Anchors Part 2

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We sat down in our seats, it seemed as if we had a new teacher. I hope he lasts longer than Jennifer. Not that I would mind really. One less teacher means one less pile of homework to worry about. He turned around and smiled at us, he looked Asian. 'Good morning, everyone.' He smiled to us. 'My name is Mr. Yukimura.' He told us. That's a mouth full. Definitely Asian. 'I'll be taking over for your previous history teacher. My family and I moved here three weeks ago. I'm sure by now you all know my daughter, Kira.' He said. X'cuse me? Who? 'Or you might not since she's never actually mentioned anyone from school. Or brought home a friend for that matter.' He continued. Sorry, we were too busy fighting our teacher who was committing ritual sacrifices. I heard a sigh and a bang that sounded like someone smashed their head against their desk. 'Either way, there she is.' Mr. Yukimura said. We all turned to the back of class. A girl with long wavy black hair looked up and smiled awkwardly. I waved and smiled, I'm a polite person I know just give me an award already. 'I know all about parents embarrassing you don't worry.' I chuckled and she smiled gratefully. I turned my head to see my brother was staring. 'Staring is rude!' I sighed and smacked his shoulder. When class was over I met Scott and Stiles at the lockers. 'Maye we need a little more time to get to normal.' Scott said. 'Or you're all going out of your minds and I will be left to save the day.' I shrugged and they both glared at me. 'Try not to forget we hit the reset button of a supernatural beacon for supernatural creatures.' Stiles mentioned. 'Yeah there's a pretty good chance that things are never getting back to normal.' He sighed. He was struggling to open his locker and suddenly he stared at the lock oddly. I turned to my brother whose eyes were flashing red. 'Can you two knock it off?' I hissed slapping both their shoulders. 'What?' Scott asked confused. 'Scott your eyes! They're starting to glow!' Stiles said. 'What, right now?' Scott asked, panic raising in his voice. 'Alright, just keep your head down, keep your head down.' Stiles muttered as he grabbed Scott in some kind of weird headlock, keeping his head down and guiding him into an empty classroom. I quickly locked the door. Scott stripped off his shirt and held onto a desk. 'No, get back, get away from me!' He told Stiles, who immediately took a step back. 'Scott, it's okay!' I said, moving closer. I could protect myself. 'I don't know what's going to happen! Get back!' Scott said. He made fists with his hands but since he'd grown claws blood was now running from his hands. A growl escaped from his throat and he then slid down onto his knees. I held up my own hands, showing the already healing claw marks. I ran towards him, motioning for Stiles to stay back. 'Scotty. Look.' I whispered. I grabbed his hand, opened it and revealed a clawless hand. He sighed in relief. 'Pain makes you human.' He said, still panting a little. 'You guys.' I began. 'This cannot just be in your heads.' I said with a shake of my head. Stiles made an agreeing noise. 'This is real. And it's starting to get bad for me too. I'm not just having nightmares, I'm having dreams where I have to literally scream myself awake. And sometimes I'm not even sure if I'm actually really waking up.' He told us. 'What do you mean?' Scott asked. I grabbed a tissue from my bag and started cleaning the blood off his hands. 'You know how you can tell if you're dreaming?' Stiles asked. 'You can't read it dreams. More and more the last few days I've been having trouble reading. It's like I can't see the words, I can't... put the letters in order.' He said. 'Like even now?' I asked. Stiles stood up and looked at the blackboard. After a while he spoke. 'I can't read a thing.'


'Hiya curly!' I greeted Isaac as I climbed off Scott's bike and jogged over to the front door. 'Have you guys heard?' He asked us. 'Heard what?' Scott asked opening the front door. 'Allison was hallucinating again and she almost shot an arrow in Lydia's head.' He told us. 'Right at her head?' Scott asked as we all entered his room. 'Almost right through it. And she keeps saying the same thing, that she keeps seeing her aunt.' Isaac said. 'Crazy Kate? That evil bitch who wanted to make sushi of us?' I exclaimed laying down on my brother's bed. Isaac nodded. 'Whatever's happening to you guys, it's getting worse. And if I hadn't been there, then Lydia would be dead.' He said. 'What were you even doing there?' I asked smirking a little. 'Uh...' And once again Isaac flew out of the room onto the wall knocking down my favourite painting. Jokes. I don't have a favourite painting. 'Ah you guys!' Mom yelled from downstairs. 'Come one! This house does not have the supernatural ability to heal! So... Stop it!'

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