Letharia Vulpina Part 2

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Stiles parked his jeep in the woods at the place where Coach always made us run, like today. Ethan and Scott already went out to stop Danny and Kira from running. We got out of the jeep and coach's jaw dropped. 'Stilinski!' He called out surprised. 'Coach listen, closely, you have to call them back.' Stiles said. Coach raised an eyebrow. 'And why is that?' He asked us. 'Just trust me, we gotta find them!' Stiles said and he already started running. Coach looked at me for help. I shrugged and ran after my boyfriend. We reached the group and Stiles yelled for everyone to stop. Stiles crouched down and picked up a piece of chain. He pulled the rest of the chain from the leaves and I held my breath, but then released it. Stiles reached the end of the chain and frowned. 'Congrats Stilinski!' Coach called. 'You found a length of chain!' He said clapping his hands together. 'Can somebody now please tell me what the hell is going on?' Coach asked stepping forward, I noticed a wire on the ground and my eyes widened. 'Coach wait!' I yelled but an arrow was already plugged into coach's stomach. He looked down at the arrow. 'Oh crap.' He muttered before falling down the ground. The whole group stood in a circle around him. Coach screamed but it wasn't a scream of pain, it was more a scream of annoyance. 'Get it out of me!' He yelled and we had to hold him down so he wouldn't get up. 'Get it out of me! Oh, my, god! I'm gonna die!' He yelled. 'You're not gonna die!' I told him. 'I'm gonna die!' He yelled back and I raised my eyebrows. 'You'll stop feeling like you're dying once you lay still! The ambulance is on its way!' I yelled back. I looked up at Ethan who thought the same thing as me. 'Get back!' He told the group who was still standing around us. 'Stop staring like a bunch of tourists give him some space!' I yelled moving my arms telling them to step back. Stiles was holding pressure on the wound and Scott was taking some of his pain away. Wait, what? My head spun around and I shot my brother a stern look. 'Move over.' I told Ethan and I took his place also grabbing on of coach's hands. 'What are you doing?' Scott asked between deep takes of breath. 'What does it looks like?' The black lines appeared on my hand and I gasped for breath once I felt the pain all over my body. 'Sam, stop it!' Scott said. I released coach's hand and fell back on my butt. 'I think he just passed out...' Ethan said. Stiles pulled back his hands and stared at his bloody hands. 'I could've killed him...' He muttered. 'What if it was his head or his throat?' He said. 'But it wasn't.' Scott said. 'And he's gonna make it.' I added. 'I think I can hear the ambulance coming.' Ethan then said. 'And my dad...' Stiles sighed.


Scott and I watched coach being taking into the ambulance and Stiles' embracing his father by the car. I sighed a little. He could be gone again tomorrow for all we know. This thing inside him... There has to be a way to get it out of him. 'Scott, Sam, you better come look at this.' Ethan said and we walked over to him to the back of Stiles' jeep. There was a bag filled with bolts and nails and for some reason wrapping paper. 'This is the same wrapping paper we just on coach's birthday present.' Scott noticed. 'Isn't that William Barrow's thing?' Ethan asked. 'A bomb made out of nails and bolts and wrapped in a birthday present? Where'd it go off?' He asked. 'On a school bus.' I replied as I turned around and looked at my boyfriend with wide eyes.

About half an hour later we were all back at the school and Deputy Parrish went on the bus to check if this bomb is real. Apparently there was someone on the bus who picked it up. 'Hey, sheriff!' I yelled and the sheriff turned around. I'd just go over to him and ask but they placed fences to keep us away from the scene. 'Who's the kid holding the bomb?' I asked. 'Some kid names Jarred.' He replied and Stiles and I shared a look. 'You know him?' Papa Stilinski asked us. 'We have some history.' I shrugged with a sigh. 'It's not a bomb sir.' Deputy Parrish said through the radio and the sheriff let out a sigh of relief. 'But there is something inside the box.' He said. Parrish walked towards the front of the bus and placed the object that was inside against the window. It was a nameplate with the word "Sheriff Stilinski" on it. We all shared confused looks. 'Oh god... There is a bomb but not here...' The sheriff muttered. He quickly walked over to us. 'The sheriff station, now!' He said and we all nodded running to our vehicles. Once arrived at the station we saw the bomb had already gone off. We went inside and the sheriff called for an ambulance. Stiles called for Scott, he was crouched down next to a badly wounded officer. I looked around and frowned when I saw Mr. Argent and Derek. I walked over to them. 'What are you two doing- holy bananas Derek!' I exclaimed when I noticed his back, it was filled with pieces of glass. 'I'm okay.' He said yet made a painful face. His eyes widened when he saw the look on my face. 'Don't you dare think about pulling the glass out of my back.' He warned and I rolled my eyes. 'Fine, I'll leave it in then, have fun.' I told him. I noticed Kira run in from the corner of my eye. 'The Oni, they're coming!' She said. I closed my eyes and sighed. 'Great.' I muttered. I ran over to them and grabbed Stiles' hand. 'We gotta get you out of here.' I said. We ran inside and got into the jeep. 'Welcome to Stiles' backseat.' I told Kira with a sigh. 'Unfortunately we can't offer you any food or drinks since this is a pretty crappy backseat. But we still hope you enjoy your stay. We only take cash.' I told her and she frowned a little. Stiles sighed as he turned his head to look at us but he yet smiled. 'I love it when you do that.' He muttered. I smiled and reached over to kiss his cheek. 'Animal clinic?' I then asked my brother. 'Yeah, the place in lined with Mountain Ash. It will buy us some time.' He replied. 'But they can get through it?' Stiles asked. 'Yeah, eventually.' Scott replied. 'Anyone got any better ideas?' Stiles then asked Scott and I looked at him with raised eyebrows. 'Okay, sure, animal clinic.' He said focusing his eyes on the road again. We arrived at the animal clinic and quickly ran for the door. I saw three dark figures in the rain and I nudged Scott's side. He grabbed his keys from his pocket and handed them to me. 'Get him inside.' He told me. 'No! I can help fight them off!' I shot back. 'Sammy, you have to keep an eye on him.' Scott said and I nodded running towards the door. Kira though didn't listen and she started throwing things at the Oni. I grabbed Stiles' arm and pulled him inside. 'Come on, to the back!' Stiles said and we ran into the other room. I gasped for breath as I suddenly felt like someone plugged a hole in my stomach. 'Sammy?' Stiles called as he grabbed my shoulders. I pressed my hands to my stomach and when I pulled them back they were gushing with blood. I looked up at Stiles with wide eyes before falling down to my knees. 'Samantha!' Stiles exclaimed as he crouched down in front of me and grabbed my bloody hands in his. 'I think Scott just got impaled.' I muttered. 'You think?' Stiles asked, not able to hold back a chuckle. 'Wait here.' He said before running outside. I winced in pain as I pressed my hands against the wound again. Not much later Kira and Stiles stumbled inside, holding up Scott by his arms. Scott leaned against a table and scrambled up to my feet again. I placed my hands around the sword. 'This is gonna hurt like a bitch.' I told him before I started pulling on the sword. Suddenly someone grabbed a firm grip on my arm and lifted it off the sword. I groaned in pain and looked up at Stiles. He twisted my arm and I let out a painful squeak. 'Stiles?' I squeaked but the look on his face said enough, this wasn't my Stiles. With one easy movement he smashed my head against the table and I blacked out.

GOOD MORNIN- nvr mnd it's 12:40 pm

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