Currents Part 2

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'SAMANTHA!' I was dragged out of my dream into the real word. I jumped sitting up straight in my mother's bed with Scott and Isaac looking at me confusingly. 'Who was on watch last?' Scott asked me. 'Isaac.' I replied still half asleep. Isaac then looked as if he remembered something. 'I might've been on watch last...' He muttered. 'My heroes...' Mom sighed. So yeah, our plan of all sleeping in her room to make sure she wouldn't be third sacrifice kinda failed. 'Didn't you say they were all doctors? I mean, I haven't had an M.D. recently attached to the end of my name so I think I'm in the clear...' Mom told us. 'Yeah but it could just come under any kind of healer, mom.' Scott said. 'And you were definitely a healer last night.' I smirked bumping her shoulder with mine. 'Yeah well I'm not gonna be anyone's human sacrifice today, so all three of you, get your butts to school!'


'Good morning.' Miss Blake told us with a smile. I wish I could say this class became more enjoyable without Harris, but it hasn't. In fact, I think I miss him a little. 'As you all know Mr. Harris is still missing- eh, I mean sick. Anyway, I'm filling in. While we all hope and pray for a more qualified substitute to take my place. Kay, so, let's get started shall we.' She said. 'Hey!' Stiles whispered from behind me. I threw my head back in my chair. 'Hi.' I smiled. He looked to see if the teacher was looking before he leaned in for a quick peck on my lips. 'So, my dad said the ER attending wasn't strangled, but that he did die from asphyxiation they just don't know how.' He whispered. 'Do you think the on-call doctor might still be alive?' Scott, who was sitting next to Stiles (my seat), asked. 'I don't know... but there's gotta be at least 20 other doctors in that hospital, at least.' Stiles said. 'And anyone of 'em could be next...' I added with a sigh. 'Samantha, I'm sure you of all people would know some... more subtle ways to communicate with your... friends...' I heard Miss Blake say and I quickly sat up straight in my seat. 'I'm sorry.' I said. She smiled and turned back to the black board. 'There's nothing wrong with the word boyfriend though.' Stiles pointed out, a little too loud for me to like. I saw Miss Blake shake her head, but she didn't turn around. She did turn around though, when Scott jumped up from his seat and ran out the door. 'Scott?' She questioned but he wasn't planning on giving an explanation, so she turned to me for help. I shrugged. 'I dunno, he did say he was feeling kinda ill this morning, maybe his breakfast didn't feel like staying in there if ya know what I mean...' I said obviously making something up to save his ass. Miss Blake nodded not looking quite happy with me not just saying that he was feeling sick. As soon as she turned back to the blackboard I spun around to face Stiles, he was half under his desk with his phone pressed to his ear. 'It's Deaton, he's going to be taken. I'm calling my dad.' He told me. 'Does this mean we get to ditch math's after this?' I asked grinning.


