Chaos Rising

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I put on some shorts and a Stiles' shirt. I put my hair up in a messy bun and jumped on my bed. I reached for my nightstand and grabbed the book I was reading. I opened the book and continued to read it, until I felt my phone buzz. I groaned. 'Who risks their life disturbing me while I'm reading?' I sighed as I pressed the phone to my ear. 'Samantha thank god, you need to get over here right now!' Stiles practically yelled into my ear. I sighed. 'Stiles... you can't just keep me from coming to this party because you and my brother wanted a "boys night" and then tell me to come after all? I'm really not in the mood for that kind of stuff.' I told him with another sigh. 'This girl I've known since like forever just kissed me and now she wants to have sex with me. I'm hiding in the bathroom she thinks I went to get condoms can you please please come help...' I dropped my phone and the wooden floor of my bedroom. 'Sam? What was that noise? Sammy?' Stiles called but I just stepped out of the room leaving my phone where it was. I walked down the stairs out of the house not caring I was only wearing shorts and an oversized shirt. The idea of another girl kissing Stiles, my Stiles made me so angry. I couldn't think about anything else, except ripping her head off. The full moon was tomorrow and I knew that's why I was so angry and wanted to rip her head off. Scott told me that I must remain calm in every situation, but he never warned me about a situation like this. Another girls kissed my Stiles, wants to have sex with my Stiles. I have to get there. I got in the car, for once not caring that I don't have my license. I wasn't only angry, I was scared. This girl wanted to have sex with Stiles, be closer to him then I had ever been. I knew Stiles was a virgin, and he knew I was as well. But I also knew what he wanted. He's a teenage boy I can't blame him. But this girl is willing to give him something that I can't give him yet. And that made me feel sick to my stomach. Stiles is an easy person to persuade, and I must make sure she doesn't. I arrived at the party and jumped out of the car almost forgetting to turn to engine off. I stormed into the house, people would look at me oddly, some would even laugh. Who wouldn't? A five foot two short girl comes storming into this house only wearing shorts and an oversized shirt. I would laugh. I stopped this random kid by grabbing his shirt. 'Have you seen Stiles Stilinski?' I asked him. He smirked. 'Yeah, he went down with Heather to get some whine...' He said followed by some laughter and 'ooh's' from him and his friends. 'Why do you need him?' He then asked as he took a sip from his beer. 'No reason.' I said lowly and walked away. I walked upstairs remembering Stiles telling me he was in the bathroom. 'Stiles!' I yelled and I heard a door open. Stiles carefully peeked around the corner and he sighed in relief when he saw it was me. He rushed out of the room and wrapped his arms around me. Stiles was so much taller than me, he either had the bent down or pick me up for a decent hug or kiss. In this case, he did the last one. He hid his face in my hair. He didn't say anything, neither did I. He just held me tight, but I didn't want anything else. I just wanted his arms around me, knowing he loved me. 'I am so, so, incredibly, unbelievably sorry baby girl.' He sighed when he pulled back. 'She just came at me and kissed me, then dragged me down to the basement I... I didn't get any time to tell her I had a girlfriend... when she told me to get condoms I saw an opportunity to hide and call you.' He rambled, he had his hands on my waist, as if he wanted to keep me from leaving. Which I wouldn't. I smiled a small smile. 'It's alright.' I said quietly. His eyes widened. 'It's... it's alright? I'm sorry maybe this is just me being stupid but if a guy were to kiss you or get in your pants I'd kill him. No not even kill him, that'd be too easy, I'd torture the freaking hell out of...' I chuckled and stopped his rambling by the only way that seemed to work. Kiss him. 'I said it's alright.' I whispered against his lips. 'But why? She kissed me?' He said confused. I smiled and carefully brushed his cheeks with my fingertips, tracing his cheekbone. 'Because you called me, you were honest. Any other guy would not tell. But you did. Stiles Stilinski you are truly amazing and I love you.'


We were in a class room. And with we, I mean myself, Scott, Stiles, Derek, Allison and Lydia. Apparently some girl came to our school looking for Scott, and apparently she really wanted to find him because she left bruises and both Allison and Lydia's wrists asking where he was. Allison saw some kind of pattern in the bruises when the held their wrists next to each other, so that's why Derek's here. But he said he didn't see anything when they showed him. 'Look again.' Scott said. The two girls were standing with their wrists held up next to each other. 'How is a bruise gonna tell me where Boyd and Erica are?' Derek asked the two girls with his arms crossed over his chest. 'It's the same on both sides.' Scott said. 'Exactly the same.' He continued. 'It's nothing.' Derek said. Stiles was sitting on a desk. I was standing in front of him between his legs and looked down at his hands that were wrapped around my waist. I was barely listening to what they were saying. My mind was filled with images of Stiles and this other girl. Stiles and I were once close to where she wanted to go, but then we had to get to the rave. We never spoke about it again. But I remember every detail of that night.

'So... it's still half an hour before we have to meet up with Scotty.' I said as I brought my face towards his. 'Half an hour ha?' He said quietly and smiled before softly pressing his lips to mine. I don't know what it was, but it was just something about kissing Stiles. It never gets boring, it's never the same. The only other boy I'd gone this far with Jackson, who we were planning on "saving" tonight. Okay that's a little ironic. I moved my lips from his lips to his jaw down to his neck, I had no idea where it was coming from. I'd never done this but it seemed like I knew what to do. I heard him sigh and his hands reached up to my waist sliding under my shirt. 'Sammy...' He muttered. 'Yes?' I muttered kissing my way back to his lips. His grip around my waist got stronger. 'If you keep doing this you won't be making it to the rave.' He warned. I smirked. 'Doing what?' I asked innocently. I lowered my head again. 'This?' I whispered before placing my lips to his neck again. He growled and suddenly I was laying on the bed and he was hovering over me. He smashed his lips onto mine kissing my hungrily. I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him impossibly closer to me.

I wanted Stiles, I did. But I was scared. Going there would mean full exposal, every part of me. It would all become so real. There was one border we hadn't crossed, and it has been almost a year. It makes our relationship exited, special, in a weird kinda way. 'Sammy?' I shook my thoughts away and looked up at Stiles. 'What's going on? You've barely said a word today...' He said worriedly. I shrugged saying I was fine. Derek was at the door with Scott. 'Give her a chance.' Scott said. 'Okay, they're on our side now.' He sighed. 'Well then maybe you should tell her what her mother was actually trying to do that night.' Derek said poking Scott's chest before walking off. Oh right, the night where she tried to kill Scott and it almost killed me as well by poisoning us with wolfs bane. Crazy bitch that was...

Ello lovelies

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