The Fox And The Wolf

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'There isn't much here unfortunately.' Deaton told my brother and I. 'Does it say anything?' I asked. 'My Japanese isn't great. But it appears to say that one method of expelling a Nogitsune is to change to body of the host.' Deaton replied. 'Change the body...' Scott muttered. 'How do we change Stiles' body?' I asked and Scott looked up. 'By turning him into a werewolf.'


'She looks like just like me, this has to be my grandmother.' Kira said as she looked at the picture Malia brought us the other day. She came to tell us Stiles took off again, or well, the Nogitsune. 'Remember when I told you about Malia?' Scott asked Kira and she nodded. 'She was the last one to see Stiles at Eichen House. That picture, and this.' Scott said picking up a katana from the bed. 'They found it with a body buried in a wall.' He said. 'And the same backward five that the Oni put on us, was on the wall.' I added. 'It sounds like it all goes back to your family, your grandmother, your mom...' Scott said. Kira looked at the picture again but then her phone buzzed. Her eyes widened as she read the text she'd received. 'What is it?' Scott asked. 'My dad.' She replied. Apparently he was the school so that's where we went. Didn't make sense though. Who would willingly go to school on a Saturday? We burst through the double doors and ran towards his classroom. We found both Kira's father and her mother there. Her father looked like he was choking on something. 'Kira, did you bring it?' Her mother asked. Kira nodded and crouched down as she handed her mother the bottle. 'You gonna tell me what it is?' She asked. 'Reishi.' Her mother replied. 'You're not seriously giving dad magic mushrooms.' Kira sighed. Her mother shook her a look before forcing those 'magic mushrooms' down her husband's throat. He started coughing and eventually coughed up a fly. Dats nasty. 'Stiles did this?' I asked. 'He wanted the last Kaiken.' Kira's mom said holding up a black knife-like looking object. 'I've kept this near me ever since your friend disappeared.' She said. 'Mom, you need to talk to us, about everything.' Kira told her mother. Scott grabbed the picture we'd shown Kira earlier from his pocket and handed it to her mother. Her jaw dropped slightly and she looked at it with wide eyes. 'Where did you get this?' She asked us. 'Is it grandma?' Kira asked her mother. 'No, it's me.' She replied and my jaw dropped to the floor. 'Excuuuseee me? You lookin damn fine for yo age woman.' I chuckled. 'You'd have to be like 90 years old.' Scott added with a frown. 'Closer to 900.' Kira's mom said and all of our eyes widened. 'Okay.' Kira let out. 'Sure. Why not. Dad how old are you?' She asked her father. '43. But I've been told I look mid-thirties.' He replied with a smile. 'People seem to think I'm like 12 because of my height. Not that it matters in this situation.' I shrugged. Kira handed the katana to her mother, who walked over to the desk and pulled it out of the shaft causing broken pieces to fall on the desk. 'The blade was shattered the last time it was used.' She told us. 'When was that?' Kira asked. '1943. Against a Nogitsune.' My head shut up. 'So it's all happened before?' I asked. 'Yes.' She replied. 'Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it.' Mr. Yukimura said. 'Where did it come from?' Kira asked. 'It was an internment camp during World War II. In Oak Creek. Not too far from here.' Her mother replied. Scott frowned. 'Hold on, you told Isaac and Allison there was no internment camp in Oak Creek?' Scott asked Mr. Yukimura. 'Allison's family has a certain history of violence, I didn't know if she could be trusted. There was a camp, yes. But all the records were erased.' He told us. 'They covered it up.' Mrs. Yukimura said. 'When I was a grad student.' Mr. Yukimura said whilst grabbing something from a drawer in the desk. 'My passion project, actually more like an obsession, was trying to dig up the truth on Oak Creek.' He said spreading some more pictures on the desk. 'It's how I met your mother, Kira.' He said looking from his wife, to his daughter. 'So, where did the Nogitsune come from?' Kira asked. 