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'Scott, someone's calling you.' I sighed when the buzzing sound woke me up. 'Then answer it.' Scott replied with a sigh. 'It's your phone.' I told him. 'It's also my bed you're sleeping in.' He shot back. 'Could be Kira.' I shrugged. 'Could also be Stiles.' Scott replied. I sighed. 'Fine, I'll put it on speaker.' I grumbled. I reached out my hand for the night stand and grabbed the phone. I put it on loudspeaker and placed it on the bed between us. I waited for someone to speak but nothing came. I lifted my head a bit to look who was calling. It was Stiles. 'Stiles?' I asked. Scott leaned on his elbow. 'Stiles, dude, you alright?' He asked. I could hear someone breathing but it sounded like the connection was really bad. 'Stiles, are you there?' I asked. 'S-Sammy? Scott?' I was immediately alarmed by the fear in his voice. We both sat up straight in the bed. 'Stiles, we're here can you hear us?' Scott asked holding up the phone. 'I-I don't know where I am...I don't know how I got here. I think I was sleepwalking.' Stiles replied, panic clearly audible in his voice. 'Okay, Stiles listen to me, it's alright. Just tell us what you see.' I said. 'I don't know, it's dark, it's hard to see. Oh no, there's something wrong with me...' He said and then the connection was broken. Scott and I looked at each other with wide eyes. Scott stood up and called him again, but he got his voicemail. 'Hey...This is Stiles. You missed me. Leave a message and I'll possibly get back to in maybe a week or so. Unless you're my girlfriend. Then I'll call you back in like a minute or so.' I heard and I rolled my eyes yet grinning a little. Scott tried again two more times but then suddenly Stiles called him again. 'Stiles?' Scott asked as he pressed the phone to his ear. 'Scott I don't think I can get out of here I can't move.' He said. 'Where are you?' Scott asked. 'I don't know. It's too dark I can't see much but somethings wrong with my leg, it's stuck on something I think it's bleeding.' Stiles said. 'How bad? Stiles how bad is it?' Scott asked pacing around his room. 'There's some kind of smell down here... something smells terrible down here. It's brutal my eyes are watery.' He replied. 'Okay listen, I'm gonna call you dad.' Scott said. 'Wait no, no, no.' Stiles said quickly making me confused. 'Just please, promise me you won't call him he already worries enough about me.' Stiles said. 'What if I can't find you? Stiles I can't make a promise like that.' Scott rambled. 'No, no, just please don't call him. You can do it, you and Sammy, you can find me.' He said. 'I don't know if I can.' Scott said. 'Oh no, no, I have to turn to phone off.' Stiles said. I frowned and stood up from the bed. 'I'm gonna call you right back.' Stiles said and he hung up. Scott and I looked at each other for a second. He ran for his closet for clothes and I ran out of the room to Isaac's room. 'Isaac get up!' I yelled as I banged on the door. He opened the door looking very sleepy and confused. 'What's wrong?' He asked. 'It's Stiles.' I breathed. 'Get dressed, now!' I said. As we were running down the stairs my phone buzzed. 'Stiles? Stiles oh my god are you alright?' I quickly asked. 'Did you call him? Did you call my dad?' He asked. 'No, no, just Isaac, we're coming to find you baby it's going to be alright. Look, can you figure out where you are? Try to find something to tell us where to look.' I rambled. 'It's a basement, I don't know some kind of basement.' He replied. He sounded so scared. 'In a house?' I asked. 'No, it looks bigger, like industrial. I think there's a furnace. But It's cold, it's freezing down here. I got- I gotta turn the phone off Sammy it's gonna die.' He said and I rapidly shook my head. 'No, no, wait, what else is there what do you see?' I asked. 'The phone's dying. I can't- I can't talk, just please...' He replied. 'Stiles why are you whispering?' I asked confused. 'Because I think there's someone in here with me.' He replied in a whisper and my eyes widened.


