Riddled Part 2

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The sheriff parked his car at the hospital because that's where his jeep was. I jumped out of the car before it was even properly parked and ran towards the jeep. Of course it was empty. The sheriff joined me and tried to start it. 'It's dead, he must've left the lights on.' He said. 'Why would he come here?' Scott asked. 'Let's found out.' The sheriff replied. We walked inside the hospital and in any other situation this would've been totally cool and badass. But not now. Mom saw us and jogged our way. 'Security is doing sweeps of every floor, nothing yet.' She said with a shake of her head. 'What about the basement?' The sheriff asked. 'Follow me.' She replied. I was about to go after them when Scott motioned for me to follow him, I did and him and Isaac brought me to the roof where Derek was. 'He's not here. Not anymore.' Derek said. 'You mean the whole building?' I asked. 'Gone.' Derek replied. 'I'll tell Stilinski.' Isaac said. 'And see if you can find Allison, she's not answering her phone.' Scott said and Isaac nodded before running back downstairs. Scott and I walked over to Derek. 'Notice how strong the scent is up here?' Derek asked us. 'Ever hear of chemo signals?' He then asked and we both shook our heads. 'Chemical signals that communicate emotion. And just our sweat can give off anger, fear or disgust.' He explained. 'Take a deep breathe. Tell me what you feel.' He said. I closed my eyes but I couldn't focus. My heart was pounding and every inch of my brain was thinking about possible places where Stiles could be. 'Stress.' Scott said after a while. 'And anxiety.' Derek added. 'What was he doing up here?' I asked. 'I don't know. But there was definitely some kind of struggle.' Derek replied. 'With who?' Scott asked. Scott and I went back downstairs to meet up with the sheriff. I just saw him and my mother when my phone buzzed. 'Lydia?' I asked as I walked towards my mom and the sheriff. 'I know where he is! I know where he is! Eichen House! Where Barrow was committed! That's where Stiles is!' She rambled and I looked at the sheriff with tears of relief streaming down my face. 'Lydia, you are a goddess I love you! We'll meet you there.' I quickly hung up the phone and grabbed the sheriff's hand pulling him with me. 'Eichen house! Scott that's where he is! Eichen house! I yelled. The sheriff drove us there completely ignoring the speed limit, we got out of the car and Lydia was standing at the gate. 'Lydia.' The sheriff began. 'I don't wanna say "are you sure about this" but...' He sighed. 'No he's here!' Lydia quickly said cutting the sheriff off. 'I swear to god he's here!' She said. We opened the gate and quickly walked towards the entrance. When we walked inside the man behind the desk quickly stood up. Well how would you not, basically the entire police department just walked inside. 'I need access to all basement rooms in this facility.' The sheriff said. Lydia, Papa Stilinski, Scott, Aiden and I went to the basement. We stood in front a big blue door. 'He's here.' Lydia said. 'Then what are we waiting for.' I said smashing my shoulder against the door. The door flew open and I ran inside. 'Stiles? Stiles!' I yelled. We looked all over the room but he was not here. I turned to Lydia, my eyes tearing up. 'Lydia?' I squeaked. 'I don't get it... This has to be it.' She whispered. I ran my hand through my hair and turned away. I leaned my head against the wall and tried to control my heavy breathing. 'Sammy...' Scott said placing a hand on my shoulder. 'We'll find him don't worry.' He said. 'Oh yeah?' I asked turning back around. 'We have been wrong twice! He is out there somewhere, hurt, freezing! We have to find him Scott I ca- I can't...' I slid down against the wall and let it all go. All the frustration, the worry... I screamed and smashed my fists into the ground leaving it cracked. Scott quickly sat down and wrapped his arms around me rocking me back and forth. 'Shh Sammy, it's going to be okay... It's all going to be okay...' He muttered. 'Kids.' The sheriff suddenly called running back down the stairs. 'They found him. Your parents found him, he's at the hospital.' He told us and I started crying again, only this time out of relief.


We were sitting in the waiting room. I hadn't had the chance to see him yet. They wouldn't let us. It didn't matter how loud I screamed, mom said I had to wait. It's weird because I know he's here but at the same time I don't quite believe it since I haven't seen him yet. The sheriff was walking in our direction and we all stood up. 'He's sleeping now, and he's just fine.' He told us. 'He doesn't remember much, it's been like a dream to him.' He said. 'Thank you.' The sheriff then said to my dad. 'It was that repellent, the one we sprayed in the coyote den to keep other animals out.' Dad replied. 'I couldn't go near it without my eyes watering. Just a good thing he mentioned it over the phone.' He said. 'It was more than that, thank you.' Papa Stilinski said. 'It was a lucky connection.' Dad replied with a shrug. I sighed and stood up. 'Can you just shut up and accept his sincerest gratitude.' I said. 'And mine.' I added. Dad looked at my mom and back at me with a surprised look. 'I don't know what could've happened to him if you hadn't found him. Thank you dad, and you too mom.' I said. She smiled at me. 'Okay you three, you got school in less than six hours, go home and sleep.' She said. I opened my mouth be she shushed me. 'I'm not letting you stay here twice, you need to rest as well Samantha. He's in good hands here.' She told me. I sighed a little. 'You can come visit him before school tomorrow, okay?' She said and I nodded. 'Let's go.' Scott said wrapping arm over my shoulder. 'I don't know what happened.' Lydia said as we walked towards the door. 'I was so sure.' She sighed. 'It doesn't matter if he's okay.' Scott told her. Lydia suddenly stopped walking and turned back around. 'Lydia? Do you hear something?' I asked. 'No, I didn't hear anything.' She said and continued walking.

First oral exam, German: done!

Only one more episode left to write! :D

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