'Isn't it obvious yet? It came from me.' Her mother said. I frowned. So, basically, she's the reason I would lose Stiles to this demon? She started placing the broken pieces of the blade in place and motioned for her daughter to come over. 'Kira, I need your help on this. There isn't much time and this is something that needs to be done in the daylight.' She said. 'Not until you tell us everything.' Kira said crossing her arms over her chest. 'Tell them Noshiko.' Mr. Yukimura said. 'Tell them what they need to know.' He said. 'Wolves and foxed tend to not get along.' She said and Kira and Scott looked at each other awkwardly. 'Not just in fables and stories.' She added. 'But allies however unlikely should be welcomed. Especially in times of a war.' Mr. Yukimura said. 'Look lady, I'm just trying to save the guy I love here, so please tell us what we need to know.' I said throwing my hands up in the air. Noshiko looked up at me and smiled. 'So was I. There was a medic, who worked for the army...' She began. My phone buzzed in my pocket, it was a text from the sheriff. 'It's seems to be just another trick. Stiles can't have Claudia's disease. The MRI scans look exactly alike. Like two drops of water. it's not possible. It's a trick.' I read. I gasped slightly causing Scott to look down at me confused. I showed Scott the text and he smiled at me. 'Thank god...' I muttered with a sigh of relief. He's gonna be fine. Now all we have to do is find a way to get rid of this demon. 'We don't wanna hear your Casablanca story.' Kira said. 'We wanna know how to save Stiles.' She said glancing at me and I smiled a little. 'I'm trying to tell you!' Her mother said. 'You're trying to stall.' Scott said. 'When the sun goes down, the Oni are going after him again aren't they?' He asked. 'Your friend's gone, Scott.' Mr. Yukimura said. 'Don't you dare say that!' I said between gritted teeth. 'You can't know that for sure.' I added with a sigh. 'You called the Oni, can't you call them off?' Scott asked Kira's mom. 'Stiles may be your best friend, and your lover, Samantha, but he is Nogitsune now. He is void.' She said. A growl sounded from the back of my throat. I stepped forward and Scott quickly grabbed my waist holding me back. 'You better call your little demonic ninjas off or I swear to god I will tear you limb from limb, I don't care how old you are.' I hissed and Kira frowned at me. I shrugged telling her I didn't mean for my threat to be so violent. She hit a nerve. 'When you hear the rest of the story you won't want me to.' Noshiko said. 'Reyes and I found ways to see each other, sometimes out the barracks, sometimes in the bunkers where they parked military vehicles. He was being transferred to North Africa in a few weeks, I was teaching him some French. We watched Merrick and Hayes talk with the camp doctor. They were whispering, talking quickly, and money was involved...' She told us. 'Noshiko...' Mr. Yukimura suddenly said, Kira looked down at her mother's hands and her eyes widened. 'Mom what are you doing!' She had a piece of the blade in her hand and it had started to bleed. She dropped the piece on the desk and showed us her fully healed hand. 'How did you do that?' Kira whispered. 'It's one of our talents, something you'll learn Kira. You should've noticed by now that you never get sick, ever. You'll never experience something as simple as a common cold. Something as bad as the flu. Or something like pneumonia. Which killed many of our people. The problem was that they were out of medicine, although that's what they thought. I'd seen a box with that medicine. Reyes checked his log but we already knew what was happening. Doctor Liston was using Merrick and Hayes to sell medicine on the black market. We wanted to talk but our people knew they wouldn't listen. So they wanted to make them listen, they were so angry, the doctor was trying to escape and that would mean no medicine. I yelled for them to stop, but so many people were sick, and so many were dying. I'd never seen anger like that, it was a living, breathing thing. Now I know why Satomi was always trying to keep quiet, why she got migraines once a month, and why she was always at the game of Go, it kept her calm.' Noshiko told us. 'She was bitten.' Scott said. 'Bitten werewolves have a harder time suppressing their anger, one unexpected flare up and they can lose all control.' Noshiko said. 