We started our search for Stiles at his own house, maybe in his room there could be some clues to where he went. I opened the door with my key and Scott wasn't even surprised that I had one. We ran up the stairs and opened his bedroom door the find Lydia and Aiden. 'How'd you know? Did he call you too?' I asked. 'I heard.' Lydia replied. 'Don't ask.' Aiden told Isaac who was probably about to ask how that's possible. 'It's more confusing when you ask.' He said and Isaac nodded not wanting it to get more confusing. 'Not as confusing as this...' Lydia muttered nodding at Stiles' bed. I frowned as I watched this weird piece of art. Loads of red strings were attached to his bed at the same point, tied to a pair of scissors that was plugged into his mattress, and then every one of 'em attached to pictures on the wall, leaving some kind of weird unfinished spider web. 'Red is for the unsolved cases, right?' Lydia asked me and I nodded. 'Maybe he thinks he's part of an unsolved case...' Aiden suggested. "Or is an unsolved case.' Isaac said and I glared at him. 'Hold on.' Lydia said turning around. 'Is he still out there? You don't know where he is?' She asked. 'If we did he'd be here wouldn't he?' I muttered with a sigh. 'He said he's in an industrial basement somewhere.' Scott said placing his hand on my shoulder. 'We came here to get a better scent.' Isaac added. 'What else did he say?' Lydia asked. 'Something about his leg, he's bleeding.' I said. 'And he's freezing.' Isaac added again. 'Tonight's the coldest night of the year, it's gonna drop into the 20s.' Aiden said. 'Thanks, that makes me feel a lot better.' I sighed with a sarcastic smile. 'What did his dad say?' Lydia asked quietly. 'He doesn't know.' Scott replied and her eyes widened. 'Your boyfriend is bleeding and freezing and you didn't tell his dad?' She asked me totally confused. 'He made us promise we wouldn't okay? We can find him by scent and if he was sleepwalking he couldn't have gotten far.' I said. 'You guys didn't notice his jeep is gone didn't you?' Aiden asked and my knees went weak. Scott quickly grabbed my waist to stop me from falling. 'Oh god...' I muttered. Lydia got out her phone. 'You guys promised not to call his dad but I didn't.' She said. 'Lydia hold on, I can get more help, I can get Derek, Allison...' Scott said but Lydia cut him off. 'Everyone except for the cops, great idea!' She said. 'You guys know she only gets these feeling when someone's about to die.' Aiden said and a growl escaped from my mouth. 'Does she feel you're about to die if you don't shut up?' I said. Scott grabbed my shoulder again. 'Stiles won't die. I'll personally make sure that won't happen. I don't care if he's in the frigging White House, okay?' I exclaimed. I let out a sigh. 'But Lydia is right.' I said turning to my brother. 'I don't care what I promised.' I said. 'With his jeep he could've gotten a lot further. And he's hurt. You don't have to call his dad, Lydia. It's 5 minutes to the station from here, I'll go tell him myself.' I said walking towards the door. Scott and Isaac nodded saying they were coming. Lydia told Aiden that they'd catch up with us later. 'Why?' Scott asked. 'There is something here.' She replied. 'Yeah, evidence of total insanity.' Isaac said and I got the urge to rip his head off. 'We can find out just how insane he is after he save him from freezing to death.' I said and walked out of the room.


I ran into the police station completely ignoring the officer telling me I couldn't just go there, he was new so he didn't know just how well and I knew the sheriff and his son. 'Miss, I'm serious, you have to wait here.' He said grabbing my shoulder to stop me. 'I have to speak with the sheriff. It's important.' I said as calm as possible. 'And may I ask why?' He asked me. Behind the officer I could see the sheriff walking around. 'Papa Stilinski! Sheriff! I have to talk to you it's Stiles! He's gone!' I yelled. The sheriff's eyes widened and he quickly walked over to us. 'Let her through! Let her through god dammit!' He yelled and the officer quickly let go of me. 'The three of you, come with me.' He said. We followed him into the other room where we told him everything. His hands had a tight grip around the table by the time we finished our story. 'If his jeep is gone then that's where he start.' He said. 'Parrish, let's get an APB out on a blue 1980 CJ-5 jeep.' He said and then looked at another officer. 'I want a list of any kind of industrial basement or sub-level, any building he could've gotten into while sleepwalking. It's the coldest night of the year so far so if he's out there barefoot and just a t-shirt he could already be hypothermic, let's move fast, let's think fast. Three of you, come with me.' He said and we followed him into his office. He closed the door behind him. 'Okay is there anything you need to tell me that I can't tell everyone out there?' He asked us. 'Lydia knew he was missing.' Scott said. 'And she'll find him?' The sheriff asked. 'She's working on it.' Isaac replied. 'Anything else?' The sheriff asked. 'I called Allison and Derek for help.' Scott said. 'Can you find him by scent?' Papa Stilinski asked us. I nodded. 'I'd find him in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.' I said. The sheriff smiled a little and the door opened. It was Deputy Parrish. 'We found it, sir. We found the jeep.' He said. 'Okay, let's go, Scott do you have your bike?' The sheriff asked and my brother nodded. 'Good, Samantha you can ride with me. Let's go.'

What the fuck is going on with this Charlie demon lol

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