Frayed Part 3

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We were still on the bus, only it wasn't moving. We were stuck in traffic. And Jarred was really getting on coach's nerves. 'Jarred I'm warning you, I'm an empathetic vomiter. You throw up I'm gonna throw up right back on you and it will be disgusting.' Coach said. 'Please don't talk about throwing up, it's not good...' Jarred said. Oh god. 'How can he even be carsick? The bus isn't even moving!' I sighed resting my head on Stiles' shoulder again. 'I might throw up on you just to make a point Jarred.' Coach making me roll me eyes. 'Now the rest of you!' He exclaimed getting all over attentions. 'Don't think we're gonna miss this meet because of some slight traffic jam, minor tornado warning, Jarred... We're gonna make this thing! Nothing is gonna stop us! Stilinski put your hand down!' I looked up and noticed Stiles indeed had his hand raised. Don't know why, do I even wanna know? 'You know there's like a food exit about half a mile up I don't know how about we stop and...' –'We're not gonna stop.' Coach said not even giving Stiles the chance to finish his sentence. 'Okay but...' –'Stilinski!' Coach yelled and blew his whistle cutting Stiles off once again. 'Shut it! Seriously, it's a little bus, stop asking me questions!' He yelled. Stiles sighed and leaned back. Coach was walking back to the front of the bus when he suddenly turned back around. 'And get that girl of your lap!' He yelled and the whole bus erupted in giggles. I raised my eyebrows. 'Me? I'm the girl?' I questioned pointing a finger at myself. 'What other girl would be stupid enough to date that?' Coach sighed. 'Good point.' I shrugged. 'I hate him...' Stiles muttered with a sigh. 'Did you call Deaton?' He then asked my brother who was resting his head against the window. 'Keep getting his voicemail.' Scott replied. 'Alright that's it, I'm calling Lydia and Allison.' Stiles said as he took his phone out of his pocket again and dialled Lydia's number. 'How are they gonna help, back in Beacon Hills?' I asked. I looked to see if coach was looking but he was at the front so I moved Stiles' arms and climbed back onto his lap. 'They're not they've been following us for hours... pathetic...' Stiles sighed as he looked outside the window of the bus. 'Heey Stiles...' Lydia said when she answered the phone. 'Yeah we're just about to walk into the movies y'know, with popcorn and such...' She told us. 'We know you guys are right behind us put me on speaker.' Stiles sighed and rolled his eyes. I leaned in to the phone. 'Look you guys, Scott's still hurt.' I said throwing it right out there. There was a small silence. 'What do you mean 'still'? He's not healing?' It was Allison who asked the question. 'No he's not, I think he's actually getting worse the bloods turning like a black colour.' Stiles explained to them. 'What's wrong with him?' Lydia asked. Stiles rolled his eyes again. 'What's wrong with him? I-Do I have a PhD in lycanthropy how am I supposed to know?' He rambled. 'We need to take him off the bus.' Allison said. 'And take him where? The hospital?' Lydia asked. 'If he's dying yes!' I exclaimed causing me to get some strange looks. 'Um... sick dog...' I shrugged. 'Funny thing is it's actually true through...' I muttered earning me a death stare from Scott. 'Yeah I've been trying to get him to pull over but he won't listen...' Stiles said into the phone. 'Reason with him...' Allison said. 'Reason? Have you met this guy?! He won't even let Sammy sit on my lap for crying out loud!' Stiles whisper shouted. 'Not that we're listening, we're rebels...' I added with a shrug. 'Just try something!' Allison said and they broke the connection. Stiles sighed and looked at me. I knew what he meant so I firmly shook my head. 'I am not going with you!' I whispered shouted. Stiles made some rapid arm movements. 'He'll kill me and the least you can do is die with me!' He told me. We then had a staring contest until I gave in and got up from my seat with Stiles following behind me. Coach was talking to the driver and when he saw us his face turned into a thunderstorm. 'You two! Why are you out of your seats?' He exclaimed. Stiles looked at me telling me to make the first move. I glared before turning to coach with a slight smile. 'I uh, kinda have to use the bathroom and Stiles here told me there's a place where we can stop about half a mile...' Coach blew his whistle cutting me off. 'No stopping, sorry McCall but you're gonna have to hold it.' He told me. I shrugged. 'Well, at least I tried.' I said and turned back around, but Stiles grabbed my arms stopping me. I groaned. 'Coach its five minute for a bathroom break okay? We've been on this thing for like three hours...' He began but he as well was cut off by the whistle. 'It's sixty miles to the next...' Whistle. 'Being cooped up for so long is not good for her...' Whistle. 'Coach...' Whistle. 'This is...' Whistle. 'Please I...' Whistle. 'Let me talk!' Whistle. A laugh, and a ten second long whistle. 'Get back to your seats!' He yelled. 'OKAY!' We both yelled in unison. Coach nodded satisfied. 'And Jarred, keep your eyes on the horizon.' He told the carsick boy before going back to the front. I nudged Stiles side and nodded in Jared's direction. He nodded with a smirk and plopped down next to the boy. 'Hey Jarred.' He said. The boy looked at my boyfriend terrified. 'How you doing?' Stiles asked with a smirk and the next thing I know were all running out of the bus at the stop and coach is emptying an entire bottle of air refresher on the bus. Whilst everyone was just walking around or going to get some food Stiles, Allison, Lydia and I brought Scott to the restroom area. We let him sat down on the floor where Allison looked at his nasty wound. 'Oh my god..' She breathed out. 'Why didn't you tell us?' She asked him. 'Sorry.' Was his answer making me roll my eyes and chuckle. 'Idiot.' I said shaking my head. Allison got back up and stood with us. 'That shouldn't be happening. I've seen him heal from worse than this.' She said. 'Okay so what do we do? We just call an ambulance?' Stiles suggested. 'And then what? What are they gonna say when they see that? What do we say? That he got attacked by an alpha werewolf, yeah I'm sure they'll believe us...' I rambled. 'But we gotta do something?' Stiles said. 'You know, it could be psychological...' Lydia suddenly said and we all turned to her. 'What do you mean? Like psychosomatic?' I asked the strawberry blonde. She shook her head. 'Somatoformic.' She said. 'A physical illness from a psychogenic cause - ugh never mind, it's all in his head.' She said as she knew we won't get her smartness. 'Because of Derek.' Stiles said. I nodded. 'He's not letting himself heal because Derek died...' I muttered. 'So what do we do?' Allison asked. Lydia started going through her bag. 'Stitch him up.' She shrugged. 'I'm serious.' She said when she saw my much shocked face. 'Maybe all he needs to do is believe that it's healing.' She explained. They all looked at me, as if they needed my permission or something. I looked at my brother, he did not look like he was going to last much longer. I didn't feel like he was gonna last much longer. So I nodded. 'Do it.' I whispered. I turned my head to look at Allison. 'Just make sure he lives...' I told her before walking out of the room. I knew this had to be done. I could feel he was in a lot of pain, I didn't want to tell Stiles that because he'd only get worried. When I approached the bus coach was already telling everyone to get back on. I turned around with wide eyes, Stiles and Lydia were walking my way and they knew what was happening. I could also feel the stinging of a needle in my side but I had to ignore that.

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