. We thanked her and kissed her before walking off looking for room 215.

Hey hey hey hey hey


love ya

gotta go

drive safe

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