Even though Doctor D was missing, I was so glad we bailed out of math's and went to the animal clinic. Of course only to be told that the best thing we could right now is the go back to school by the sheriff. But instead of doing that, Scott lead us to the backroom. 'We have to tell him.' Scott said making both mine and Stiles' eyes go wide. 'You mean tell him, tell him? Or tell him something else that isn't telling him what I think you wanna tell him?' Stiles asked. 'You know what I mean...' Scott said quietly. 'Scott...' I muttered. 'Remember how mom reacted... she didn't look us in the eyes for over a week.' I said. 'And she got over it.' Scott replied. 'And it actually made us closer.' He added. True, but still. I looked up at Stiles and I could tell he didn't want it. 'I don't know dude...' He sighed. 'I mean, look at him he's completely overwhelmed as it is...' He said. 'Overwhelmed because he has no clue what's happening.' Scott said. He did have a point there, sorry babe. 'He's got people dying in his town, his town that he's supposed to protect. And it's not his fault that he doesn't know what's happening. He's gotta find out sooner or later.' My brother continued. 'Okay but is now really the right time?' Stiles sighed. 'What if not telling him right now gets someone else killed?' Scott asked quietly. 'What if telling him gets him killed? Okay look I know that Deaton's been like a father to you, okay I get that. But this is... this is my actual father I can't- I can't lose both of my parents okay... Not both of 'em.' Stiles replied. I reached out my hand for his and squeezed it a little. 'You're right...' Scott said. Stiles sighed and shook his head. 'No I'm not...' He muttered, he raised his hand and twirled a lock of my hair around his finger. 'I'm not right... I'll tell him.' I smiled a little and placed my hand on his. 'We'll help you.' We walked out of the room, ready to spill everything to the sheriff, but we were shocked to see our school counsellor in the room, a.k.a Doctor D's sister. The sheriff and his deputy left and she walked over to us. 'Listen closely, no sheriff, deputy or detective is going to be able to find him...' She told us. 'You don't have to ask us for help.' Scott said. 'Actually, I'm trying to help you. Because if you're going to find my brother then you're going to need to use the one person who might actually have the ability to seek out the supernatural.' She said and the three of us looked at each with a sigh. 'Lydia.' Stiles said. We went back to school as fast as possible. For some reason the fire alarm was going off, some idiot probably had her hair stuck in it again. Stiles and I went off the find Lydia. 'Why again would she be in coach's office?' Stiles asked. 'Just a feeling.' I shrugged. It was her free period, and if I remember right Aiden also has a free period now, so yeah she's in coach's office. We went through the locker room, I quickly stopped Stiles by placing my hand on his chest. He was about to ask what was wrong but I pressed a finger to my lips telling him to shut up. 'There's someone in there with her.' I mouthed. I told him to be quiet because that someone wasn't Aiden. 'Derek would like to kindly ask you to stop seeing Aiden, which means that if I catch you with him again, I'm not going to pull the fire alarm, I'm going to pull your tongue out of your head.' It was Cora, Derek's sister. Ugh. 'Sweetheart, my last boyfriend was a homicidal lizard so I think I can handle a werewolf.' Lydia replied and I grinned. You go girl. 'Let go.' Lydia then said meaning it was time for me and Stiles to interrupt. I grabbed his hand and walked around the corner. 'I said...' -'Let go.' Stiles said finishing Lydia's sentence and causing both girls to look our way. I smiled sweetly. 'Before I pull your tongue out of your head.' I shrugged. Cora let go of Lydia's arm and didn't look to happy. 'You two, nearest classroom, now, let's go.' I said. I didn't give them time to ask why as I was already pushing them out of coach's office. As soon as we were sat down in another classroom, Stiles pulled out the box that we brought out of my bag. Of course after explaining what were up to. 'Ouija board?' Lydia asked with raised eyebrows. 'Also called a spirit board, and it's worth a shot.' Stiles said. 'Shot in the dark...' Lydia muttered. 'Could you just try it, please?' I sighed. 'Okay? For Scott's boss? Who saved our collective asses more than once?' Stiles added. That seemed to have gotten her over the edge. We all placed our hands on the planchette and we all were quiet for few seconds. I nudged Stiles side motioning him to do something before this turned awkward. 'Where is Dr. Deaton?' He asked. Nothing. We all looked around, not knowing what to do next. 'Aren't you going to answer it?' Stiles asked Lydia. 'Oh I don't know the answer!' She replied. 'I thought we were asking some sort of spirit.' She shrugged. 'Well do you know any spirits?' Cora asked and Lydia pulled a face. 'Is this girl for real?' She asked jerking a thumb in Cora's direction. Stiles sighed. 'Okay, next plan.' He searched through my bag again and pulled out Deaton's keys for the clinic. 'Close your eyes and I'm gonna put them in your hand. And then we're just gonna try and see if you can feel out for his location, it's called psychometry.' Stiles explained. 'I'm not a psychic.' Lydia pointed out. Stiles stared at her for a bit. 'You're something! Okay?' He exclaimed and I quickly placed my hand over his mouth. I smiled at the two girls. 'Lydia, please put out your hand and try before he's in a bad mood for the rest of the day, he's no use to me in a bad mood.' I told them. Lydia sighed, closed her eyes and put out her hand. Stiles placed them in her hand and as soon as they touched her hand she made a noise. 'What?' Stiles asked. 'They're cold.' She shrugged and Stiles pulled this face that I think was supposed to look irritated but to me it just looked totally adorable. 'Lydia, concentrate, please. We're trying to save lives here for the love of god...' He sighed. She closed her eyes again, we all looked at her as a frown appeared on her face. 'What do you see?' I asked quietly. She opened her eyes. 'Nothing...' She said now sounding a little bored. Stiles groaned and hid his face in my neck. 'It's okay baby, just keep breathing...' I chuckled as I patted his back. 'Sammy, your heart is pounding.' He noticed. 'What? No?' I said confused. 'Yeah, it is, I can even hear it.' He said as he stood back up straight. 'It must be Scott...' I muttered. 'Wait? What? What's going on?' Cora asked confused. 'A weird twin werewolf thing. Only they don't turn into one big werewolf.' Lydia shrugged. 'God dammit what is he up to...' I sighed and turned to walk away but Stiles grabbed my hand. 'It's probably nothing, he's probably with Allison or something just... let's try one more thing okay?' He asked. I sighed and shrugged saying it was okay. 'Automatic writing.' He then said before going through my bag again and pulling out a pencil. He handed it to Lydia. 'Automatic writing?' She asked. Stiles nodded. She sighed and bent down over the paper in front of her. 'Lydia what are you doing?' Stiles asked as he looked closer. 'What the hell is that?' He exclaimed. 'A tree.' Lydia replied proudly. 'A tr- Lydia you're supposed to be writing words. In sentences like a location, something that would tell us where he is!' Stiles rambled. 'Well maybe you should've just said that!' She replied. 'It's a pretty good tree though...' I noticed and she smiled thankfully at me. 'Isn't she supposed to be some kind of genius?' Cora asked. 'Genius, yes. Psychic, no... Honestly I don't know why you've been bothering with me anyway. Especially since it's obvious you should be talking to Danny.' She said and mine and Stiles' heads turned to her. 'Wait, what? Why Danny?' Stiles asked. 'Because.' Scott's voice suddenly sounded, he was holding onto his bleeding shoulder. 'Last night he was a target, but it wasn't a sacrifice.

Hellooooooow my beautiful lovely little readers :D

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