'Reyes was the one trying to keep the peace, but he was also the one to get hurt. A Molotov cocktail, thrown by Satomi herself. Things got out of control, the soldiers starting shooting, the gun fire nearly killed me, I don't know how many bullets made their way into my body but I fought every one of them. It left my body so weak, my heartbeat so slow it appeared as though I was dead. But even then, I was still better off than Reyes. His screams could he heart throughout Eichen House, echoing through every room, every hallway. He died in agony. The doctor, it seems, had also sold the morphine. Merick and Hayes were giving the task to get rid of all the bodies, both American and Japanese American. They were transferring doctor Listen out as well. Stationing him somewhere else. They were covering it up. The doctor, Merrick and Hayes and all the others, they were all gonna get away with murder. By chance, I guess, Reyes his body had been put next to mine. I wanted the soldiers and the administration of the camp to be punished for their crime. But I knew the clock was ticking, I was going to lose my chance, they were going to burn me with the others. I couldn't fight back with my body weakened and still healing, I could barely move. I was going to die. With time slipping through my fingers I knew I was making a terrible decision, but I could not die knowing they would get away. So I called out to our ancestors for kitsuni-tsuki. Possession by a powerful fox spirit. For a powerful Nogitsune, one that feeds of chaos, strife and pain, to take control of my weakened body, imbue it with power and use it as a weapon. But calling a trickster spirit is a dangerous thing, they can have a very dark sense of humour, because while the Nogitsune did come to possess someone, it wasn't me. But Reyes.' She told us. 'What happened?' Scott asked. 'My body was beginning to heal, and I managed to pull myself up from the ground, but it was too late.' Noshiko told us. 'What did it do?' I asked. 'It brought chaos and more pain then you can imagine. I had to find him, I had to stop him Together with Satomi I managed to do so. Reyes' last words were "Coup de foudre", I taught him that.' She said. During her story she had continued to put the broken pieces in place. 'Kira, hurry, night is coming. The literal translation is a "bolt of lightning", in French it can also mean "love at first sight". But a bolt of lightning happens to be exactly what we need right now.' Noshiko said. 'For what?' Kira asked. 'Exorcising the Nogitsune from Reyes' body shattered the katana, but you can put it back together.' Her mother replied. 'Why don't you just do it yourself?' Kira asked. 'Because I'm not a thunder Kitsune. Do you trust me?' Noshiko asked her daughter. 'I just found out you're 900 years old, I don't think I'm ever gonna trust you again.' Kira sighed. 'Trust me on this.' Noshiko said and she grabbed her daughter's hand placing it over the sword, blue sparks appeared together with the sound of glass rattling. The blue light disappeared and on the desk was now a fully restored katana. Noshiko grabbed the katana and handed it to her daughter. 'Go ahead. It's yours now.' She said. 'What if I don't want it?' Kira answered. 'You need it.' Noshiko said and threw the sword at Kira who easily picked it out of the air. 'You see? It gives you balance. My power is yours now Kira. If the Oni can't stop Stiles, you have to.' She said. I raised my hand. 'Uhm, if by that you mean stabbing him with that thing, I'm not quite feeling that. But I mean, that's just my opinion.' I shrugged lowering my hand again. 'You want to save Stiles? Kill him. That's the only way.' Noshiko said. That was it. I let out a roar and showed off my fangs. I walked over to her but Scott quickly pulled me back. 'You agree with this?' Scott asked Mr. Yukimura. 'Sometimes history does repeat itself, Scott.' He said. 'Only if you don't learn.' Scott said. Both our phones buzzed and I'm betting it's the same text as well. To get to Derek's loft. I took a few deep breaths. 'There is a way to save him, I know there is. You people may not think so, but I swear to god Stiles does not die in this.'

Hello my lil' lovelies!!!

I hate French so much omg :'(

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